
Introverts are often misunderstood. The quiet ones in the corner, the ones who seem to be in their own world. But there’s more to introverts than meets the eye. We have our own unique perspectives, thoughts, and feelings. We just might not always express them in the same way as extroverts. If you’re not an introvert, you might be wondering what it’s really like. Here are some pointers.

1. We need our alone time.

Source: Unsplash

It’s not that we don’t like people, we just recharge differently. Socialising can be draining for us, so we need time alone to decompress and recharge our batteries. Don’t take it personally if we decline an invitation or disappear for a while. We’ll be back, refreshed and ready for more interaction.

2. We’re not always shy.

Source: Unsplash

Shyness and introversion are often confused, but they’re not the same thing. Shyness is a fear of social judgment, while introversion is a preference for less stimulation. Some introverts are shy, but many of us are perfectly comfortable in social situations, as long as they’re not too overwhelming.

3. We’re good listeners.

Source: Unsplash

Because we tend to think before we speak, we’re often good listeners. We’re interested in what people have to say, and we’re good at picking up on subtle cues. This makes us great friends, partners, and colleagues.

4. We’re not always quiet.

Source: Unsplash

Just because we’re introverts doesn’t mean we’re always quiet. When we’re with people we trust and feel comfortable with, we can be quite talkative. We just might not be the loudest voice in the room.

5. We have deep thoughts and feelings.

Source: Unsplash

We spend a lot of time in our own heads, thinking and reflecting. This can lead to deep thoughts and feelings. We might not always share them with other people, but that doesn’t mean they’re not there.

6. We’re not trying to be difficult.

Source: Unsplash

Sometimes our introverted tendencies can make us seem difficult. We might not want to go out, we might not want to talk, we might not want to do what everyone else is doing. But we’re not trying to be difficult, we’re just trying to be true to ourselves.

7. We appreciate your understanding.

Source: Unsplash

We know that our introverted ways can be confusing or frustrating for extroverts. We appreciate your understanding and patience. We’re not trying to be difficult, we’re just trying to be ourselves.

8. We’re not anti-social.

female pensiveSource: Unsplash

We enjoy socialising, but we do it in a different way than extroverts. We prefer smaller groups and more intimate conversations. We might not be the life of the party, but we can still have a good time.

9. Small talk isn’t our strong suit.

man pensiveSource: Unsplash

We’d rather have a deep, meaningful conversation than make small talk about the weather. If we seem uninterested in chatting about trivial things, it’s not because we’re rude. We just prefer to connect on a deeper level.

10. We need time to process our thoughts.

woman standing aloneSource: Unsplash

When you ask us a question, we might not have an answer right away. We need time to think things through before we respond. This doesn’t mean we’re ignoring you or that we don’t care. We just need a moment to process.

11. We’re not always in the mood to socialise.

man standing aloneSource: Unsplash

Even the most extroverted of extroverts has days when they don’t feel like “hanging out” or talking to anyone. For introverts, this is even more common. There are times when we just need to be alone with our thoughts. Please don’t take it personally if we decline an invitation or cancel plans at the last minute.

12. We value quality over quantity when it comes to friendships.


We’d rather have a few close friends than a large group of acquaintances. We’re not interested in superficial relationships. We want to connect with people on a deeper level and build lasting bonds.

13. We’re not always comfortable in large groups.

woman in hat and hands in jean jacket pocketSource: Unsplash

Loud, crowded environments can be overwhelming for us. We might seem withdrawn or quiet in these situations, but it’s not because we’re not having a good time. We’re just trying to cope with the stimulation.

14. We’re sensitive to our surroundings.

man alone in caveSource: Unsplash

We’re very aware of our surroundings and how they affect us. We might be sensitive to noise, light, or even the temperature. If we seem uncomfortable in a certain environment, it’s not because we’re being picky. We’re just trying to create a space where we feel comfortable and at ease.

15. We’re not trying to be mysterious.

Source: Unsplash

Our quiet nature and tendency to keep to ourselves can make us seem mysterious. But we’re not trying to be elusive. We’re just being true to our introverted nature. If you want to get to know us, just ask. We’re happy to share our thoughts and feelings with those who are willing to listen.