Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Bookworm, bibliophile, avid reader — whatever you call yourself, you know that the love for fiction comes with its own unique set of struggles. I know this first-hand!

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Reading is a world filled with emotional rollercoasters, impossible choices, and the bittersweet pain of saying goodbye to characters you’ve grown to love. If this sounds like you, you’ll probably have experienced these things.

1. The crushing disappointment of finishing a fantastic book and realising there’s no sequel (yet!)

You’ve just spent countless hours immersed in a captivating world, falling in love with the characters and their stories. And then, BAM! It’s over. The book ends, leaving you with a gaping hole in your heart and a desperate longing for more. The wait for a sequel can feel like an eternity, filled with endless Google searches and hopeful glances at the author’s Goodreads profile.

2. The agony of choosing which book to read next from your towering TBR pile

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Your “to-be-read” pile is a constant source of both excitement and anxiety. So many books, so little time! How do you choose which literary adventure to embark on next? Do you go for the epic fantasy saga, the cheesy romance, or the gripping mystery thriller? The decision can be paralysing, leading to hours of browsing Goodreads reviews and agonising over your options.

3. The unbearable suspense of waiting for a new book release from your favourite author

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The anticipation builds with each passing day, fuelled by teasers, trailers, and snippets on social media. You count down the days, hours, and minutes until you can finally get your hands on that precious new book. The release day feels like a national holiday, and you’re ready to celebrate with a cup of tea, a cosy blanket, and a whole lot of uninterrupted reading time.

4. The emotional rollercoaster of experiencing a character’s heartbreak, loss, or triumph as if it were your own


Fiction has a way of transporting us into the lives of others, making us feel their joys and sorrows as if they were our own. You laugh with them, cry with them, and cheer them on as they navigate life’s challenges. When a beloved character experiences heartbreak or loss, it feels like a personal blow. But when they triumph over adversity, it’s a victory you celebrate with all your heart.

5. The frustration of having to pause your reading to attend to real-life responsibilities

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You’re in the middle of an intense scene, the suspense is building, and you’re completely engrossed in the story. Then, reality comes crashing in with a work deadline, a family obligation, or a household chore. The interruption feels like a personal affront, and you can’t wait to get back to your fictional world as soon as possible.

6. The bittersweet feeling of finishing a beloved series and saying goodbye to characters who feel like old friends.

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You’ve journeyed with these characters through thick and thin, shared their laughter and tears, and witnessed their growth and transformation. Now, it’s time to say goodbye. The final page turns, and a wave of sadness washes over you. But amidst the melancholy, there’s also a sense of gratitude for the unforgettable experience and the lasting impact these characters have had on your life.

7. The constant struggle to find enough time to read amidst the demands of daily life

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Between work, family, social commitments, and the endless distractions of the modern world, carving out dedicated reading time can feel like a Herculean task. You sneak in a few pages during your commute, stay up late to finish a chapter, and jealously guard your precious weekend reading hours. The struggle is real, but the reward is oh-so-sweet.

8. The annoyance of having someone spoil a plot twist or ending before you’ve had a chance to read it yourself

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Spoilers are the bane of every book lover’s existence. You carefully avoid social media discussions, online reviews, and even casual conversations with friends who might inadvertently let slip a crucial detail. The frustration of having a surprise ruined is real, and it can dampen the joy of discovering the story for yourself.

9. The temptation to stay up all night reading “just one more chapter”

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Sleep? Who needs sleep when there’s a captivating story waiting to be devoured? You tell yourself you’ll just read one more chapter, but before you know it, it’s 3 am, and you’re still wide awake, completely absorbed in the world of your book. The next day might be a bit of a struggle, but the late-night reading session was totally worth it.

10. The constant battle against the dreaded reading slump

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Every reader experiences it at some point: the dreaded reading slump. Suddenly, no book seems interesting, and even your favourite authors can’t hold your attention. It’s a frustrating and disheartening experience, but it’s important to remember that it’s temporary. Experiment with different genres, take a break from reading altogether, or revisit an old favourite to reignite your passion for the written word.

11. The excitement of discovering a hidden gem of a book that no one else seems to know about

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You stumble upon a book with a captivating cover or an intriguing synopsis, and you take a chance on it. To your delight, it turns out to be a hidden gem, a story that resonates with you on a deep level. You can’t wait to share your discovery with other book lovers, but part of you also wants to keep it your little secret, a treasure you unearthed all on your own.

12. The frustration of trying to explain the complexities of your favourite fictional world to non-readers


You try to share your enthusiasm for a particular book or series, but you’re met with blank stares or dismissive comments. It’s frustrating when people don’t understand the depth and richness of fictional worlds or the emotional connection you feel to the characters. You long for someone to geek out with you about plot twists, character arcs, and hidden symbolism.

13. The joy of finding a community of fellow book lovers who share your passion

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Whether it’s online book clubs, literary festivals, or simply chatting with mates who love to read, connecting with other bookworms is a source of immense joy. You can finally discuss your favourite books, debate theories, and share recommendations without feeling judged or misunderstood. It’s a reminder that you’re not alone in your love for fiction.

14. The constant urge to rearrange your bookshelves, even though you just did it last week

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Your bookshelves are a reflection of your personality and your ever-evolving reading tastes. You rearrange them by colour, genre, author, or even mood. It’s a soothing and satisfying activity, a way to express your creativity and organise your literary treasures. Plus, it’s the perfect excuse to rediscover forgotten gems and plan your next reading adventure.

15. The feeling of being transported to another world, even if it’s just for a few hours

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Perhaps the most magical aspect of reading fiction is its ability to transport us to other worlds, other times, and other lives. We can escape the mundane realities of our own existence and immerse ourselves in completely different lives. It’s an addicting feeling, and one not many of us give up willingly!