Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

There’s no sense in denying the fact that we’re all addicted to our phones.

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It doesn’t matter if you just picked it up quickly to check the time or see if an email came through — hours go by, and there you are, still scrolling. I know this from personal experience! I want to spend less time on my phone, and if you do too, here are some tips to try.

1. Identify your triggers.

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Start by paying attention to when and why you reach for your phone. Is it boredom, stress, or a specific app that keeps drawing you in? Once you figure out what’s keeping you so glued to your device, you can start developing strategies to address them. Understanding your habits is the first step to breaking free from them.

2. Set designated phone-free zones and times.

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Create specific areas in your home, like the bedroom or dining table, where phones are off-limits. Similarly, designate certain times of the day, like during meals or before bed, as phone-free periods. This helps establish boundaries and reduces the temptation to constantly check your device.

3. Turn off non-essential notifications.

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Those constant pings and buzzes can be incredibly distracting. Go through your app settings and disable notifications for anything that isn’t truly urgent. This will help you stay focused on what you’re working on and and reduce the urge to pick up your phone every time it vibrates.

4. Rearrange your apps.

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Move the most tempting apps off your home screen and into folders. This makes them less accessible and reduces the likelihood of mindlessly opening them. You can even try deleting social media apps altogether and only accessing them through your web browser, adding an extra step to discourage impulsive use.

5. Replace phone time with engaging activities.

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Find alternative ways to fill your time. Read a book, pursue a hobby, go for a walk, or spend time with loved ones. The more you engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfilment, the less appealing your phone will become. Rediscover the pleasures of the offline world.

6. Use apps to track and limit your usage.

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There are several apps available that can monitor how much time you spend on your phone and even set limits on specific app usage. These tools can provide valuable insights into your habits and help you stay accountable to your goals. Knowledge is power when it comes to breaking free from digital distractions.

7. Leave your phone in another room.

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When you’re trying to focus on a task or simply relax, try leaving your phone in another room. This physical separation can help you resist the urge to check it and allow you to be fully present in the moment. Out of sight, out of mind.

8. Practice mindful phone usage.

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Before reaching for your phone, pause and ask yourself why you’re doing it. Are you genuinely looking for information or connection, or are you simply trying to avoid boredom or discomfort? Cultivating mindfulness around your phone usage can help you make more intentional choices and reduce mindless scrolling.

9. Set a timer for social media browsing.


It’s easy to lose track of time when scrolling through social media feeds. Set a timer for a specific amount of time and stick to it. Once the timer goes off, log out and engage in other activities. This helps you maintain control over your social media consumption and avoid falling down the rabbit hole.

10. Use “Do Not Disturb” mode strategically.

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Take advantage of your phone’s “Do Not Disturb” mode to silence notifications and minimise distractions during specific times of the day. This can help you focus on important tasks or enjoy uninterrupted quality time with loved ones. Don’t let your phone dictate your schedule; you’re in control.

11. Carry a book or a journal with you.

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Instead of automatically reaching for your phone during idle moments, have a book or a journal handy. Use those spare minutes to read a few pages or jot down your thoughts and ideas. This not only reduces screen time but also encourages intellectual and creative pursuits.

12. Engage in real-life conversations.

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Make an effort to connect with people face-to-face. Have meaningful conversations, share experiences, and build relationships offline. Real-life interactions can be far more fulfilling and enriching than virtual ones. Put down your phone and connect with the world around you.

13. Rediscover the joy of boredom.

Yuri Arcurs

Embrace moments of boredom. Instead of immediately reaching for your phone to fill the void, allow yourself to simply be. Let your mind wander, daydream, or simply observe your surroundings. Boredom can spark creativity and lead to unexpected insights. Give yourself the space to think and feel without the constant distraction of your phone.

14. Challenge yourself to a digital detox.

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Periodically disconnect from all digital devices for a set period, whether it’s a few hours, a day, or even a weekend. Use this time to reconnect with yourself, nature, and the people around you. A digital detox can be a refreshing reset and help you appreciate the benefits of a less connected life.

15. Be patient and persistent.

Yuri Arcurs

Breaking free from phone addiction takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you slip up or find it challenging at first. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and keep experimenting with different strategies until you find what works best for you. Remember, it’s a journey, not a destination. With patience and persistence, you can reclaim your time and attention and live a more balanced and fulfilling life.