Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

At some point, we’ve all fallen for someone who clearly wasn’t the best match for us.

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Your heart had its own agenda and your head got no say in the matter — it happens. However, why is it that you logically understood that the object of your affection wasn’t right for you (or even a great person in general), but you still fell head over heels? Here’s what might be behind this phenomenon. At least if it ever happens to you again, you’ll know why!

1. The chemistry’s off the charts.

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Sometimes, the physical connection is so strong it overshadows everything else. You might not have much in common, but the spark when you’re together is electric. It’s like your bodies are speaking a language your minds don’t understand. Just remember, while chemistry’s important, it’s not everything in a relationship.

2. You’re addicted to the drama.

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Sometimes a rocky relationship can be exciting — there’s no use denying it. The ups and downs keep you on your toes, and the making up can be pretty intense. However, it’s worth asking yourself if you’re mistaking drama for passion. A calmer relationship might seem boring at first, but it could be healthier in the long run.

3. You’re trying to fix them.

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You see their potential and think you’re the one who can help them reach it. It’s a noble thought, but remember, you’re not a renovation project — you’re looking for a partner. People only change if they want to, not because you want them to.

4. They remind you of an ex.

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Sometimes we’re drawn to what’s familiar, even if it wasn’t great for us in the past. If your new flame shares traits with an ex, you might be subconsciously trying to rewrite history. It’s worth taking a step back and asking if you’re repeating old patterns.

5. You’re afraid of being alone.

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The fear of loneliness can be a powerful motivator. Sometimes we’d rather be with someone who’s not right for us than face being on our own. But here’s the thing — being single isn’t the end of the world. In fact, it can be pretty great for figuring out what you really want.

6. They’re the opposite of your usual type.

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If your past relationships haven’t worked out, you might be drawn to someone completely different. The polar opposite of disaster should be heaven, right? While it’s good to be open-minded, make sure you’re not ignoring red flags just because they’re new and exciting.

7. You’re caught up in the idea of them.

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Sometimes we fall in love with the person we want them to be, rather than who they actually are. You might be projecting all your hopes and dreams onto them, ignoring the reality of the situation. Try to see them for who they really are, not who you wish they were.

8. They make you feel needed.

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If someone depends on you, it can make you feel important and valued. However, if you’re always the one giving, and they’re always taking, it’s not a balanced relationship. A healthy partnership should be a two-way street, with both people supporting each other.

9. You’ve been through a lot together.

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Maybe you’ve known each other for ages, or you’ve been through something intense together. That shared experience can create a strong bond, even if you’re incompatible in other ways. Unfortunately, a relationship needs more than just history to thrive.

10. They’re a challenge.


Some of us love a good challenge, and that includes in our love lives. If someone’s hard to pin down or difficult to please, it might make you want them even more. But ask yourself — do you actually like them, or do you just like the chase?

11. You’re rebelling against expectations.

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Sometimes we fall for someone because they’re not who our friends, family, or society expects us to be with. It can feel liberating to break the mould, but make sure you’re not sacrificing your own happiness just to prove a point.

12. They represent something you want.

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Maybe they have a lifestyle you aspire to, or they represent a change you want to make in your life, but loving someone for what they represent isn’t the same as loving them for who they are. It’s important to separate the person from what they symbolise to you.

13. You’re stuck in a comfort zone.

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Even if a relationship isn’t great, it can be comfortable. The devil you know, right? Breaking up means change, and change can be scary. However, staying in a relationship that’s not right for you just because it’s familiar isn’t doing you any favours in the long run.

14. You’re ignoring red flags.

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When we’re infatuated, it’s easy to overlook warning signs. Maybe you’re brushing off behaviours that would normally be deal-breakers. It’s worth taking a step back and asking yourself if you’d be happy with a friend being treated the way you’re being treated.

15. You believe love conquers all.

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It’s a romantic notion, isn’t it? That if you love each other enough, everything else will fall into place. While love is important, it’s not always enough on its own. A lasting relationship needs compatibility, mutual respect, and shared values too.