Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lose sight of who you really are.

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You’re just going through the motions, trying to get through each day, and suddenly, you realise you feel completely disconnected from yourself. It’s sad and scary, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. Here are some warning signs to look out for — if you notice them, it’s time to make some changes so you can get back on the right track.

1. You can’t make a decision before asking other people for their opinions first.

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Are you always asking for advice from friends, family, or colleagues before making even the simplest choices? Always deferring to other people’s opinions is a sign that you don’t trust (or even hear) your own inner voice. It’s important to trust your gut and make decisions based on your own values and preferences, not anyone else’s.

2. Your wardrobe doesn’t reflect your personality anymore.

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Have a look at your clothes. Do they truly represent who you are, or are they just a collection of what you think you should wear? When we’re disconnected from ourselves, our personal style often suffers. Your wardrobe should be an extension of your personality, not a mask to hide behind or blend in with the crowd.

3. You can’t remember the last time you felt truly excited about something.

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Passion and enthusiasm are hallmarks of a life lived authentically. If you can’t remember the last time you felt genuinely excited or inspired, it might be a sign you’ve drifted away from the things that truly light you up. Reconnecting with your passions can help reignite that spark and bring you back to yourself.

4. Your social media presence feels like a performance.

Marko Ristic

Social media can be a great platform on which to express yourself, but it can also become a stage for an inauthentic version of ourselves. If you work hard to curate your online presence to portray a life that doesn’t align with your reality, it’s time to reassess. Authentic sharing should feel natural, not forced or anxiety-inducing.

5. You’ve lost touch with your body’s signals.

Stefano Tinti

Our bodies often communicate important information about our physical and emotional states. Ignoring hunger cues, pushing through exhaustion, or dismissing stress symptoms are all signs of disconnection. Learning to listen to and honour your body’s signals is a crucial step in reconnecting with yourself.

6. Your goals no longer excite you.

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Take a moment to reflect on your current goals. Do they still align with your values and desires, or are you pursuing them out of obligation or habit? When we’re disconnected from ourselves, we often continue chasing objectives that no longer serve us. Reassessing and adjusting your goals can help bring you back into alignment with your true self.

7. You’ve stopped engaging in activities you once loved.

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Think back to the hobbies and pastimes that used to bring you joy. Have you abandoned them in favour of more ‘practical’ pursuits? Neglecting the activities that once made you happy is a clear sign of self-disconnection. Rekindling these interests can help you rediscover parts of yourself you may have forgotten.

8. Your relationships feel superficial and unfulfilling.

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Meaningful connections are built on authenticity. If your relationships lack depth or feel draining rather than energising, it might be because you’re not showing up as your true self. Cultivating genuine connections requires vulnerability and honesty, both with yourself and other people.

9. You can’t articulate your values when asked.

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Your core values are the guiding principles that shape your decisions and actions. If you struggle to identify what truly matters to you, it’s a sign you’ve lost touch with your fundamental beliefs. Taking time to reflect on and clarify your values can help you make choices that align with your authentic self.

10. You frequently feel like you’re just going through the motions.

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Life shouldn’t feel like a series of routines devoid of meaning. If you often catch yourself operating on autopilot, disconnected from the present moment, it’s time to shake things up. Mindfulness practices and intentional living can help you reconnect with the richness of your daily experiences.

11. Your emotions feel muted or difficult to access.

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Emotional numbness is a common sign of self-disconnection. If you struggle to experience or express your feelings, or if you tend to rationalise them away, you might be out of touch with your emotional self. Learning to acknowledge and sit with your emotions, both positive and negative, is crucial for self-awareness and growth.

12. You’ve stopped dreaming about the future.

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When was the last time you allowed yourself to imagine a brighter, more fulfilling future? Losing the ability to dream and plan for tomorrow is a sad sign of disconnection from your aspirations. Reconnecting with your hopes and dreams can reignite your sense of purpose and direction.

13. Your self-care routine has become non-existent.

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Neglecting self-care is a clear sign you’ve lost touch with your own needs. This goes beyond basic hygiene and includes activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Prioritising self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential for maintaining a strong connection with yourself and showing up fully in your life.

14. You don’t know how to say ‘no’ to things you don’t want to do.

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Constantly saying ‘yes’ to avoid disappointing people, even when it goes against your own desires or well-being, is a sign of disconnection from your authentic self. Learning to set boundaries and prioritise your own needs is crucial for maintaining a strong sense of self and preventing burnout.

15. You’ve stopped learning and growing.

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Personal growth is a lifelong journey. If you’ve become complacent or stopped challenging yourself to learn new things, you might be disconnected from your potential. Embracing curiosity and trying new things can help reignite your passion for life and keep you connected to your evolving self.