Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Life is a lot sometimes, and it’s only natural that it’ll overwhelm you occasionally.

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When that happens, it can be incredibly upsetting. You don’t know how to move forward, but you know you have to. You just want to feel better, but you’re not sure what to do to get there. Here are a few tips that you might find helpful — doing these things may just bring you back down to earth and restore a sense of calm when things get a bit hectic. They definitely help me!

1. Take a deep breath and pause for a moment.


When everything feels like it’s spinning out of control, the simplest action can be the most powerful. Stop what you’re doing and take a few deep breaths. Taking even a tiny pause can help calm your mind and body, giving you a chance to reset and approach your challenges with a clearer head.

2. Write down everything that’s on your mind.


Grab a pen and paper and jot down all the thoughts swirling in your head. A bit of a brain dump can help you see your concerns more objectively. Once they’re on paper, you might find that some issues aren’t as daunting as they seemed, and you can start to prioritise what truly needs your attention.

3. Break big tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

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Large projects or responsibilities can feel insurmountable. Try breaking them down into smaller, more digestible tasks. This approach makes the overall workload seem less daunting and gives you a clear path forward. Focus on completing one small step at a time, and you’ll build momentum.

4. Prioritise your to-do list and focus on the essentials.

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Look at your list of tasks and identify what’s truly urgent and important. Not everything needs to be done right away. By focusing on the essential items, you can make progress on what matters most without feeling pulled in too many directions at once.

5. Set realistic goals and deadlines for yourself.

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Be honest about what you can achieve in a given timeframe. Setting unrealistic expectations only adds to your stress. Create goals that challenge you but are still attainable. Striking a balance helps you make steady progress without burning out.

6. Learn to say no to additional commitments.

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It’s okay to decline new responsibilities when you’re already stretched thin. Saying no can be difficult, but it’s crucial for maintaining your well-being and ensuring you can give your best to your existing commitments. Remember, saying no to some things allows you to say yes to what truly matters.

7. Reach out to someone you trust for support.


Talking to a friend, family member, or colleague can provide much-needed perspective and emotional support. They might offer practical advice or simply listen, which can be incredibly relieving when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Don’t hesitate to lean on your support network during tough times.

8. Take regular breaks throughout your day.

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Pushing through without pausing can lead to burnout. Schedule short breaks into your day to rest and recharge. Even a five-minute walk or a quick stretch can help clear your mind and boost your productivity when you return to your tasks.

9. Practice mindfulness or meditation to centre yourself.

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Mindfulness exercises can help ground you in the present moment, reducing anxiety about the future. Try a short guided meditation, or simply focus on your breath for a few minutes. These practices can help calm your mind and improve your ability to handle stress.

10. Limit your exposure to digital distractions.

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Constant notifications and information overload can contribute to feeling overwhelmed. Set boundaries with your devices. Try turning off non-essential notifications, designating specific times for checking emails, or taking short breaks from social media. It can really help you focus and reduce mental clutter.

11. Engage in physical activity to release tension.

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Exercise is a powerful stress-buster. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a full workout, physical activity can help release pent-up tension and clear your mind. Even a short burst of movement can make a significant difference in how you feel.

12. Create a structured routine for your day.

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When everything feels chaotic, a routine can provide a sense of stability. Establish a daily schedule that includes time for work, self-care, and relaxation. Having a predictable structure can make your day feel more manageable and help you stay focused on your priorities.

13. Practice self-compassion and avoid self-criticism.

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Be kind to yourself during challenging times. Avoid harsh self-judgement and recognise that feeling overwhelmed is a normal human experience. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer a friend. A bit of self-kindness can help you approach your challenges with a more positive mindset.

14. Delegate tasks when possible to lighten your load.

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You don’t have to do everything yourself. Look for opportunities to share responsibilities with colleagues, family members, or friends. Delegating not only lightens your workload but also lets other people contribute and support you. It’s a skill that takes practice but can significantly reduce your stress levels.

15. Celebrate small victories to maintain motivation.

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Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small. Completed a task on your to-do list? Take a moment to recognise that achievement. Celebrating these small wins can boost your morale and motivation, helping you maintain momentum as you tackle larger challenges. Remember, progress is progress, no matter the size.

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