Everyone goes through ups and downs, but sometimes things are worse than usual, and we find ourselves in a really bad place.

If you’re not quite sure when you’ve crossed the line from “feeling a bit meh” to “I need to get some help because this isn’t right,” here are some warning signs to look out for. Never be ashamed to reach out — you deserve to be happy.
1. Your sleep schedule is all over the place.

If you’re either staying up extremely late every night or spending an excessive amount of time in bed, something’s not right. Sleep is vital for your health, and when it’s disrupted, other aspects of your life tend to suffer too. Constantly looking at your phone late at night isn’t helping either.
2. You’re avoiding your friends.

If you’re constantly making up excuses to avoid social interactions, it might be time to check in with yourself. Your friends aren’t the issue – there’s likely something else going on that’s making you want to isolate yourself.
3. Your eating habits have changed drastically.

Whether you’re overeating or barely eating at all, extreme changes in eating habits are a sign that something’s off. Food is obviously important for your overall wellness, and if you’re not eating properly, it can affect both your physical and mental health.
4. You’re more irritable than usual.

If small things are setting you off, and you’re snapping at people all the time for no reason, it’s a sign that something’s bothering you. We all have our moments, but if you’re constantly on edge, it’s time to take a step back and figure out what’s really upsetting you.
5. You’ve lost interest in things you used to love.

If your hobbies and passions no longer excite you, it’s a concerning sign. When nothing interests you anymore and everything feels like a chore, your mental health might be struggling.
6. You’re procrastinating more than usual.

We all put things off sometimes, but if you’re constantly avoiding tasks, something’s not right. When your to-do list becomes overwhelming, and you’d rather do anything else, it might be your brain’s way of saying it needs a break.
7. Your self-care routine has disappeared.

If basic tasks like showering or brushing your teeth feel incredibly difficult, you’re probably not in a great place. Neglecting basic self-care isn’t just about being unmotivated – it’s often a sign of deeper struggles.
8. You’re using alcohol or other substances more than usual.

If you find yourself drinking more or relying on other substances to get through the day, it’s worth examining why. You might be trying to numb feelings that need your attention.
9. Your inner critic is relentless.

If your thoughts about yourself are constantly negative and critical, it’s time to pause and reflect. Constant self-criticism isn’t motivating – it’s harmful and exhausting.
10. You’re having more physical symptoms than usual.

Frequent headaches, stomach issues, or unexplained aches and pains can be signs of mental stress. Our bodies and minds are connected, and physical symptoms can often be manifestations of emotional distress.
11. You’re spending excessive time on screens.

If you’re constantly scrolling through social media or streaming shows instead of interacting with people, you might be trying to escape from something. While the internet can be a distraction, it’s not a healthy long-term coping mechanism.
12. Your finances are in disarray.

Impulsive spending or avoiding looking at your bank account can be signs of inner turmoil. Financial stress can seriously impact your mental and even physical health, so don’t take this lightly.
13. You’re always tired, regardless of how much you sleep.

Constant fatigue isn’t just about lack of sleep – it’s often a sign that you’re emotionally or mentally overwhelmed. If getting out of bed feels incredibly difficult every day, it’s time to examine what’s draining your energy.
14. You’re overreacting to minor problems.

If small issues are causing big emotional reactions, you’re probably carrying a lot of stress. It might be time to address the underlying causes of your stress.
15. You’re not present in the moment.

If you’re constantly dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about the future, you’re missing out on the present. An inability to focus on the here and now can be a sign of anxiety or other mental health concerns.