Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Everyone has moments where they’re less than thrilled about what they see in the mirror.

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Hopefully, it’s just a fleeting thought before you’re back to being your confident self. However, maybe you’ve had a few knock-backs in life lately and are feeling ugly and unloveable more often than not. Here’s what to remember when these feelings are threatening to overwhelm you.

1. Your appearance doesn’t define your worth.


It’s easy to get caught up in society’s beauty standards, but remember that your value as a person goes far beyond your looks. Your kindness, intelligence, humour, and countless other qualities make you who you are. These are the things that truly matter in life and relationships.

2. Everyone has insecurities, even those you think are perfect.

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Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

That person you think has it all together? They have their own set of insecurities too. It’s part of being human. Recognising this can help you feel less alone in your struggles and more compassionate towards yourself and other people.

3. Your perception of yourself is often harsher than other people’s view of you.

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We tend to be our own worst critics. The flaws you obsess over are likely things people don’t even notice or care about. Try to see yourself through the eyes of someone who cares about you — you might be surprised at how differently they perceive you.

4. Self-love is a journey, not a destination.

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Learning to love yourself doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that involves ups and downs. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories. Every step towards self-acceptance is progress, no matter how small it might seem.

5. Your body is capable of amazing things, regardless of how it looks.

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Instead of focusing on how your body appears, try appreciating what it can do. Whether it’s carrying you through your day, healing from injuries, or allowing you to experience the world around you, your body is performing incredible feats every day.

6. Comparison is the thief of joy.

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In the age of social media, it’s easy to fall into the comparison trap. Remember that you’re seeing highlight reels from other people’s lives, not the full picture. Focus on your own journey and progress rather than measuring yourself against anyone else.

7. Beauty standards are constantly changing and often unrealistic.

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What’s considered ‘beautiful’ has varied dramatically throughout history and across cultures. Today’s beauty standards are often heavily influenced by digital manipulation and unrealistic ideals. Recognising this can help you take these standards less seriously.

8. Your uniqueness is your strength.

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The things that make you different are what make you interesting and special. Embrace your quirks and unique features — they’re part of what makes you, you. Many people find confidence and individuality far more attractive than conformity to a specific beauty standard.

9. Negative self-talk can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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The way you speak to yourself matters. If you constantly tell yourself you’re ugly or unloveable, you might start behaving in ways that push people away. Try to catch these negative thoughts and challenge them. Speak to yourself with the kindness you’d offer a friend.

10. Love comes in many forms, not just romantic relationships.

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While romantic love is often emphasised in our culture, it’s not the only type of love that matters. The love of friends, family, pets, or even self-love are all valuable and fulfilling. Don’t discount these important connections in your life.

11. Taking care of yourself can boost your self-esteem.

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Sometimes, when we feel low, we neglect self-care. But taking time to care for yourself — whether it’s through exercise, skincare, dressing in clothes you like, or simply getting enough sleep — can help you feel better about yourself. It’s not about changing who you are, but about treating yourself with respect.

12. Your experiences and personality make you attractive.

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Physical appearance is just one small part of what makes someone attractive. Your experiences, passions, sense of humour, and the way you treat people all contribute to your appeal. Focus on developing these aspects of yourself — they’re what create lasting connections.

13. It’s okay to ask for help if nothing helps you feel better, and you’re truly struggling.

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If you’re consistently struggling with feelings of being ugly or unloveable, it might be helpful to talk to a professional. These feelings can be symptoms of deeper issues like depression or body dysmorphia. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

14. You don’t have to be perfect to be loved.

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Love isn’t about finding a perfect person — it’s about finding someone whose imperfections complement your own. The right people will love you not in spite of your flaws, but because of the complete package that makes you who you are.

15. Your worth is intrinsic — it doesn’t depend on anyone else’s validation.

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While it’s natural to want other people’s approval, remember that your value doesn’t depend on anyone else’s opinion of you. You are inherently worthy of love and respect, simply because you exist. Work on internalising this belief — it’s one of the most powerful steps towards true self-acceptance.

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