
First impressions are everything, no matter how much we want to pretend otherwise.

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Whether correct or not, people make snap judgments about you the minute you meet, which means you’ll want to do whatever you can to put your best foot forward. Having positive body language, smiling, and making sure your hygiene and clothes are tidy can help, but what you say matters as well. If you want people to like and trust you pretty much instantly, here are some phrases to throw into your conversations.

1. “Tell me more about that.”

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Saying shows that you’re actually listening and genuinely interested in what the other person has to say. It encourages them to open up and share their thoughts and feelings, which creates a deeper connection between you. Plus, when you ask someone to elaborate, you also show how much you respect their perspectives and experiences. It creates a safe space for them to express themselves without fear of judgment, making them feel valued and understood.

2. “I understand how you feel.”

Envato Elements

This simple phrase can have a profound impact on someone who’s going through a tough time. It validates their emotions and lets them know that they’re not alone — and don’t we all want to feel that way?  When you say “I understand how you feel,” you’re not necessarily agreeing with their perspective or offering a solution (which they may not even want in the first place). You’re simply acknowledging their feelings and showing empathy, which can be incredibly comforting.

3. “How can I help?”


Offering to help shows that you’re willing to go the extra mile to support the other person. It lets them know that you have a genuine desire to be of service and a willingness to take action. Doing this not only builds trust and rapport, but also creates space for them to reciprocate if you ever find yourself in need. After all, people are more likely to like and trust someone who’s been there for them in the past.

4. “I appreciate your perspective.”

Envato Elements

This shows that you value the other person’s opinion, even if you don’t necessarily agree with it. You’re not saying that you’re on the same page or that you think what they’re saying is reasonable, but you are acknowledging their right to have their own opinions without you trying to belittle them or convince them otherwise. This attitude encourages open communication and mutual respect between you, which can help forge stronger bonds in the long run.

5. “I’m here for you.”

Envato Elements

Telling someone that you’re there for them is a really powerful expression of support and solidarity. It lets the other person know that they’re not alone and that you’re there to help them through whatever they are facing, which can make a massive difference. In saying this, you’re offering to be a reliable source of support in their life, whether it’s listening to their problems, giving them some advice, or even just being a shoulder to cry on.

6. “Thank you for sharing that with me.”

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It takes a lot of courage to open up and share vulnerable things about ourselves, so appreciating the fact that the other person trusted you enough to do so is a really lovely gesture. You not only make them feel valued and heard, but you also let them know that you’re a safe space for them to share tough stuff in the future. This puts them at ease and makes you seem incredibly trustworthy and supportive.

7. “I trust your judgment.”

Envato Elements

This is a solid vote of confidence in the other person’s abilities and decision-making skills. When you trust someone’s judgment, you’re giving them the autonomy to make their own choices and the freedom to be themselves. This can be incredibly empowering and can lead to a stronger sense of trust and mutual respect between you. It also lets them know that you’re not secretly thinking they’re an idiot, which is always important. No one wants to feel silly or dumb, especially when they’re not.

8. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Envato Elements

It seems a bit trite on the surface, but it can be incredibly comforting to someone who’s going through a difficult time. It acknowledges their pain and lets them know that you care. You’re not trying to solve their problems or taking responsibility for what’s going on, but you’re showing empathy and care while letting them know that you’re there to offer them support and understanding.

9. “That sounds really challenging.”

Unai Huizi

It’s so important to acknowledge the other person’s problems, even if they don’t seem like that big of a deal to you. It shows that you’re not brushing off their problems or dismissing their feelings, which goes a long way toward building trust. By saying this, you validate their experiences and show empathy. When you do this, they feel seen and heard, and there’s no better feeling than that.

10. “I’m glad you told me.”

Envato Elements

This shows that you value the other person’s honesty and openness, and it encourages them to continue sharing their thoughts and feelings with you. Some people might feel silly or embarrassed after sharing something vulnerable, so this lets them know that it’s totally okay — you’re not judging them and in fact, you’re pleased that they confided in you.

11. “What do you think?”

Jordi Mora (Jordi Tudela)

This simple question shows that you value the other person’s opinion and are willing to listen to their ideas. It also lets them know that you’re open to collaborating to find the best solution. This is really helpful when it comes to building trust, which can then lead to more effective problem-solving. It’s a win-win all around!

12. “I believe in you.”

Envato Elements

Sometimes we all need a little encouragement, and this is always nice to hear. It lets the other person know that you have faith in their abilities and believe that they can achieve their goals. This simple phrase boosts their confidence and also gives them a bit of inspiration to keep pushing toward their goals. Watch their motivation and self-esteem go through the roof!

13. “I’m proud of you.”

Valerii Honcharuk

It’s nice to recognise and celebrate the other person’s accomplishments, and this shows that you’re genuinely happy for their success and that you notice all the hard work they put in to get there. This makes your relationship so much stronger and also reinforces positive habits and behaviours, which will be a continual source of motivation for both of you.

14. “You’re not alone.”

Envato Elements

This reminds the other person that they have a support system and that they don’t have to deal with their problems entirely on their own. It can be incredibly comforting to know that someone’s there for you, especially during difficult times. Reminding someone that they’re not alone gives them a sense of hope and solitary, which helps them feel less isolated.

15. “I’m always here to listen.”


If you want to show that you’re a reliable source of support and that the other person can always count on you to lend a listening ear, say this. It creates a safe space for the other person to express how they’re feeling and what they’re thinking without worrying that they’re going to be judged for it. This can be so healing and help them feel more understood.