Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Sometimes the signs that someone is struggling aren’t always immediately obvious.

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However, while poor mental health is concerning at any level, it’s particularly dangerous if the person starts to become disconnected from reality. Here are some warning signs that they may be seriously struggling — if you notice these things happening, do what you can to get them the help they obviously need.

1. They experience frequent hallucinations.

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Hallucinations involve perceiving things that aren’t actually there. This could include hearing voices, seeing objects or people that other people can’t see, or feeling sensations on their skin when nothing is touching them. These experiences often feel very real to the person experiencing them, causing distress or confusion.

2. They express bizarre or illogical beliefs.

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This might involve holding on to ideas that are clearly false or don’t make sense, even when presented with evidence to the contrary. These beliefs could range from thinking they have special powers to being convinced that everyday objects have hidden meanings. They often struggle to explain these beliefs rationally when questioned.

3. Their speech becomes disorganised or incoherent.

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Communication becomes difficult as their thoughts and speech patterns become jumbled. They might jump from one topic to another without any logical connection, use made-up words, or string together sentences that don’t make sense. This can make it challenging for people to follow their train of thought or have a meaningful conversation.

4. They show a big decline in personal hygiene.

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A noticeable decrease in self-care can be a red flag. This might involve not showering for extended periods, wearing the same clothes for days, or neglecting basic grooming habits. This change is often quite stark compared to their previous level of personal care and hygiene.

5. They become extremely paranoid or suspicious.

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Paranoia involves an irrational distrust of other people or the world around them. They might believe people are constantly watching them, plotting against them, or trying to harm them in some way. This suspicion can extend to friends, family, or even inanimate objects, leading to social withdrawal or defensive behaviour.

6. They struggle with basic daily tasks.

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Simple activities like preparing meals, paying bills, or maintaining a regular schedule become challenging. They might forget important appointments, struggle to keep their living space in order, or have difficulty managing their finances. This decline in functionality often impacts their ability to work or maintain relationships.

7. They experience dramatic mood swings.

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Rapid and intense changes in mood that seem disconnected from external circumstances can be a sign of losing touch with reality. They might shift from extreme happiness to deep sadness or anger within a short period, often without any apparent trigger. These mood swings can be unpredictable and difficult for people to navigate.

8. They develop an obsession with conspiracy theories.

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While interest in conspiracy theories isn’t inherently problematic, an intense preoccupation that interferes with daily life can be concerning. They might spend excessive time researching obscure theories, see connections between unrelated events, or believe they’ve uncovered hidden truths that other people can’t see. This obsession often leads to social isolation as they struggle to relate to people who don’t share their beliefs.

9. They exhibit inappropriate emotional responses.


Their reactions to situations might seem out of sync with what’s happening. For instance, they might laugh at sad news or become angry at minor inconveniences. These mismatched emotional responses can be confusing and unsettling for those around them, often leading to social difficulties.

10. They lose interest in previously enjoyed activities.


A sudden and persistent disinterest in hobbies, relationships, or work that they once found fulfilling can be a sign of disconnection from reality. This withdrawal often goes beyond a temporary loss of motivation and can lead to social isolation and a lack of engagement with the world around them.

11. They develop unusual sleep patterns.

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Major changes in sleep habits, such as staying awake for days at a time or sleeping excessively, can indicate a disconnect from reality. They might claim they no longer need sleep or find it impossible to rest due to racing thoughts or fears. These disrupted sleep patterns often exacerbate other symptoms and impact overall functioning.

12. They express feelings of grandeur or special abilities.

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Beliefs of having extraordinary powers, being a chosen one, or having a special mission to save the world can indicate a break from reality. While confidence is healthy, these beliefs go beyond self-assurance into the realm of delusion. They might insist on these abilities even when there’s clear evidence to the contrary.

13. They have difficulty distinguishing between reality and fantasy.


The line between what’s real and what’s imagined becomes blurred. They might incorporate elements from movies, books, or dreams into their perception of reality. This confusion can lead to behaviours or decisions based on false assumptions about the world around them.

14. They become excessively preoccupied with religious or spiritual ideas.

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While spiritual beliefs are personal and varied, a sudden and intense fixation on religious or mystical concepts can be a sign of losing touch with reality. They might believe they’re receiving direct messages from a higher power or have been chosen for a special spiritual mission. This preoccupation often interferes with their daily life and relationships.

15. They experience a big change in appetite or eating habits.

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Drastic changes in eating patterns, such as refusing to eat due to fears of poisoning or eating excessively without regard for hunger, can indicate a disconnect from reality. They might develop rituals around food or express bizarre beliefs about how certain foods affect them. These changes can lead to health issues and are often accompanied by other concerning behaviours.

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