Yuri Arcurs

Ever wondered if people secretly admire you?

Yuri Arcurs

It’s not always obvious, especially since admiration can be expressed in subtle ways that are easy to miss. While some people might shower you with compliments, others show their admiration through quieter, less direct signals. Here’s how you know you’re held in pretty high regard.

1. People often ask for your advice or opinion.

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When people value your insights and judgement, they’ll seek you out for guidance. They trust your perspective and believe you have something valuable to offer. This can be anything from career advice to relationship dilemmas to simply choosing a new restaurant. If you find yourself being the go-to person for advice, it’s a clear sign that people respect your wisdom and admire your ability to think things through.

2. They mirror your behaviour or mannerisms.


We often unconsciously mimic the behaviour of people we admire. Pay attention to whether people adopt your phrases, gestures, or even fashion choices. While it might seem like a small thing, it indicates they’re paying close attention to you and find your style or way of doing things appealing. It’s a subtle form of flattery, and it shows they hold you in high regard.

3. They remember the details you share.

Avelino Calvar Martinez

Have you ever mentioned a minor detail about your life, only to have someone bring it up weeks or even months later? This shows they were genuinely listening to you and value what you have to say. It’s a sign of respect and admiration, as they’ve taken the time to remember the things that are important to you. It’s a small but meaningful gesture that demonstrates their interest in you as a person.

4. They include you in their plans and goals.

Yuri Arcurs

When people admire you, they want you to be a part of their lives. They’ll include you in their future plans, whether it’s a weekend getaway, a career move, or even starting a family. They value your input and believe your presence will enhance their experiences. This is a clear sign that they see you as an important part of their life and want you by their side as they move forward.

5. They defend you in your absence.

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Have you ever heard from a friend or colleague that someone spoke highly of you when you weren’t around? This is a major indicator of admiration. It shows that they’re willing to stand up for you and your reputation, even when you’re not there to defend yourself. It means they genuinely believe in you and your abilities, and they’re not afraid to let other people know it.

6. They celebrate your successes, big or small.

Portrait, fitness and smile of man in park with towel for break from exercise, workout and running . Envato Elements

People who admire you genuinely want you to succeed. They’ll celebrate your achievements, whether it’s a promotion at work, a personal milestone, or simply a good day. They’ll cheer you on, offer their support, and share in your joy. This shows they’re invested in your happiness and want to see you thrive. Their enthusiasm is a reflection of their admiration for your accomplishments.

7. They introduce you to their network.

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When someone admires you, they’ll often want to connect you with other people in their circle. They may introduce you to friends, colleagues, or mentors, believing that you’ll benefit from knowing each other. This is a sign of trust and respect, as they’re willing to share their valuable connections with you. They see you as someone who deserves to be in their inner circle, and they want to help you expand your network and opportunities.

8. They seek your approval or validation.

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People who admire you often value your opinion and seek your approval. They may ask for your feedback on their work, their ideas, or even their personal choices. They want to know what you think and value your input. This shows they respect your judgement and believe you have something valuable to contribute. It’s a subtle sign that they look up to you and want to make you proud.

9. They ask for your help or support.

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When people admire you, they see you as someone capable and reliable. They might ask for your assistance with tasks, projects, or even personal challenges. They trust your abilities and believe you can make a difference. This shows they value your expertise and are willing to rely on you for support. It’s a testament to your competence and the respect they hold for you.

10. They express disappointment when you make mistakes.

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While this might seem counterintuitive, it’s actually a sign of admiration. When someone looks up to you, they hold you to a higher standard. They expect you to excel and may be disappointed when you fall short. This isn’t necessarily a negative thing; it shows they believe in your potential and want you to be the best version of yourself. It’s a form of tough love, rooted in their admiration for your abilities.

11. They give you thoughtful gifts.

career woman at workSource: Unsplash

Thoughtful gifts are more than just material objects; they’re a reflection of how well someone knows and understands you. When someone gives you a gift that’s perfectly tailored to your interests or needs, it shows they’ve taken the time to consider what would make you happy. It’s a sign of their affection and appreciation for you, and it indicates they value your unique qualities.

12. They go out of their way to help you.

Liubomyr Vorona

People who admire you are often willing to go the extra mile to support you. They might offer to help you with a project, lend a listening ear when you need it, or simply be there for you during challenging times. Their willingness to invest time and effort in your well-being demonstrates their genuine care and admiration for you.

13. They speak positively about you to other people.

Liubomyr Vorona

If you hear through the grapevine that someone has been singing your praises, it’s a clear sign of admiration. People who admire you are proud to be associated with you and want other people to know how much they value you. They might talk about your accomplishments, your positive qualities, or simply how much they enjoy your company. This is a strong indicator that you’ve made a positive impression and are held in high esteem.

14. They try to impress you.

man smilingSource: Unsplash

People who admire you often want to earn your respect and approval. They might go out of their way to impress you with their accomplishments, their knowledge, or their skills. They may also try to be more like you, adopting your habits, interests, or even your style. This behaviour stems from their desire to be seen in a positive light by someone they hold in high regard.

15. They forgive your mistakes.

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Everyone makes mistakes, but people who admire you are more likely to forgive your shortcomings. They understand that you’re human and that no one is perfect. They’re willing to look past your flaws and focus on your positive qualities. This shows they value the relationship and are committed to supporting you, even when you stumble. It’s a sign of their deep respect and admiration for who you are as a person.