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Ever found yourself at a social gathering, feeling like a fish out of water? You’re not alone. Introverts often have a unique internal monologue running through their minds amidst the chatter and laughter. Here are some of the thoughts that might be swirling around in the head of an introvert at a party or networking event.

1. “I’m so glad I wore comfortable shoes.”

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Let’s face it, socialising can be exhausting. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and having comfy footwear is essential for endurance. Plus, it’s always good to have an escape plan, and who can make a quick getaway in stilettos?

2. “How long until it’s acceptable to leave?”

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Introverts are masters at calculating the optimal time to make a graceful exit. Too early, and you might seem rude. Too late, and you risk reaching social overload. It’s a delicate balance that requires careful consideration and a bit of strategic planning.

3. “Is that the snack table? I need to refuel.”

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Food is a social lubricant, and introverts know it. Grabbing a bite is a perfect excuse to step away from the crowd, recharge, and mentally prepare for the next round of conversations. Plus, who doesn’t love a good party snack?

4. “I wonder if anyone would notice if I disappeared into the bathroom for a while.”

lots of friends at a dinner tableSource: Unsplash

The bathroom isn’t just a place for personal hygiene; it’s a sanctuary for introverts. It’s a quiet space to escape the noise and recharge. Sometimes, a few minutes of solitude is all it takes to face the social scene again.

5. “Is it weird that I’m having fun people-watching?”

friends cheersing each other at outdoor partySource: Unsplash

Introverts are excellent observers. They enjoy studying human behaviour, analysing interactions, and creating stories in their minds. People-watching is a fascinating pastime that offers endless entertainment and insight into the social world.

6. “I wish I had brought a book.”

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For an introvert, a book is like a security blanket. It’s a portable escape hatch that can transport you to another world, even in the middle of a crowded room. It’s a way to recharge your social batteries and retreat into your own thoughts.

7. “I should probably talk to someone… but who?”

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Socialising doesn’t come naturally to introverts. Striking up a conversation can feel like a daunting task, especially in a room full of strangers. But, they know it’s important to make an effort, even if it’s just to say hello and exchange a few pleasantries.

8. “I’m actually having a pretty good time.”

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Despite their initial reservations, introverts can surprise themselves by genuinely enjoying social gatherings. They might discover new interests, connect with interesting people, and even find themselves laughing and having fun. It’s a reminder that stepping outside of your comfort zone can be rewarding.

9. “Should I join that conversation, or is it too late?”

© Jacob Lund Photography

Timing is everything for an introvert. Joining a conversation already in progress can feel awkward and intrusive. But waiting too long can make it seem like you’re not interested. It’s a constant internal debate, weighing the pros and cons of social interaction.

10. “I wonder if anyone else here feels as awkward as I do.”

Vladimir Cosic

It’s comforting for introverts to know they’re not alone in their social anxiety. Looking around the room, they might search for other wallflowers or people who seem equally out of their element. Finding a fellow introvert can be a relief and a potential source of camaraderie.

11. “I’m starting to feel drained. Time for a strategic retreat.”

friends at campfire at nightSource: Unsplash

Introverts have a limited social battery, and they know when it’s time to recharge. They might excuse themselves to get a drink, step outside for some fresh air, or simply find a quiet corner to decompress. These strategic retreats are essential for maintaining their energy levels and sanity.

12. “I hope I’m not coming across as too quiet or aloof.”

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Introverts are often misunderstood as being shy, aloof, or uninterested. They worry about what other people think of them and try to find ways to appear more approachable and engaged. It’s a constant balancing act between staying true to their introverted nature and making social connections.

13. “I wish I could just teleport home right now.”

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As the night wears on, the desire to escape intensifies. Introverts long for the comfort and solitude of their own space. They might daydream about curling up with a book, watching a film, or simply enjoying the quiet stillness of their home.

14. “I’m glad I came, but I’m definitely ready to go home.”

people at a party at nightSource: Unsplash

Despite the initial discomfort, introverts can find value in social gatherings. They might have had a few meaningful conversations, learned something new, or simply challenged themselves to step outside their comfort zone. But ultimately, they’re happy to head home and recharge in their own space.

15. “Next time, I’m bringing an extroverted friend as backup.”

female friends laughing on streetSource: Unsplash

Introverts know their strengths and weaknesses. They understand that having an extroverted wingman can make social gatherings more bearable. An extroverted friend can help break the ice, navigate conversations, and even provide a much-needed distraction when things get overwhelming.