Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

These days, it’s all too easy to turn into a Debbie Downer — I feel myself slipping into negative territory all the time!

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However, positive thinking really does go a long way in helping us deal with this crazy world, and the words we say are particularly important. If these sentences regularly come out of your mouth, congrats — you’ve got this whole “positive thinking” lark down pat.

1. You often say, “I can figure this out.”

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When faced with a challenging situation, your go-to response is to believe in your problem-solving abilities. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you approach the tough stuff with confidence, which shows that you trust in your capacity to learn, adapt, and overcome obstacles.

2. “There’s always room for improvement” is your mantra.

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Rather than getting discouraged by mistakes or setbacks, you view them as opportunities for growth. You clearly believe in continuous personal development and the potential for positive change. It’s a refreshing approach that keeps you moving forward, even when things don’t go to plan.

3. You frequently ask, “What can I learn from this?”

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When dealing with disappointment or failure, your instinct is to look for the lesson. Asking this question proves you have a growth mindset and believe that every experience, good or bad, has value. It’s a powerful way to reframe negative situations and find silver linings in challenging circumstances.

4. “I’m grateful for…” is a regular part of your vocabulary.

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Expressing gratitude is a cornerstone of positive thinking. By regularly acknowledging the good things in your life, whether big or small, you’re training your brain to focus on the positive. This habit can make you so much happier, not to mention far more resilient.

5. You often say, “Let’s give it a go!”

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Your willingness to try new things showcases an optimistic outlook. Instead of being held back by fear of failure, you embrace opportunities with enthusiasm. Such an adventurous spirit not only leads to new experiences but also builds confidence and adaptability.

6. “How can I help?” is your automatic response.

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When someone is struggling, your instinct is to offer support. Your generous attitude demonstrates a belief in the power of collective effort and kindness. It also reflects a positive view of your own abilities and a desire to make a difference in other people’s lives.

7. You frequently say, “I believe in you.”

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Encouraging people is second nature to you. By expressing faith in people’s abilities, you’re boosting their confidence and revealing your own positive outlook on human potential.

8. “It’s not a problem, it’s a challenge” is your go-to phrase.

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Reframing difficulties as challenges rather than problems is a classic positive thinking technique. Such a subtle shift in language changes your perspective, making obstacles seem more surmountable. It’s a powerful way to approach life’s hurdles with a can-do attitude.

9. You often say, “I’m proud of myself for trying.”

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Acknowledging your efforts, regardless of the outcome, shows a healthy self-appreciation. This is a great way of staying motivated, even when things don’t go as planned. It’s a crucial aspect of positive thinking that keeps you moving forward and trying new things.

10. “That’s an interesting perspective” is your response to disagreements.

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Instead of dismissing views that differ from your own, you approach them with curiosity. Staying open-minded helps you keep a positive outlook on diversity of thought and a willingness to learn from people. It’s a constructive way to handle conflicts and broaden your understanding.

11. You frequently ask, “How can we make this work?”

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When faced with obstacles, your instinct is to look for solutions rather than dwell on problems. Being proactive shows a belief in your ability to overcome challenges. It’s a positive, forward-thinking attitude that often leads to creative problem-solving.

12. “I’m excited to see what happens next” is your outlook on the future.

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Approaching the unknown with anticipation rather than anxiety is a clear sign of positive thinking. You clearly trust your ability to handle whatever comes your way and a belief that good things are on the horizon.

13. You often say, “Every day is a fresh start.”

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You believe in second chances and the power of new beginnings. By viewing each day as an opportunity to start anew, you’re demonstrating resilience and hope. It’s a positive outlook that helps you bounce back from setbacks and maintain motivation.

14. “I choose to focus on what I can control” is your mantra.

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It’s clear you have a healthy approach to dealing with the hard things in life. By consciously directing your energy towards things within your influence, you’re demonstrating a positive, proactive mindset. This way, you can both maintain peace of mind and make meaningful progress.

15. You regularly say, “The best is yet to come.”

Seva Levytskyi

You really are an optimist, aren’t you? You believe you have the power to create a better tomorrow and excitement for what lies ahead. Such a positive attitude helps you stay motivated and hopeful, even during tough times.