Photographer: Askolds Berovskis

Introverts, we get it. Sometimes, the phone ringing feels like an unexpected assault on your peaceful solitude. But you still want to stay connected, right? That’s where texting swoops in to save the day. Here are some tried-and-true phrases introverts use to dodge phone calls gracefully and keep the conversation digital.

1. “Hey, can we text instead? I’m in the middle of something.”

Photographer: Askolds Berovskis

This classic line is perfect for those moments when you’re not quite ready to switch gears and engage in a full-blown conversation. It’s polite, non-committal, and buys you some time to mentally prepare for a chat later.

2. “I’m not really up for talking right now, but I’d love to catch up later over text.”

Envato Elements

Honesty is the best policy, right? This phrase is straightforward and lets the other person know that you’re not ignoring them, you’re just not in the headspace for a phone call at the moment. It also leaves the door open for future communication.

3. “My battery is about to die, can I text you back later?”

Envato Elements

A little white lie never hurt anyone, especially when it helps you avoid an unwanted phone call. This excuse is believable, gets you off the hook, and gives you the opportunity to respond when you’re ready.

4. “I’m actually heading out the door, but text me and we can chat later!”

Source: Unsplash

This one’s great for when you need a quick escape. It’s a polite way to end the conversation and gives you the freedom to respond on your own terms.

5. “I’m a bit under the weather, but I’ll definitely text you when I’m feeling better.”

Source: Unsplash

Whether you’re actually feeling under the weather or just need some alone time, this excuse is a valid reason to avoid a phone call. It shows you care, but also sets a clear boundary.

6. “I’m in a noisy environment, so texting would be easier.”

Source: Unsplash

This one’s perfect for when you’re in a public place or somewhere with a lot of background noise. It’s a practical excuse that’s hard to argue with.

7. “I’m about to jump into a meeting/class/appointment, but I’ll message you after.”

Source: Unsplash

This is a good option if you have a legitimate reason to be unavailable for a phone call. It shows you’re responsible and respectful of other people’s time.

8. “I’m not feeling very talkative today, but I’m happy to chat over text.”

Source: Unsplash

Sometimes, you just don’t feel like talking, and that’s okay. This phrase is a gentle way to communicate that without hurting anyone’s feelings. It shows you’re still interested in connecting, just not verbally.

9. “I’m actually just about to head to bed, but feel free to text me.”

Envato Elements

This works especially well at night when most people are winding down anyway. It’s a polite way of saying, “I’m done for the day, but I’ll catch up with you tomorrow.” It also avoids the awkwardness of having to explain why you’re not up for a late-night chat.

10. “I’m in the middle of cooking/cleaning/working out, can I text you later?”

Source: Unsplash

This is a versatile phrase that can be adapted to any activity you happen to be doing. It’s a casual way of saying, “I’m busy right now, but I’ll get back to you when I’m free.”

11. “I’m not really a phone person, but I’m always happy to text.”

Source: Unsplash

This is a direct and honest way to communicate your preference for texting. It sets a clear boundary and lets the other person know that you’re not trying to avoid them, you just prefer a different mode of communication.

12. “I’m trying to be more mindful of my screen time, so I’m limiting phone calls.”

Source: Unsplash

This is a trendy excuse that many people can relate to. It’s a way of saying, “I’m trying to be healthier and more present, so I’m cutting back on phone calls.” It’s also a way to avoid the awkwardness of having to explain your introverted tendencies.

13. “I’m not sure I have good reception here, but I can definitely text.”

Marko Ristic

This is a good option if you’re in an area with spotty cell service. It’s a believable excuse that also allows you to avoid a potentially frustrating phone call.

14. “I’m just about to start reading/watching a film/listening to music, can we text instead?”

Source: Unsplash

This is a good way to politely decline a phone call when you’re looking forward to some quiet time alone. It shows you have plans and are not just trying to avoid the person.

15. “I’m trying to be more present in the moment, so I’m not answering calls right now.”

Source: Unsplash

This is a more spiritual approach that some introverts might resonate with. It’s a way of saying, “I’m trying to be more mindful and focused on the present moment, so I’m not taking calls right now.” It’s a respectful way to decline a call without making the other person feel rejected.