Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Life is too short to be serious all the time, but can you actually say you’re having much fun?

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If you feel like your days are just the same ol’ humdrum experience with not much enjoyment, you have to ask yourself why that is. You don’t want your life to pass you by and end up looking back with regrets, so stop letting these things ruin all your fun.

1. You’re always waiting for the ‘perfect’ moment.

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Newsflash: there’s no such thing as the perfect time. If you’re constantly putting off fun activities because the stars aren’t perfectly aligned, you might be missing out on some cracking experiences. Sometimes, you’ve just got to take the plunge and go for it.

2. You’re too busy comparing yourself to everyone else.

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It’s easy to fall into the trap of measuring your life against what you see on social media, but 95% of what you see (if not more!) is fake, or at least heavily curated. When you’re too focused on what everyone else is doing, you might forget to enjoy your own journey.

3. You’re always thinking about work.

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I get it, work is important — I’m a bit of a workaholic myself. However, if you’re constantly checking emails or thinking about deadlines even during your free time, you’re robbing yourself of genuine fun. Try to set some boundaries and give yourself permission to switch off.

4. You’re afraid of looking silly.

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Sometimes, the most fun activities require us to let loose and be a bit daft. If you’re always worried about how you look or what people might think, you could be missing out on some proper laughs. Remember, life’s too short to always take yourself seriously.

5. You’re stuck in a routine.

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Routines can be comforting, but they can also be a bit boring. If you find yourself doing the same things day in and day out, it might be time to shake things up a bit. Try something new, even if it’s just a small change to your usual routine.

6. You’re always planning, never doing.

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Planning can be fun, but if you spend all your time making lists and never actually ticking anything off, you’re missing the point. Sometimes, you need to stop planning and start doing. Spontaneity can lead to some of the best memories.

7. You’re too focused on the outcome.


If you’re always thinking about the end result, you might be missing out on the joy of the journey. Whether it’s a hobby or a day out, try to focus on enjoying the process rather than obsessing over the final product or destination.

8. You’re letting your budget hold you back.

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Money can be tight, but fun doesn’t have to be expensive. There are plenty of free or low-cost activities that can be just as enjoyable as pricey ones. Get creative and look for ways to have fun that fit your budget.

9. You’re spending too much time on your phone.

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Smartphones are great, but they can also be a major distraction. If you’re constantly scrolling through social media or playing games, you might be missing out on real-life experiences. Try to limit your screen time and engage with the world around you.

10. You’re always saying ‘yes’ to things you don’t want to do.

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Being a people-pleaser can leave you with little time for the things you actually enjoy. It’s okay to say no sometimes. Focus on the activities and people that truly bring you joy, rather than trying to make everyone else happy.

11. You’re not getting enough sleep.

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It’s hard to have fun when you’re knackered all the time. If you’re constantly burning the candle at both ends, you might find yourself too tired to enjoy your free time. Prioritise getting enough shut-eye so you have the energy for fun activities.

12. You’re holding on to the past.

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Bad experiences can make us wary of trying new things, but if you’re letting past disappointments stop you from having fun now, you’re missing out. Try to go into new experiences with an open mind, rather than assuming they’ll go wrong.

13. You’re not making time for hobbies.

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Hobbies are a great way to have fun and de-stress, but they often get pushed aside when life gets busy. Make a conscious effort to carve out time for the activities you enjoy, even if it’s just for a short while each week.

14. You’re surrounded by negative people.

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If the people around you are always complaining or bringing you down, it can be hard to stay positive and have fun. Try to spend more time with people who lift your spirits and encourage you to enjoy life.

15. You’ve forgotten how to play.

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As we grow up, we often lose touch with our playful side. But play isn’t just for kids — it’s important for adults too. Try to rediscover activities that bring out your inner child, whether it’s colouring, playing games, or just being silly with friends.

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