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We’ve all been there — foot in mouth, wishing we could take back something we blurted out.

Sometimes, silence truly is golden. Keeping our lips zipped can save us from embarrassment, hurt feelings, or even full-blown conflict. But knowing when to hold back isn’t always easy. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of situations where it’s best to channel your inner mime and let your actions (or lack thereof) speak louder than words.

1. You have nothing constructive to add.

Valerii Honcharuk

We’ve all been in meetings or conversations where the discussion starts to go off the rails. If you feel like your contribution won’t add anything of value or move the conversation forward, it’s okay to stay quiet. Adding unnecessary noise to an already chaotic situation won’t help anyone.

2. You’re feeling emotionally charged.

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When anger, frustration, or sadness are bubbling up, it’s easy to say things we regret later. In the heat of the moment, our words can be harsh and hurtful. If you feel your emotions getting the better of you, take a step back and cool down before speaking. A little time to process can save you from a lot of damage control.

3. You’re in a sensitive situation.

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Funerals, breakups, and other emotionally charged situations call for tact and sensitivity. It’s important to be supportive and empathetic, but sometimes the best way to do that is simply to be present. Offering unsolicited advice or making insensitive jokes can be incredibly hurtful. If you’re unsure of what to say, err on the side of caution and keep your thoughts to yourself.

4. You’re tempted to gossip.

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Gossiping might seem harmless, but it can have serious consequences. Spreading rumours, sharing private information can damage reputations and relationships. Before you open your mouth, ask yourself if what you’re about to say is kind, necessary, and true. If not, it’s probably best to keep it to yourself.

5. You’re about to interrupt someone.

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Interrupting is rude and disrespectful. It shows that you value your own thoughts and opinions more than the person speaking. If you have something to say, wait until they’ve finished speaking before chiming in. This demonstrates respect and allows for a more productive conversation.

6. You’re uncertain of the facts.

Liubomyr Vorona

Spreading misinformation is harmful and can lead to serious consequences. Before you share something you’ve heard, take the time to verify its accuracy. A quick Google search or a chat with a trusted source can save you from embarrassment and help you avoid contributing to the spread of fake news.

7. You’re being asked to divulge confidential information.

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Whether it’s a friend’s secret or sensitive information related to your job, respecting confidentiality is crucial. Sharing confidential information can have serious consequences, both legally and personally. If someone asks you to divulge information that it’s not really your place to share, politely decline and explain that you’re obligated to maintain confidentiality.

8. You’re in a potentially dangerous situation.

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If you find yourself in a situation where you feel threatened or unsafe, it’s important to trust your instincts and put your safety first. Engaging with someone who is behaving aggressively or erratically can escalate the situation. It’s better to remove yourself from the situation if possible or to seek help from others if necessary.

9. You’re tempted to brag.


A little self-promotion can be helpful in certain situations, but excessive bragging can be off-putting and alienate others. If you’re tempted to boast about your accomplishments or possessions, take a moment to consider how your words might make others feel. Sharing your successes in a humble and relatable way can be more effective than outright bragging.

10. You’re about to criticise someone.

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Constructive criticism can be helpful, but offering unsolicited negative feedback can be hurtful and unproductive. If you’re about to criticise someone, ask yourself if your comments are truly helpful or if they’re simply meant to tear them down. If you have genuine concerns, try to express them in a kind and supportive way that focuses on solutions rather than simply pointing out flaws.

11. You’re in the middle of a heated argument.

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Arguments can quickly escalate when emotions run high. If you find yourself in the middle of a heated argument, take a step back and assess the situation. Continuing to engage in a shouting match will only make things worse. Instead, try to de-escalate the situation by remaining calm, listening to the other person’s perspective, and finding common ground.

12. You’re tempted to make a hurtful joke.

Source: Unsplash

Humour can be a great way to connect with others, but it’s important to be mindful of the impact your words can have. Making jokes at someone else’s expense can be hurtful and offensive. If you’re unsure whether a joke is appropriate, err on the side of caution and keep it to yourself. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

13. You’re about to give unsolicited advice.

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We all want to help our friends and loved ones, but offering unsolicited advice can be condescending and unhelpful. Unless someone specifically asks for your opinion, it’s usually best to keep your advice to yourself. Unsolicited advice can come across as judgmental and can make people feel like you don’t trust their ability to make their own decisions.

14. You’re feeling insecure or unsure of yourself.

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When we’re feeling insecure, it’s easy to overcompensate by talking too much or trying to impress others. However, this can often backfire and make us seem even more insecure. If you’re feeling unsure of yourself, try to focus on your strengths and accomplishments. Remember that you have value and worth, regardless of what others think.

15. You’re tempted to make a promise you can’t keep.

Source: Unsplash

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and make promises we don’t intend to keep. However, breaking promises can damage trust and hurt relationships. Before you commit to something, make sure you’re able and willing to follow through. It’s better to be honest upfront than to disappoint someone later on.