Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

While you may have fewer friends as you get older, they become even more important than they were in your younger years.

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As we go through some tough stages of life, our friends are the ones that are there to support, encourage, and hold us up when we need it most, and they truly make life worth living. Here’s why their presence is increasingly important with every passing year.

1. Shared history becomes priceless.

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As the years roll by, friends who’ve been there through thick and thin become irreplaceable. They’ve witnessed your triumphs, failures, and everything in between. Your shared history creates a profound connection that new acquaintances simply can’t replicate, making these long-standing friendships truly priceless.

2. They’re your chosen family.

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Unlike family, friends are the people we actively choose to keep in our lives. As we grow older, we realise the value of surrounding ourselves with those who genuinely understand and support us. These chosen bonds often become as strong as, if not stronger than, familial ties.

3. You can give one another mutual support in life’s challenges.

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Life throws some seriously crappy things at you, and having friends who’ve weathered similar storms can be incredibly comforting. Whether it’s career setbacks, relationship troubles, or health issues, your mates offer empathy and practical advice based on their own experiences, providing invaluable support during tough times.

4. Honest feedback becomes crucial.

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As we age, we come to appreciate friends who tell us the truth, even when it’s not what we want to hear. These honest perspectives become increasingly valuable, helping us grow and make better decisions. True friends will lovingly call us out on our nonsense and push us to be our best selves.

5. Shared interests deepen.

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Over time, the hobbies and interests we share with friends often become more meaningful. Whether it’s a book club, a sports team, or a creative pursuit, these shared passions provide a sense of connection and fulfilment that becomes increasingly important as we navigate the responsibilities of adult life.

6. They provide a break from routine.

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As we settle into careers and family life, our daily routines can become monotonous. Friends offer a much-needed escape from the everyday grind. Whether it’s a night out, a weekend trip, or just a long phone call, these interactions bring joy and spontaneity to our lives.

7. Nostalgia and reminiscing are so much better.


There’s something special about friends who knew you “back when”. As we get older, the ability to reminisce about shared experiences becomes more precious. These trips down memory lane bring laughter and help us reconnect with different parts of ourselves.

8. They keep you young at heart.

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Good friends have a way of bringing out our playful side, regardless of age. They remind us not to take life too seriously and encourage us to embrace new experiences. Having a youthful spirit becomes increasingly valuable as we navigate the pressures and responsibilities of adulthood.

9. They offer understanding without the need for explanation.

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Long-term friends often develop an unspoken understanding that doesn’t require lengthy explanations. They can read your moods, anticipate your reactions, and offer support without you having to ask. Their level of intuitive connection becomes increasingly rare and valuable as we age.

10. They’re your personal cheerleaders.


As we face new challenges and pursue ambitious goals, having friends who believe in us becomes crucial. They celebrate our successes, no matter how small, and encourage us when we doubt ourselves. The unwavering support they provide becomes a powerful motivator in achieving our dreams.

11. You go through a lot of the same things at the same time.

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Friends who are in similar life stages can offer unique support and understanding. Whether you’re navigating parenthood, career changes, or caring for ageing parents, having mates who are going through similar experiences provides invaluable empathy and practical advice.

12. They preserve your sense of self.

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As we take on various roles in life — partner, parent, professional — it’s easy to lose sight of who we are at our core. Long-term friends help us stay connected to our authentic selves, reminding us of our values, passions, and quirks that make us uniquely us.

13. There are emotional health benefits, too.

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Strong friendships have been linked to better mental health outcomes as we age. Regular social interaction with trusted friends can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The emotional support and sense of belonging they provide become increasingly important for our overall wellness.

14. They expand your world-view.

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As we get older, it’s easy to become set in our ways. Friends with diverse backgrounds and perspectives challenge our thinking and broaden our horizons. These interactions keep us open-minded and help us continue growing and learning throughout our lives.

15. They leave their mark on the very core of who you are.

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As we reflect on our lives, we often realise that the most meaningful moments were shared with friends. These relationships shape who we are and leave a lasting impact. The stories, laughter, and love shared with friends become an integral part of our legacy, making these bonds truly irreplaceable as we age.