Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

We all have that one friend who’s always going on about how selfless they are.

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They’re always doing good deeds and making sure everyone knows about it, but sometimes these so-called selfless acts aren’t as pure as they seem. Here are some of the sneaky ways people do nice things for not-so-nice reasons.

1. Volunteering at high-profile charity events

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Sure, it’s great to help out, but when someone’s always volunteering at the fanciest, most publicised events, you’ve got to wonder. Are they really there to help, or is it more about rubbing elbows with celebs and getting their face in the papers? It’s a crafty way to boost their social status while looking like a proper saint.

2. Offering unsolicited advice

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Some people are always ready with a “helpful” suggestion. They act like they’re doing you a massive favour, but really, they just love feeling like the smartest person in the room. It’s less about helping you and more about stroking their own ego.

3. Picking up the tab at group dinners


Seems generous, but sometimes it’s just a power play. They get to look like a big shot, and now everyone at the table owes them one. It’s a sneaky way to buy influence and make others feel indebted to them.

4. Sharing “humble” posts on social media

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They’re always posting about their charity work or good deeds, but with an “oh, I don’t want any recognition” disclaimer. If they really didn’t want recognition, they wouldn’t be plastering it all over Facebook, would they? It’s just fishing for likes and comments.

5. Doing favours without being asked

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Sounds nice, but it can be a manipulative tactic. They do something you didn’t ask for, then expect something in return. It’s a way of creating obligation without explicitly asking for anything. Sneaky, that.

6. Being overly agreeable in group settings

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Always going along with what everyone else wants might seem selfless, but it’s often just conflict avoidance. They’re more concerned with being liked than actually contributing their own thoughts or preferences. It’s self-preservation dressed up as consideration.

7. Organising office charity drives

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Nothing wrong with raising money for a good cause, but when it’s always the same person organising it, you’ve got to wonder. Are they really that passionate about charity, or is it more about looking good to the boss and scoring brownie points at work?

8. Complimenting others excessively

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Constant compliments might seem kind, but sometimes it’s just a way to get people to like them. They’re building up a bank of goodwill they can cash in later. Plus, if they’re always complimenting people, surely they deserve some praise too, right?

9. Offering to help move house

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This one’s a classic. They volunteer to help you lug boxes and furniture, but really, they’re just nosey. It’s a great way to get a good look at all your stuff and where you live without seeming intrusive. Plus, they get to feel strong and helpful.

10. Being the designated driver

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Seems like a sacrifice, but sometimes, it’s just an excuse to stay sober and watch everyone else make fools of themselves. They get to feel superior and responsible, plus they’ll have all the gossip in the morning.

11. Sharing food they don’t actually like

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Offering someone the last slice of pizza might look generous, but if it’s a topping they hate anyway, it’s not much of a sacrifice, is it? They get to look selfless without actually giving up anything they want.

12. Listening to people’s problems


Being a good listener is great, but some people do it just to collect juicy gossip. They act all sympathetic, but really, they’re filing away all that info for later use. It’s a sneaky way to gather intel while looking like a supportive friend.

13. Doing housework without being asked

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Seems thoughtful, but sometimes it’s just a passive-aggressive way of pointing out that the other person isn’t pulling their weight. It’s less about helping and more about making a point.

14. Mentoring junior colleagues


Taking newbies under their wing can look really selfless, but it’s often just about creating a loyal following at work. They’re building their own little empire of people who’ll back them up when they need it.

15. Always being available to help

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Someone who’s always ready to lend a hand might seem super helpful, but sometimes it’s about control. They want to be involved in everything, know everything that’s going on. It’s less about being helpful and more about being indispensable.

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