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Intuition, that gut feeling or inner knowing, is often dismissed as mere superstition.

But what if there’s more to it? What if your intuition is actually stronger than you think? Here are some signs that might suggest your intuitive abilities are sharper than you realise.

1. You have an uncanny sense of timing.

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Ever had that feeling that you should call someone just before they reach out to you? Or known the perfect moment to make a decision, even without all the facts? This knack for timing could be a sign that your intuition is tuned into subtle energy shifts and patterns that a lot of people might miss.

2. You experience sudden insights or “aha!” moments.

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Do you ever get that sudden flash of clarity, where a solution to a problem or a new idea just pops into your head seemingly out of nowhere? These spontaneous insights might not be mere coincidences, but rather, your intuition connecting the dots and revealing hidden truths.

3. You get a strong “vibe” about people or situations.

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Whether it’s a feeling of unease when meeting someone new or a sense of excitement about a potential opportunity, those visceral gut reactions might be more than just your imagination. Your intuition could be picking up on subtle cues and signals that your conscious mind hasn’t yet processed.

4. Your dreams are often vivid and meaningful.

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Do you wake up remembering your dreams in detail, with symbols and messages that seem to resonate with your waking life? These dreams might not just be random firing of neurons, but rather, your subconscious mind communicating with you through imagery and metaphors.

5. You can predict certain outcomes or events.

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Have you ever had a hunch about how a situation will unfold, and then it actually happens? This uncanny ability to predict outcomes might not be mere luck, but rather, your intuition tapping into the collective consciousness or subtle energetic patterns that foreshadow future events.

6. You’re drawn to certain people or places for no apparent reason.

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Ever felt an inexplicable pull towards a stranger, a new city, or a particular book? These seemingly random attractions might not be so random after all. Your intuition could be guiding you towards people, places, or experiences that are aligned with your soul’s purpose or that hold important lessons for your growth.

7. You make decisions based on gut feelings rather than logic.

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While logic and reason are important tools, sometimes the best decisions are made from the heart. If you often trust your gut instinct even when it defies logic, it could be a sign that your intuition is leading you towards the right path, even if it doesn’t make sense on a rational level.

8. You experience physical sensations when your intuition speaks.

David Pereiras

A knot in your stomach, a tingling sensation, or a sudden wave of warmth  — these physical sensations could be your body’s way of signalling that your intuition is trying to communicate with you. Paying attention to these subtle cues can help you to decipher the messages your intuition is sending.

9. You have a strong sense of empathy and can easily pick up on other people’s emotions.


Being able to tune into other people’s emotional state, even without them explicitly expressing it, is a sign of heightened intuition. This ability to sense people’s underlying feelings and needs can help you navigate relationships with greater understanding and compassion.

10. You’re naturally drawn to creative or spiritual practices.

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Creativity and spirituality often tap into deeper levels of consciousness and intuition. If you find yourself drawn to activities like meditation, yoga, art, music, or spending time in nature, it could be a sign that you’re naturally attuned to your inner wisdom and intuitive guidance.

11. You experience synchronicity or meaningful coincidences.

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Do you often find yourself in the right place at the right time, or encounter people who seem to have just the information or support you need? These seemingly serendipitous events might not be mere chance, but rather, signs that your intuition is guiding you along your path and aligning you with the right opportunities.

12. You have a deep connection to your body and its signals.

Yuri Arcurs

Your body is a powerful messenger of your intuition. If you pay attention to the subtle cues your body gives you, such as a sense of ease or unease in certain situations, you can gain valuable insights and guidance. Trusting your body’s wisdom can help you make decisions that are aligned with your overall well-being.

13. You have a strong sense of self-trust and confidence in your decisions.

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When you trust your intuition, you develop a stronger sense of self-trust and confidence in your own judgment. This doesn’t mean you’re always right, but it does mean you’re willing to listen to your inner wisdom and make decisions based on what feels right for you, even if it goes against conventional wisdom or other people’s opinions.

14. You’re open to new ideas and possibilities.

Yuri Arcurs YAPR

Intuition thrives in an open and receptive mind. If you’re willing to explore different perspectives, challenge your assumptions, and consider unconventional solutions, it could be a sign that you’re allowing your intuition to guide you beyond the limitations of your rational mind.

15. You have a sense of knowing that transcends logic or explanation.

Chris Adams

Sometimes, the most profound intuitive insights cannot be explained or rationalised. If you’ve ever had a deep knowing about something without any logical basis, it could be a sign that your intuition is tapping into a deeper source of wisdom that transcends the limitations of the conscious mind.