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We all know that person who loves to hear themselves talk, dropping knowledge bombs and expecting everyone to bow down to their superior intellect. The great thing is that you don’t have to sit there and take it. Here are some clever comebacks that’ll put them in their place without stooping to their level.

1. “That’s an interesting take, but have you ever thought about it from a different angle?”

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Don’t just sit there listening to their clearly misguided views. Instead, challenge their narrow-mindedness and encourage them to broaden their perspective a little bit. Who knows, they might actually learn something.

2. “I hear what you’re saying, but I’m going to go with my gut on this one.”


This one’s all about asserting your autonomy and decision-making power. You’re acknowledging their opinion, but ultimately, you’re the one calling the shots.

3. “Hang on a second, I’m not sure I’m following your train of thought here. Could you break that down for me again?”

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This is your go-to when someone’s trying to dazzle you with jargon or convoluted logic. Make them explain it in plain English, and you might just expose the holes in their argument.

4. “Look, I’m more interested in finding a solution than arguing about who’s right.”

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This one’s a subtle jab at their ego, reminding them that real progress comes from working together as a team, not competing. You’re the bigger person here, focused on results, not ego-stroking.

5. “That’s quite a claim. Do you have any sources to back that up?”

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This is a polite way to call their bluff. If they’re making bold statements without any evidence, this will force them to either put up or shut up.

6. “We seem to be getting a bit off-topic here. Can we bring it back to the main point?”

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When someone starts rambling or grandstanding, this is your cue to gently get the conversation back on track. You’re showing them you value focus and efficiency over their verbal acrobatics.

7. “Looks like we’re not going to see eye to eye on this one. Let’s just agree to disagree.”

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Sometimes, the best way to end a pointless argument is to simply acknowledge your differences and move on. No need to waste your breath on someone who’s clearly not listening.

8. “I’m always open to learning new things, but I don’t appreciate being lectured.”

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This one’s a firm but fair response to someone who’s trying to talk down to you. It shows you’re confident in your own intelligence and not afraid to stand up for yourself.

9. “You seem pretty fired up about this, but I’m not sure your facts are entirely straight.”

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This is a diplomatic way to point out when someone’s passion is clouding their judgment. You’re not dismissing their enthusiasm, but you’re also not letting them get away with spreading misinformation.

10. “Confidence is great, but remember, even the best of us can make mistakes.”

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A subtle reminder that no one is infallible, especially not the person who thinks they know everything. It’s a gentle nudge to check their ego before it leads them astray.

11. “Let’s focus on finding common ground instead of trying to one-up each other, yeah?”

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This is a good way of directly requesting a bit of teamwork, shifting the focus away from competition and ego-driven arguments. You’re showing them that you’re more interested in finding solutions than stroking their ego.

12. “Remember, being the smartest person in the room doesn’t always mean you have the best ideas.”

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This is a solid reminder that intelligence isn’t everything, and sometimes the most valuable insights come from unexpected sources. This subtly challenges their belief that their intellect makes them superior (though they might not take it to heart).

13. “I’m not really interested in playing this game of who’s smarter. Can we just have a normal conversation?”

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This is a clear and direct way to shut down their competitive behavior. You’re showing them you’re not intimidated by their intellectual posturing and you’d rather have a genuine connection.

14. “I respect knowledge and expertise, but arrogance is a major turn-off.”

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This one’s a zinger. You’re acknowledging their intelligence but calling out their attitude. It’s a subtle reminder that being smart doesn’t give them a free pass to be a jerk.

15. “Hold on there, partner. Are you sure about those facts? Maybe double-check them before you get too carried away.”

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This is a polite way to challenge their assumptions and remind them that even the most confident person can be wrong. It’s also a subtle way to undermine their authority without being overtly confrontational.