Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Plenty of people have a fear of abandonment, and it’s not always caused by being left as a child (though that’s certainly one cause).


Those who are terrified of the people they love leaving them behind may have developed this fear for a variety of reasons, none of which are pleasant. Here are some of the common root causes that may contribute to your abandonment issues. If you recognise yourself in any of these, and if you really struggle with this issue, it’s worth contacting a mental health professional.

1. Childhood neglect leaves lasting scars.

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When parents fail to meet a child’s emotional or physical needs, it can create a deep-seated fear of abandonment. Kids who grow up feeling neglected often struggle to trust that anyone will stick around. The early experience of not having your needs met can make you constantly worry that people will leave you high and dry.

2. Divorce or separation of parents creates uncertainty.

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Watching your parents split up can really shake your belief in lasting relationships. Even if the divorce isn’t messy, it can make you wonder if any relationship is truly stable. Experiencing this can plant the seed of doubt that people you love might one day decide to leave.

3. Sudden loss of a loved one instils fear.

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Losing someone you care about without warning can be traumatic. Whether it’s through death, a move, or a sudden cut-off in communication, the abrupt absence leaves a mark. It can make you wary of getting close to people, fearing they might disappear from your life just as suddenly.

4. Repeated rejections in friendships or dating hurt.

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Being turned down or ghosted multiple times can really knock your confidence. Each rejection can feel like proof that you’re not worth sticking around for. Over time, this can lead to a fear that everyone you care about will eventually reject you and leave.

5. Betrayal by a trusted person breaks faith.

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When someone you fully trusted lets you down big time, it can shatter your ability to believe in others. This betrayal, whether it’s cheating, lying, or breaking a major promise, can make you constantly on edge, waiting for the next person to betray and leave you.

6. Moving frequently as a child disrupts stability.

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Kids who move a lot often struggle to form lasting friendships. Always being the new kid and having to say goodbye to friends can make relationships feel temporary. The constant upheaval can lead to a fear of getting close to people, knowing you might have to leave them soon.

7. Witnessing domestic violence creates insecurity.

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Growing up in a home with domestic violence can severely impact your view of relationships. Seeing one parent mistreat or leave the other can make you fear the same happening in your own relationships. It can create a constant worry that conflict will lead to abandonment.

8. Being bullied or ostracised at school affects self-worth.

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Kids who face bullying, or social exclusion often develop deep-seated insecurities. Being left out or picked on can make you feel unworthy of friendship and love. It can turn into a fear that people will always end up rejecting or leaving you, just like your school peers did.

9. Having an inconsistent caregiver creates attachment issues.

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When a parent or guardian is unpredictable in their care and attention, it can lead to attachment problems. Never knowing if your needs will be met can make you anxious in all relationships. You might constantly fear that people will be inconsistent and eventually leave you altogether.

10. Experiencing a traumatic breakup leaves emotional scars.

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A particularly painful end to a romantic relationship can really shake your faith in love. If you were deeply invested and got your heart broken, it might make you wary of future relationships. The fear of going through that pain again can make you worry about people leaving before things even get serious.

11. Being abandoned by a parent affects trust.

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If one of your parents left when you were young, it can have a huge impact on your ability to trust people. Early abandonment can make you constantly afraid that other important people in your life will leave too. It can be hard to believe that anyone will truly stick around for the long haul.

12. Growing up with addiction in the family creates uncertainty.

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Living with a family member who struggles with addiction can make life feel very unstable. The unpredictable behaviour and emotional unavailability can leave you feeling constantly on edge. No wonder you develop a fear that people you care about will become unreliable or leave you when you need them most.

13. Experiencing gaslighting damages self-trust.

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Being in a relationship where someone constantly makes you doubt your own perceptions can be really damaging. This kind of emotional manipulation can leave you feeling unsure of yourself and your judgement. It can make you fear that you’ll miss the signs of someone planning to leave, making you anxious in all your relationships.

14. Losing a job unexpectedly shakes confidence.

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While not a personal relationship, losing a job suddenly can still trigger fears of abandonment. It can make you feel disposable and shake your confidence in your abilities, and can spill over into personal relationships, making you worry that people might leave you just as unexpectedly as you lost your job.

15. Having a serious illness strains relationships.

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Going through a major health crisis can put a lot of stress on your relationships. You might have experienced people pulling away when you needed them most. This can lead to a fear that when things get tough, people will leave rather than stick by you. It can make you wary of relying on anyone in the future.

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