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Growing up sandwiched between siblings comes with its own unique set of experiences.

From hand-me-downs to feeling overlooked, middle children navigate a world where they’re often neither the oldest nor the youngest. But these experiences shape a certain understanding and perspective on life that only fellow middle children can truly appreciate. Here are some of the unspoken truths that resonate with the middle child in all of us.

1. You’ve perfected the art of negotiation.

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Being stuck between older and younger siblings means you’ve become a master negotiator. Whether it was fighting for the last slice of pizza or arguing over who gets to control the TV remote, you learned early on how to compromise and find middle ground. This skill has likely carried over into your adult life, making you a natural peacemaker and mediator in conflicts.

2. Hand-me-downs were your wardrobe staple.

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Let’s face it, middle children rarely got the luxury of brand-new clothes. Instead, you inherited a wardrobe full of hand-me-downs from your older siblings. While this might have been frustrating at times, it also taught you the value of resourcefulness and creativity. You learned how to make the most of what you had and develop your own unique sense of style.

3. You’re independent and self-sufficient.

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Middle children often find themselves having to fend for themselves. With parents focused on the needs of the oldest and youngest, you learned to be independent and self-sufficient. You figured out how to entertain yourself, solve problems on your own, and navigate life without constant attention or guidance. This has likely made you a resilient and resourceful adult.

4. You’re the family peacemaker.

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Being in the middle, you’ve probably witnessed your fair share of sibling squabbles and family dramas. This has given you a unique ability to see things from multiple perspectives and understand everyone’s feelings. As a result, you often find yourself playing the role of peacemaker, mediating conflicts and trying to keep everyone happy.

5. You’re used to being overlooked.

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Let’s be honest, middle children don’t always get the same level of attention as their older and younger siblings. You might have felt like your achievements were less celebrated or that your needs weren’t always prioritised. While this can be frustrating, it has also taught you to be humble and appreciate the smaller things in life.

6. You’re adaptable and flexible.

Valerii Honcharuk

Middle children are often caught in the crossfire between their siblings’ differing personalities and needs. This has made you incredibly adaptable and flexible. You can easily adjust to changing circumstances, compromise when necessary, and find common ground with people from all walks of life.

7. You have a strong sense of empathy.

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Growing up between siblings has given you a deep understanding of different perspectives and emotions. You’ve learned to put yourself in other people’s shoes, see things from their point of view, and empathise with their struggles. This makes you a compassionate and caring friend, partner, and colleague.

8. You’re a natural mediator.


Having witnessed countless sibling conflicts and family disagreements, you’ve developed a knack for resolving disputes. You’re able to listen to both sides, identify common ground, and propose solutions that satisfy everyone involved. This makes you a valuable asset in any team or organisation.

9. You’re the forgotten child.

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Let’s face it, middle children often get lost in the shuffle. Your older sibling was the trailblazer, setting the bar high, while your younger sibling was the baby, getting all the attention. You, on the other hand, were often overlooked, your achievements less celebrated and your milestones less documented. But hey, that just means you have less embarrassing baby photos floating around!

10. You’re a pro at sharing.

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Sharing is caring, right? Well, middle children learned that lesson early on. You shared toys, clothes, bedrooms, and even parents’ attention. While it might not have always been fun, it taught you the importance of compromise and the value of not always getting your own way. This has likely made you a more generous and accommodating adult.

11. You’re used to making your own fun.

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With your siblings off doing their own thing, you often had to entertain yourself. You became a master of imagination, turning cardboard boxes into spaceships and blankets into forts. This resourcefulness and creativity have likely carried over into your adult life, making you a fun and engaging person to be around.

12. You’re a great listener.

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Being in the middle, you’ve probably heard it all. Your siblings’ secrets, your parents’ worries, the family gossip. This has made you a great listener, someone who can offer a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on. You’re the person people turn to when they need someone to confide in.

13. You’re not afraid to take risks.

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With less parental pressure and expectations than your older sibling, and less coddling than your younger sibling, you had more freedom to experiment and take risks. You weren’t afraid to try new things, make mistakes, and learn from your failures. This has likely made you a more adventurous and open-minded adult.

14. You have a unique sense of humour.

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Growing up in the middle of the chaos, you developed a unique sense of humour. You learned to find the funny in everyday situations, to use wit and sarcasm as a defence mechanism, and to appreciate the absurdity of life. Your humour is often self-deprecating, quirky, and a little bit dark, but it’s always authentically you.

15. You’re a loyal and supportive friend.

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Middle children value their friendships deeply. You understand the importance of having someone who has your back, who will listen without judgment, and who will always be there for you, no matter what. You’re loyal, supportive, and always willing to lend a helping hand. You’re the friend everyone wishes they had.