Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

We all need love, support, and encouragement from the people in our lives, but there are some needs they just can’t fulfil.

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While there’s nothing wrong with relying on the people you trust, you also need to be able to back yourself and self-soothe sometimes. Here are some of the emotional needs that no one else should be responsible for but you.

1. Loving yourself, warts and all

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Yeah, it’s nice when other people big you up, but really loving yourself is all on you. It’s about being cool with all your bits — the good, the bad, and the weird. No amount of outside cheering can replace that inner “You know what? I’m alright” feeling.

2. Finding your own reason to get out of bed

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Your life’s purpose isn’t something you can pick up at the shops. Sure, other people might give you ideas, but figuring out your “why” is your own puzzle to solve. It’s about figuring out what matters to you, not what everyone else thinks should matter.

3. Backing yourself, no matter what

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Look, compliments are great, but they’re like sugar — a quick high that doesn’t last. Real self-esteem has to come from within. It’s a deep-rooted sense that you’re a good person, even when you’re having an off day.

4. Chilling out in your own head

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Nobody else can zen you out. That peaceful, easy feeling comes from learning to handle your own thoughts and reactions. However, getting there is something you have to learn yourself — it’s definitely not something anyone else can do for you.

5. Levelling up as a person

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Your friends can and should cheer you on, but personal growth is a journey you’ve got to embark on alone.  Deciding to learn new stuff, change old habits, or just be a bit better is all you. The best part is, achieving these things feels amazing, especially when you know it’s all down to you.

6. Finding your own brand of happy

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Happiness isn’t something you can borrow from someone else — it’s more like a muscle you build up over time. Yeah, good times with friends are great, but that deep-down contentment is something you’ll only discover through deep self-reflection.

7. Cutting yourself some slack

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Other people might let you off the hook, but forgiving yourself is your job. It’s about owning up to your mess-ups, learning from them, and then not beating yourself up forever. Show yourself a bit of grace — you deserve it.

8. Figuring out who the heck you are


Sure, people around you shape you a bit, but the core you is a journey of self-discovery you’ll have to go on solo. Getting what makes you tick, what you stand for is incredibly enlightening and rewarding, so get excited!

9. Lighting your own fire

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Outside motivation is like a push start — helpful, but not reliable long-term. Real, lasting get-up-and-go comes from your own inner spark. It’s what keeps you going even when no one’s watching or cheering.

10. Learning to trust your gut


Trusting yourself is something you learn by doing. It’s about making calls, dealing with what happens, and learning from it all. Advice is great, but that “I’ve got this” feeling? That comes from your own life lessons.

11. Keeping your cool when things heat up

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Managing your feelings is like learning to drive — someone can give you tips, but you’ve got to get behind the wheel yourself. Knowing when you’re about to blow your top and how to chill out is something that’s up to you to figure out.

12. Knowing your own right from wrong

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Yeah, we all get influenced by what’s around us, but your core values are down to your own personal beliefs and ways of looking at the world. Sticking to what you believe in, even when it’s tough, is your own personal superhero moment.

13. Being your own cheerleader

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Being kind to yourself, especially when you’ve messed up, is something only you can really nail. It’s like being your own best friend and giving yourself a break when you need it most.

14. Bouncing back when life knocks you down

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Getting back up after a fall is something you learn by doing. Sure, a helping hand is nice, but learning how to bounce back all on your own is something you can handle solo. There’s nothing more rewarding than learning from the tough times and choosing to keep going.

15. Feeling good about your life choices

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That deep-down “Yeah, this is my life, and it’s pretty good” feeling comes from living your way, chasing your own dreams. Friends can add to the fun, but no one can instil a sense of contentment in you. That’s something you’ll have to sort out on your own.