Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

No-one marries the first person they date (okay, mostly no-one).

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Chances are, you’re going to have to go out with and maybe even have relationships with many different kinds of people before you end up finding your person. It’s not necessarily a pleasant or painless process, but it does make the end result even sweeter. Before you get there, however, be prepared for these types of daters…

1. The one who’s still hung up on their ex

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This person might seem great at first, but you’ll soon notice their ex keeps popping up in conversations. They’re not quite over their past relationship, and unfortunately, you might end up feeling like a rebound. It’s a reminder that timing is everything in relationships.

2. The workaholic who never has time for you

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They’re ambitious and driven, which is admirable, but their 60-hour work weeks leave little time for dating. You’ll find yourself competing with their job for attention. This experience can help you realise the importance of work-life balance in a relationship.

3. The eternal party animal

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Always up for a night out, this person is the life of every party. It’s fun at first, but you might start craving quieter, more meaningful interactions. Dating them can help you find the right balance between excitement and stability in a relationship.

4. The commitment-phobe

Dmytro Sheremeta

Just when things start getting serious, they pull away. They’re charming and fun, but the moment you want to define the relationship, they’re suddenly “not ready”. This experience can teach you the value of clear communication about relationship expectations.

5. The overly possessive type

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They shower you with attention, which feels great initially. But soon, their constant check-ins and jealousy become overwhelming. This relationship can help you understand the importance of trust and personal space in a healthy partnership.

6. The eternal optimist

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Always looking on the bright side, this person’s positivity is infectious. However, you might find yourself wishing they’d take things more seriously sometimes. It can teach you to appreciate positivity while also valuing realism in a partner.

7. The one with vastly different values

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You click on many levels, but when it comes to core beliefs — be it politics, religion, or life goals — you’re worlds apart. This experience highlights the importance of shared values in a long-term relationship.

8. The Peter Pan who refuses to grow up

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Fun-loving and carefree, they’re always up for an adventure. But their refusal to take on adult responsibilities can become frustrating. Dating them can clarify your need for a partner who can balance fun with maturity.

9. The hopeless romantic

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They’re all about grand gestures and fairy-tale romance. While it’s sweet, you might find yourself craving more substance beyond the romance. This can help you appreciate the importance of balancing romantic gestures with everyday compatibility.

10. The one who’s perfect on paper


They tick all the boxes — good job, kind, attractive — but somehow, the spark just isn’t there. This experience can teach you that compatibility goes beyond a checklist and that chemistry plays a crucial role in relationships.

11. The free spirit

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Spontaneous and unpredictable, they keep things exciting. But their inability to plan or commit to anything can become exhausting. This can help you find your own balance between spontaneity and stability in a relationship.

12. The one who’s not over their childhood

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They have unresolved issues from their past that keep cropping up in your relationship. While it’s not your job to fix them, this experience can highlight the importance of emotional maturity and self-awareness in a partner.

13. The social media addict

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Every moment of your relationship is documented online. While it’s nice to feel celebrated, you might start craving more privacy. This can teach you the value of keeping some parts of your relationship just between the two of you.

14. The one with incompatible life goals

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You get along great, but your visions for the future are completely different. Maybe they want to travel the world while you’re ready to settle down. This experience underscores the importance of aligning on major life goals with a long-term partner.

15. The one who’s almost right

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They’re nearly perfect, but something small keeps nagging at you. This relationship can be the hardest to leave, but it teaches you not to settle and to trust your instincts when it comes to long-term compatibility.

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