Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

These days, more and more people are choosing not to have kids.

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According to a YouGov survey from 2020, 37% of Brits say they never want to have kids, and 19% say they don’t want them anytime soon. Only 26% say they definitely want to have a family one day — and that number has likely decreased in the past four years. People are rejecting the old-fashioned idea that you can’t have a fully, happy life without children, largely because it just isn’t true — here’s why.

1. They have more time to pursue personal passions and hobbies.

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When you don’t have kids, you’ve got more time to dive head first into the stuff you love. Whether that’s travelling, learning something new, or just focusing on your hobbies, you’ve got the freedom to really enjoy your passions. No nappy changes, just doing what makes you happy.

2. Their relationships can receive more focused attention.

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Without the chaos of kids running around, you can actually focus on the people in your life. Whether it’s your partner, your friends, or your family, you’ve got the energy to invest in those relationships. More quality time, fewer distractions.

3. They often experience less financial stress.

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Kids are expensive – no getting around that. If you don’t have any, you’re saving loads of cash. That means less money stress, more freedom to spend on things you enjoy, and maybe even being able to stash more away for the future. Financial peace of mind? Yes, please.

4. They have more flexibility in their career choices.

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When you’re not worried about feeding little mouths or paying for school uniforms, you’ve got a lot more flexibility to do what you want in your career. Fancy a career change? Want to take a risk? You can, without that nagging worry about providing stability for a family.

5. They can maintain a more spontaneous lifestyle.

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With no kids in tow, you can be spontaneous. Last-minute road trip? Sure. Impromptu night out? Why not? Not having to plan around nap times or school schedules means you can live life a little more freely.

6. They often report lower levels of stress and anxiety.

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Parenting can be rewarding, sure, but it’s also incredibly stressful. People without kids often report less day-to-day stress and anxiety. That means better mental health, more sleep, and just a bit more calm in life.

7. They have more opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery.

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Without having to put kids first all the time, there’s more space to focus on yourself. Whether that’s diving into personal growth, taking a course, or just figuring out who you really are, you’ve got the time and energy to invest in your own development.

8. They can focus on creating a legacy beyond parenthood.

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Some people think having kids is the only way to leave a legacy, but that’s not the case. Whether it’s through your work, volunteering, mentoring, or just making an impact on the people around you, there are loads of ways to leave your mark.

9. They often have more energy for self-care and wellness.

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With no little ones needing your constant attention, you’ve got more energy to look after yourself. That could mean hitting the gym regularly, meditating, eating well, or just getting more rest. Prioritising yourself definitely leads to a happier life.

10. They can maintain a sense of independence and autonomy.

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People without kids often have a greater sense of freedom. You can make decisions based entirely on what you want without worrying about how it’ll affect anyone else. That independence can be really empowering and help you feel more content.

11. They often have more time for social connections and community involvement.

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When you’re not juggling parenting duties, you’ve got more time to hang out with friends or get involved in your community. Volunteering, going to social events, catching up with mates – all of this is way easier when you don’t have kids demanding your time.

12. They can enjoy a different kind of family structure.

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Who says you need kids to have a family? Whether it’s your friends, nieces and nephews, or a tight-knit chosen family, there are plenty of ways to have fulfilling relationships that bring joy and support into your life.

13. They have more freedom to travel and experience different cultures.

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Let’s be real – travelling with kids can be a nightmare. If you don’t have to worry about them, you can jet off whenever you want, explore new cultures, and have experiences that broaden your horizons. Plus, you’re not stuck looking for “child-friendly” holidays.

14. They can focus on their partner without divided attention.

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Without the constant demands of kids, you’ve got more time to really focus on your partner. That means more date nights, deeper conversations, and just generally being able to put more effort into keeping the spark alive.

15. They often feel a sense of contentment with their life choices.

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At the end of the day, people who choose not to have kids often feel really content with their decision. They know what they want, they’ve built a life that works for them, and they’re happy with it. And that’s really what it’s all about, isn’t it?

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