15 Little Things To Do When You’re Feeling Worthless

Feelings of worthlessness can overwhelm you at the most random of times.


Maybe you missed out on a job you wanted, or you were rejected by a date you really liked, and now you feel like there’s something wrong with you (or everything wrong with you). That’s not true, of course, but you can’t simply talk yourself out of feeling like absolute rubbish about yourself. However, you can start reclaiming your confidence little by little by doing these things. Try them — they’re worth a shot.

1. Set a small, doable goal for the day.


When you’re feeling low, even the simplest achievement can make a difference. Pick something manageable, like tidying up your desk or sending a text you’ve been putting off. Checking off this one thing will remind you that you can get things done, and it’s a little boost to get the momentum going.

2. Take a few minutes to focus on your breathing.


Find a quiet space and spend just a couple of minutes breathing deeply. It might sound basic, but focusing on your breath can really help calm those swirling thoughts. Just being in the moment can help you step back from the negative feelings and feel a bit more grounded.

3. Jot down three things you’re grateful for.

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Gratitude helps shift your focus, even if just a little bit. Take a moment to write down three things—big or small—that you appreciate in your life. It helps redirect your brain from the negative spiral and reminds you that, even on the worst days, there’s still good around you.

4. Do something nice for someone else.

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Doing a small, thoughtful act for someone else can lift your spirits. Whether it’s texting a friend to check in, holding a door open, or giving someone a compliment, these tiny gestures remind you of the positive impact you can have. It’s a subtle way to boost both your mood and theirs.

5. Tidy up your space.

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A messy space can make you feel even more overwhelmed. Take five or ten minutes to tidy up your immediate surroundings—it could be as simple as clearing off a cluttered counter. Bringing a little order to your environment can give you a sense of control and help ease some of that mental clutter.

6. Listen to music that makes you feel good.

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Music has a way of shifting our mood, so pick something that makes you feel good and leave the Adele ballads behind, at least for a bit. Whether it’s a song that gets you moving or a calming podcast, a few minutes of listening can really turn things around and give you a little extra pep in your step.

7. Go for a walk.

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Get out into the fresh air, even if it’s just for a quick walk around the block. Moving your body and changing your scenery, especially if you can get a bit of nature, helps clear your head and gives your mood a little reset.

8. Tap into a creative outlet.


Creativity can be a great way to push back against feelings of worthlessness. Even if it’s something small—doodling, writing a few lines, or rearranging things on your desk—just the act of creating reminds you that you’ve got unique talents and perspectives.

9. Reach out to someone who supports you.

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Sometimes, all you need is a quick chat with someone who gets you. Text or call a friend or family member who makes you feel good, even if it’s just to say hello. A little connection with someone who cares can remind you that you matter to the people in your life.

10. Flip your negative self-talk.

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If your inner voice has been dragging you down, it’s time to switch it up. When you catch yourself in a negative thought, pause and replace it with something kinder. Instead of “I can’t do anything right,” try “I’m doing the best I can.” Over time, these little adjustments make a huge difference in how you feel about yourself.

11. Do something small for self-care.

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Treat yourself to something that makes you feel cared for, even if it’s just making your favourite cup of tea or taking a few extra minutes for a skincare routine. Little acts of self-care remind you that you deserve to be looked after, even if you’re the one doing it for yourself.

12. Look through some old photos or memories.

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Take a few minutes to scroll through pictures or pull out mementos that remind you of happy times. Reconnecting with those good memories can remind you that you’ve had great moments and that you’re capable of creating more.

13. Write a short list of your strengths.

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When you’re feeling worthless, it’s easy to forget all the things you’re good at. Take a moment to jot down a few of your strengths or things you’ve accomplished. It’s a good reminder that you have plenty to offer, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment.

14. Check in with how your body’s feeling.

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Sometimes, feeling down emotionally can be tied to something physical. Are you hungry? Thirsty? In need of a nap? Check in with what your body needs and take care of it—sometimes a quick snack or a glass of water can do wonders for your mood.

15. Set a small, positive task for the future.

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Give yourself something to look forward to, even if it’s small. Plan to grab coffee with a friend, watch a new movie, or read that book you’ve been eyeing. Having something in the pipeline can give you a sense of purpose and remind you that better moments are ahead.

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