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Ever felt like you’re being played but can’t quite put your finger on it?

Manipulative people are skilled at twisting words and situations to their advantage, often leaving you doubting yourself. But their tactics aren’t foolproof. By paying attention to their language and the subtle ways they phrase things, you can uncover their true intentions. Here are some common phrases that manipulative people use — keep your ears open!

1. “I’m only thinking about what’s best for us.”

Dmytro Sheremeta

This seemingly selfless statement often masks a desire to put their own needs ahead of yours. The manipulator uses it to disguise their agenda as a shared goal, making it harder for you to disagree or assert your own preferences. Remember, healthy relationships consider both partners’ needs and desires equally.

2. “Maybe you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying.”

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This phrase is often used to deflect accountability and shift the blame onto you. By suggesting that you’re misinterpreting their words or intentions, the manipulator avoids taking responsibility for their actions or acknowledging any potential harm they may have caused. Trust your instincts and interpretations; if something feels off, it probably is.

3. “Wouldn’t you be happier if…?”

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This is a subtle form of emotional manipulation, designed to make you question your own desires and choices. The manipulator uses it to plant seeds of doubt and make you feel like their way is the only way to happiness. Remember, true happiness comes from within and making choices that align with your values and needs.

4. “I don’t remember it that way.”

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This phrase is another way to gaslight you and make you doubt your memory or perception of events. The manipulator might deny saying or doing something hurtful, or they might twist the narrative to fit their own version of reality. This can be incredibly confusing and disorienting, making it harder for you to trust your own judgment.

5. “You’re blowing this out of proportion.”

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This is a common tactic used to downplay your concerns and make you feel like you’re overreacting. The manipulator might try to invalidate your feelings or make you feel like you’re being too sensitive. This can leave you feeling unheard and unsupported, making it easier for them to control the narrative.

6. “No one else gets me like you do.”

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This phrase is often used to create a sense of specialness and exclusivity, making you feel like you’re the only person who truly understands them. This can be flattering, but it’s also a way for the manipulator to isolate you from other people and make you more dependent on their approval. Remember, healthy relationships involve connections with multiple people, not just one person.

7. “You should be grateful for everything I do for you.”

This phrase is a subtle form of guilt-tripping, used to make you feel indebted to them. The manipulator might constantly remind you of all the things they’ve done for you, making you feel like you owe them something in return. This can create a sense of obligation and make it harder for you to assert your own needs and boundaries.

8. “You wouldn’t want to upset me, would you?”

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This is a veiled threat, used to make you feel like you need to tiptoe around their emotions. The manipulator might use it to avoid taking responsibility for their own behaviour to manipulate you into doing what they want. Remember, you’re not responsible for their emotions, and you have a right to express your own feelings without fear of reprisal.

9. “I’m just being honest/blunt.”

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This is a way to disguise hurtful comments or criticisms as simple honesty. The manipulator might use this phrase to avoid taking responsibility for their words or to make you feel like you’re being overly sensitive. Remember, honesty doesn’t have to be brutal, and there’s a difference between being direct and being hurtful.

10. “You’re overthinking it.”

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This is another tactic used to dismiss your concerns and invalidate your feelings. The manipulator might try to convince you that you’re imagining things or making a big deal out of nothing. This can make you doubt your own judgment and make it harder for you to stand up for yourself.

11. “I’m doing this for your own good.”

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This phrase is often used to justify controlling or manipulative behaviour. The manipulator might claim that they’re acting in your best interests, but their actions often serve their own agenda. Be wary of anyone who tries to control you under the guise of “helping” you.

12. “You always/never…”

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Using absolute language like “always” or “never” is a way to exaggerate your flaws or shortcomings. The manipulator might use these words to paint you in a negative light and make you feel like you’re constantly messing up. This can destroy your self-esteem and make you more susceptible to their influence.

13. “I’m the only one who puts up with you.”

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This phrase is a form of emotional blackmail, designed to make you feel grateful for their presence in your life, even if their behaviour is hurtful or toxic. The manipulator might imply that you’re difficult or unlovable, and that they’re the only one who would tolerate you. This can make you feel insecure and dependent on their approval.

14. “You wouldn’t understand.”

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This phrase is used to shut down communication and avoid explaining their actions or motives. The manipulator might use it to make you feel like you’re not smart enough or insightful enough to understand their perspective. This can leave you feeling frustrated and powerless.

15. “If you leave, you’ll regret it.”

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This is a direct threat used to control you and prevent you from leaving the relationship. The manipulator might imply that you’ll never find anyone better than them or that you’ll be miserable without them. This is a form of emotional manipulation designed to keep you trapped in the relationship, even if it’s unhealthy or toxic.