15 Things Authentic People Do That Fake People Don’t Even Bother With

They say the best thing you can be in life is authentic, and that’s probably true.

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Some people embrace who they are, staying true to their values, while others shape-shift depending on who they’re with or what they think people want to hear. Fake people put on an act, focusing on appearances and approval, while authentic people are consistent, honest, and comfortable in their own skin. If you’ve ever wondered what sets real people apart from the ones just playing a role, here are some of the things that make them stand out in the best possible ways.

1. They say what they actually mean.

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Authentic people don’t sugarcoat their words or say things just to please others. They mean what they say and say what they mean, without playing mind games or being passive-aggressive. You don’t have to guess where they stand because they make their intentions clear.

Fake people, on the other hand, often say one thing and mean another. They’ll tell you what they think you want to hear, then turn around and say the opposite to someone else. With authentic people, what you see is what you get—there’s no second-guessing needed.

2. When they mess up, they own up to it.

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When an authentic person messes up, they admit it. They don’t shift blame, make excuses, or try to twist the story to make themselves look better. They understand that mistakes are part of being human, and owning them is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Fake people, however, will dodge responsibility at all costs. They’ll twist the truth, gaslight people, or act like nothing ever happened. Instead of admitting fault, they’ll do whatever it takes to protect their image—even if it means throwing someone else under the bus.

3. They don’t pretend to like everyone.

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Authentic people don’t force connections or fake enthusiasm just to be liked. If they don’t get along with someone, they remain polite but don’t go out of their way to act fake. They’re not rude, but they also don’t waste time pretending to enjoy the company of people they don’t connect with.

On the other hand, fake people are all smiles to someone’s face and then turn around and gossip the moment they leave the room. They’ll pretend to be friendly when it benefits them, but their real thoughts often come out when the person isn’t around.

4. They stay the same, no matter who they’re with.

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You won’t see an authentic person switching personalities depending on their audience. They don’t act one way with certain people and completely different with other people. Their values, personality, and opinions stay consistent, whether they’re talking to a close friend or a total stranger.

Fake people, however, are like social chameleons. They adjust their behaviour, opinions, and even interests depending on what they think will make them fit in. Instead of being themselves, they constantly shape-shift to match whatever situation they’re in.

5. They do a lot of listening and not that much talking.

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Authentic people actually listen when other people are talking. They’re not just waiting for their turn to talk or thinking about what to say next; they genuinely care about what the other person is saying. They ask thoughtful questions and engage in conversations with real interest.

Fake people tend to steer conversations back to themselves. They’ll pretend to listen, nodding along, but they’re more focused on finding a way to shift the attention back to their own stories. If they’re not the centre of the conversation, they lose interest fast.

6. They don’t feel the need to impress.

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Authentic people don’t walk into a room trying to prove something. They don’t exaggerate their achievements, name-drop, or brag about things to boost their status. They’re confident in who they are, so they don’t need constant validation.

Fake people, however, will go out of their way to make sure you know how impressive they are. They’ll stretch the truth, make things sound bigger than they are, and drop hints about their “connections” to seem more important. It’s all about making themselves look good, rather than just being themselves.

7. They’re not afraid to open up and be vulnerable.


Being real means being open about struggles, emotions, and imperfections. Authentic people don’t act like they have everything together 24/7—they admit when they’re struggling, ask for help when they need it, and share real parts of their lives.

Fake people, on the other hand, are all about keeping up appearances. They’ll act like everything is perfect, even when it’s not because they don’t want anyone to see their weaknesses. They view vulnerability as something to hide, rather than a normal part of life.

8. They stand by their values, even when it’s hard.

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Authentic people don’t compromise their beliefs just to fit in or avoid conflict. If something goes against their values, they’ll stand their ground, even if it makes things uncomfortable. They’d rather be honest than go along with something they don’t believe in.

Fake people, however, will change their stance depending on what benefits them most. They’ll agree with whoever they’re talking to just to keep the peace, even if it means contradicting themselves later. Their values are flexible, shifting depending on what’s most convenient.

9. They give genuine compliments.

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When an authentic person gives you a compliment, they actually mean it. They don’t throw around fake flattery just to get on someone’s good side. If they say something nice, it’s because they truly believe it.

Sadly, fake people will flatter you one moment and criticise you the next. Their compliments often feel exaggerated or insincere because they’re usually given with an agenda—whether it’s to gain favour or avoid conflict.

10. They keep their word.

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If an authentic person says they’ll do something, they follow through. Their word means something, and they don’t make promises they can’t keep. Whether it’s a big commitment or something small, they take responsibility for what they say.

On the flip side, fake people are full of empty promises. They’ll say whatever sounds good in the moment, but rarely follow through. Their words are just words—there’s no real weight behind them.

11. They don’t pretend to know everything.

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Authentic people aren’t afraid to admit when they don’t know something. They’re open to learning, asking questions, and listening to different perspectives. They don’t feel the need to act like an expert on everything.

Fake people, however, will confidently talk about things they know nothing about. They’d rather make something up or speak with fake authority than admit they don’t have all the answers. To them, admitting they don’t know something feels like weakness.

12. They don’t talk badly about people just to fit in.

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Authentic people don’t gossip just to be part of a conversation. If they don’t have something genuine to say, they’d rather say nothing at all. They don’t tear anyone down just to feel included. Who wants to fit in with people who think that kind of behaviour is okay, anyway?

Unsurprisingly, fake people will gladly join in on gossip if it makes them seem more likeable. They’ll say one thing to your face and another behind your back, flipping their opinions based on who they’re talking to.

13. They don’t hold grudges over minor things.

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Authentic people know the difference between a genuine problem and something that’s not worth holding onto. They’re willing to forgive and move on when it makes sense, rather than clinging to resentment over small issues.

Fake people always keep score, of course. Even if they act like they’ve moved on, they’ll bring up old issues when it benefits them. They hold onto negativity because it gives them something to use later.

14. They treat everyone with the same level of respect.


Authentic people don’t change how they treat someone based on status, popularity, or what they can gain. Whether it’s a stranger, a friend, or someone in a position of power, they treat everyone with kindness and respect.

Fake people, however, will be polite and charming to people they want something from but dismissive toward other people. Their respect is selective, based on what benefits them.

15. They stay true to themselves, no matter what.

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At the end of the day, authenticity comes down to staying true to who you are. Real people don’t change to fit in, impress, or manipulate situations, even when it would be easier to go along with the crowd. They understand that being liked by everyone isn’t as important as being at peace with themselves.

Fake people, on the other hand, will bend, shift, and change depending on who’s watching. They prioritise approval over honesty, often sacrificing their real opinions and values just to keep people happy. Authentic people know that staying true to themselves means that not everyone will agree with them, but they’re okay with that because they’d rather be real than be liked for something they’re not.

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