Workplace affairs are incredibly common.
In fact, according to research cited by Forbes, 60% of people have admitted to having a workplace romance, with 20% admitting to having an affair. In other words, there’s a realistic chance that your partner — regardless of gender — might use their job to facilitate infidelity. And when it comes to straight men, the ones with these characteristics are more likely to do it.
1. They crave validation and attention.

Some men crave external validation to boost their self-esteem. An affair at work can provide a temporary ego boost, fuelling their need for admiration and attention. They might thrive on the secrecy and thrill of the forbidden, using it to feel desired and important.
2. They struggle with emotional intimacy in their primary relationship.

If a man feels emotionally disconnected or unfulfilled in his current relationship, he might seek emotional connection elsewhere. A workplace affair can offer a sense of excitement and novelty, filling a void that he feels is lacking at home. This doesn’t excuse infidelity, but it can help explain the underlying motivations.
3. They have a tendency to compartmentalise their lives.

Some men are skilled at compartmentalising different aspects of their lives, separating work from home and personal relationships. This can create a false sense of detachment, allowing them to justify engaging in inappropriate behaviour at work while maintaining a seemingly normal life outside of it.
4. They exhibit narcissistic tendencies.

Narcissistic individuals often crave admiration and attention, and they may lack empathy. They might see a workplace affair as a way to boost their ego, exploit people, and feel a sense of power and control. Their lack of empathy can make it easier for them to engage in infidelity without considering the consequences for their partner or colleagues.
5. They’re impulsive and risk-takers.

Some men are simply more prone to impulsivity and risk-taking behaviour. They might find the thrill of a secret affair enticing, even if it means jeopardising their career or personal relationships. Their lack of impulse control can lead them to make decisions without fully considering the potential consequences.
6. They have a history of infidelity.

While not always the case, a history of infidelity can be a strong indicator of future behaviour. If a man has cheated in the past, it might be a sign that he struggles with commitment, loyalty, or has unresolved personal issues that contribute to his infidelity. However, it’s important to remember that people can change, and past behaviour isn’t always a predictor of future actions.
7. They blur professional boundaries.

Men who engage in workplace affairs often blur the lines between professional and personal relationships. They might engage in excessive flirting, share personal details inappropriately, or try to get alone time with colleagues under the guise of work-related tasks. Recognising these blurred boundaries can help identify potential red flags.
8. They exhibit a sense of entitlement.

Some men feel entitled to attention, admiration, and even sexual gratification, regardless of the circumstances. This sense of entitlement can lead them to believe that they are above the rules and can engage in inappropriate behaviour without consequences. They might rationalise their actions by believing they deserve it or that their needs are more important than the potential harm they might cause.
9. They thrive on gossip and drama.

Men who are prone to affairs often have a knack for stirring the pot. They enjoy being in the know, sharing juicy tidbits, and even creating drama to feel more important or connected. This behaviour can be a distraction from their own insecurities or a way to manipulate situations to their advantage. If you notice a colleague constantly involved in office gossip or instigating conflicts, it’s worth paying attention to their other behaviours.
10. They lack clear boundaries with female colleagues.

While friendly interactions are normal, men who are prone to affairs often blur the lines between professional and personal relationships. They might engage in excessive flirting, make suggestive comments, or try to secure alone time with female colleagues under the guise of work-related tasks. Observing how they interact with people, especially those of the opposite sex, can offer clues about their tendencies.
11. They display a pattern of prioritising personal gain over ethical considerations.

Men who engage in workplace affairs often prioritise their own desires and needs over ethical considerations or other people’s well-being. They might be willing to compromise professional integrity, exploit power dynamics, or disregard the potential harm their actions could cause to their colleagues and their own reputation. This self-centred approach can be a sign of deeper issues related to morality and empathy.
12. They frequently complain about their partner or home life.

While venting about occasional frustrations is normal, constantly complaining about their partner or home life can be a red flag. It might indicate underlying dissatisfaction, a lack of emotional connection, or a desire to seek validation and attention elsewhere. Men who are open about their relationship problems at work might be more susceptible to seeking solace in the arms of a colleague.
13. They display a sudden change in appearance or behaviour.

Sometimes, men who are involved in an affair will start paying more attention to their appearance, dressing better, working out more, or changing their hairstyle. They might also become more secretive, distant, or emotionally unavailable in their personal lives. While these changes can have various causes, they could be indicative of a shift in priorities or an attempt to impress someone else.
14. They often work late or travel for business without clear explanations.

While some jobs require late nights or frequent travel, a sudden increase in these activities without clear explanations could be a sign of something more. Men who are having affairs might use work as an excuse to spend time with their colleagues or create opportunities for secret rendezvous. If their work schedule seems unusually demanding or secretive, it’s worth paying attention to the details.
15. They have a reputation for being a “player” or a womaniser.

Sometimes, a man’s reputation can precede him. If he’s known for flirting, having multiple partners, or engaging in casual relationships, it might be a sign that he’s not looking for a committed relationship and is more likely to seek out affairs. While past behaviour doesn’t always dictate future actions, it’s important to be aware of someone’s reputation and consider it alongside other factors when evaluating their character.