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When a man is truly head over heels, it’s not always about grand gestures or expensive gifts.

Sometimes, it’s the little things, the subtle acts of kindness and devotion, that reveal the depth of his feelings. So, ladies, if you’re wondering if your man is truly smitten, pay attention to these tell-tale signs. They might not always be obvious, but they speak volumes about his love for you.

1. He remembers the little things.

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He remembers your favourite coffee order, the name of your childhood pet, or that funny story you told him months ago. It’s not just about remembering your birthday or anniversary, but those small details that show he truly pays attention and cares about what’s important to you. He’s not just hearing you; he’s listening, and that’s a big difference.

2. He goes out of his way to make you smile.

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Whether it’s surprising you with your favourite snack, sending you a silly meme, or simply leaving a sweet note on your pillow, he’s always looking for ways to brighten your day. He knows what makes you happy and goes the extra mile to see that smile on your face. It’s not about grand gestures, but those small acts of love that make your heart flutter.

3. He listens to you vent, even when it’s about things he doesn’t understand.

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He might not understand the intricacies of your work drama or why you’re so obsessed with that new TV show, but he’ll still lend a listening ear. He’ll let you vent, offer a shoulder to cry on, and try his best to understand your perspective. He’s not there to fix your problems, but simply to be a supportive presence.

4. He supports your dreams and ambitions.

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He’s your biggest cheerleader, encouraging you to go after what you want and celebrating your successes. He doesn’t feel threatened by your ambitions, he’s proud of them. He’ll be there to offer support, advice, and a pep talk when you need it. He believes in you, even when you doubt yourself.

5. He makes an effort with your friends and family.

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He knows how important your loved ones are to you, so he makes an effort to get to know them and build relationships with them. He attends family gatherings, remembers their birthdays, and genuinely cares about their well-being. He wants to be a part of your entire world, not just your romantic bubble.

6. He compromises and puts your needs first.

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He’s not always going to agree with you, but he’s willing to meet you halfway. He understands that relationships require compromise and is willing to sacrifice his own desires for your happiness. He puts your needs first, not out of obligation, but out of love and respect.

7. He makes you feel safe and secure.

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You feel comfortable being yourself around him, without fear of judgment or criticism. He makes you feel loved, cherished, and protected. He’s your safe haven, the person you can always turn to when you need a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear. He makes you feel like you can conquer anything as long as you have him by your side.

8. He’s always there for you, no matter what.

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Whether you’re celebrating a major milestone or going through a tough time, he’s your rock. He picks you up when you’re down, cheers you on when you’re winning, and offers unwavering support through thick and thin. He’s not just your lover; he’s your best friend, your confidant, and your partner in crime.

9. He notices the little changes.

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Did you get a haircut? Are you wearing a new perfume? Did you switch up your coffee order? He notices these subtle changes because he truly sees you. He’s not just looking at you, he’s observing you, paying attention to the details that make you unique. It’s a subtle way of showing he cares and that you’re always on his mind.

10. He makes time for you, even when he’s busy.

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Life can get hectic, but he always carves out time for you, even if it’s just a quick phone call or a late-night text. He prioritises your relationship and understands that spending quality time together is essential for maintaining a strong connection. He doesn’t let his busy schedule become an excuse to neglect you.

11. He includes you in his future plans.

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He talks about the future as “we,” not “I.” He includes you in his dreams and aspirations, whether it’s planning a holiday together, buying a house, or simply imagining what your life will be like in a few years. He sees you as an integral part of his future and wants you by his side as he navigates life’s journey.

12. He puts effort into your special occasions.

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Unsplash/Chermiti Mohamed

He doesn’t just go through the motions; he puts thought and effort into making your birthday, anniversary, or any other special occasion memorable. He listens to your hints, remembers your preferences, and goes the extra mile to make you feel loved and appreciated. He wants to create moments that you’ll cherish forever.

13. He challenges you to be your best self.

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Unsplash/Polina Kuzokova

He doesn’t just accept you for who you are, he encourages you to grow and evolve. He challenges you to step outside your comfort zone, pursue your passions, and become the best version of yourself. That’s because he believes in your potential and pushes you to reach for the stars, even when you doubt yourself.

14. He accepts your flaws and imperfections.

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He knows you’re not perfect, and he loves you anyway. He embraces your quirks, your insecurities, and your vulnerabilities. He doesn’t try to change you or mould you into someone you’re not. Instead, he accepts you for who you are, flaws and all, and that’s what makes his love so special.

15. He makes you feel like the only woman in the world.

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Even when surrounded by other attractive people, he only has eyes for you. He makes you feel special, unique, and irreplaceable. He values your connection above all others and makes it clear that you’re the most important person in his life. His love for you is unwavering, unconditional, and makes you feel like you’re on top of the world.