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Toxic relationships can be hard to spot, especially when you’re in one.

Instead of dawning on you all at once, the words used by manipulative partners can slowly destroy self-esteem and independence over time. Certain phrases, which a lot of people would consider harmless, can be subtle tools of control, designed to make you doubt yourself and feel trapped. With that in mind, here are some common phrases that toxic men use, often without us even realising their damaging effects.

1. “You’re lucky to have me.”

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This seemingly innocent remark is actually a way to undermine your confidence and make you feel indebted to them. It implies that you’re not good enough on your own and need them to be happy or successful. Remember, you bring value to the relationship, and you deserve someone who appreciates you for who you are.

2. “You’re overreacting.”

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This phrase is often used to dismiss your feelings and concerns. It’s a way to invalidate your emotions and make you question your own judgment. If you feel hurt or upset, it’s important to trust your instincts and not let someone else tell you how you should feel.

3. “If you loved me, you would…”

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This manipulative tactic is used to guilt-trip you into doing something you don’t want to do. It’s a way to exploit your love and make you feel obligated to fulfil their demands. Remember, love shouldn’t be conditional, and you should never be pressured into doing something that makes you uncomfortable.

4. “I’m the only one who really understands you.”

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This phrase is designed to isolate you from your friends and family. It creates a false sense of intimacy and makes you feel like you can’t rely on anyone else but them. It’s important to maintain your support network and not let anyone cut you off from the people who care about you.

5. “No one else would put up with you.”

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This hurtful remark is meant to make you feel worthless and unlovable. It’s a way to knock your self-esteem and make you believe that you’re lucky to have them, even if they treat you poorly. Remember, you deserve to be with someone who values and respects you.

6. “You’re so dramatic/crazy/emotional.”

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These words are often used to discredit your feelings and make you doubt your sanity. It’s a way to deflect blame and make you question your own perception of reality. It’s important to remember that your emotions are valid and shouldn’t be dismissed or belittled.

7. “You’re nothing without me.”

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This toxic phrase is designed to make you feel dependent on them. It’s a way to control you by making you believe that you need them to survive or thrive. Remember, you are strong and capable, and you can achieve great things on your own.

8. “It’s your fault I did this.”

Valerii Honcharuk

This manipulative tactic is used to shift blame and avoid responsibility for their own actions. It’s a way to make you feel guilty and responsible for their bad behaviour. It’s important to remember that you are not responsible for someone else’s choices or mistakes.

9. “You’re so sensitive.”

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This phrase is often used to dismiss your emotions and make you feel like you’re being irrational or unreasonable. It’s a way to invalidate your feelings and make you question your own reactions. Remember, everyone has different levels of sensitivity, and it’s not your fault if something hurts your feelings.

10. “I’m just joking.”

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This dismissive remark is often used after a hurtful comment or insult. It’s a way to avoid taking responsibility for their words and make you feel like you’re being too sensitive or can’t take a joke. If a joke hurts your feelings, it’s not a joke, it’s just mean.

11. “You’re always starting arguments.”

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This phrase is a classic example of gaslighting. It’s a way to shift the blame for their own bad behaviour onto you. By making you feel like you’re the instigator of conflict, they can avoid taking responsibility for their own actions and words.

12. “I don’t know why you’re so insecure.”

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This phrase is a way to belittle your concerns and make you feel like your feelings are unfounded. It’s a way to invalidate your emotions and make you question your own self-worth. Remember, your feelings are valid, and you deserve to be with someone who makes you feel secure and loved.

13. “You’re lucky I’m so patient with you.”

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This condescending remark is a way to make you feel grateful for their tolerance, even if they’re treating you poorly. It’s a way to maintain control and power in the relationship by making you feel like you’re lucky to have them, even if they’re not treating you well.

14. “You wouldn’t understand.”


This phrase is often used to dismiss your opinions or concerns. It’s a way to shut down communication and make you feel like your thoughts and feelings are unimportant. It’s important to remember that your voice matters, and you deserve to be heard in a relationship.

15. “You’re too good for me.”


This seemingly self-deprecating remark can actually be a manipulative tactic. It can make you feel guilty for wanting more from the relationship or question whether you deserve better treatment. It’s important to remember that you deserve to be with someone who treats you with love and respect.