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Self-loathing is a heavy burden to carry, but it doesn’t have to be a life sentence.

Instead of the usual “love yourself” advice, here are some unexpected and unconventional approaches to silencing that inner critic and creating a healthier relationship with yourself.

1. Imagine you’re comforting a friend who feels the same way.

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We often offer more kindness and compassion to other people than we do to ourselves. Picture a dear friend struggling with the same self-hatred you feel. What would you say to them? How would you comfort and support them? Now, try directing those same words and gestures of kindness towards yourself.

2. Write a letter to your younger self.

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Remember that younger version of yourself who might have experienced hurt, insecurity, or made mistakes that still haunt you today. Write a letter to that younger self, offering reassurance, understanding, and forgiveness. Remind them of their strengths, potential, and the journey of growth that lies ahead.

3. Challenge the negative thoughts with hhumour

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Sometimes, the best way to disarm your inner critic is to laugh at it. When a negative thought pops up, try responding with a witty comeback or a humorous observation. This can help to break the cycle of negativity and create some distance between you and the critical voice in your head.

4. Create a “Ta-Da!” list of all your accomplishments.

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We often focus on our shortcomings and failures, forgetting all the amazing things we’ve achieved. Make a list of everything you’re proud of, no matter how small it might seem. It could be anything from learning a new skill to overcoming a personal challenge. This list will serve as a reminder of your capabilities and resilience.

5. Surround yourself with positive affirmations and reminders.

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Fill your living space with positive affirmations, quotes, or images that inspire and uplift you. Stick post-it notes with encouraging messages on your mirror, set reminders on your phone with affirmations, or create a vision board that reflects your aspirations. These constant visual cues can help to counteract negative self-talk and reinforce a more positive self-image.

6. Find a creative outlet to express your emotions.

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Whether it’s painting, writing, dancing, or playing an instrument, find a way to channel your emotions into a creative outlet. Expressing your feelings through art can be cathartic and help you to process and release negative emotions, leaving you feeling lighter and more at peace with yourself.

7. Practice gratitude for the good things in your life.

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Shifting your focus to the positive aspects of your life can help to counterbalance negative self-talk. Each day, take some time to reflect on the things you’re grateful for. It could be your health, your loved ones, your pets, your home, or even the simple pleasures of life like a beautiful sunset or a delicious meal. Gratitude can help you to cultivate a more positive outlook and appreciate your own worth.

8. Spend time in nature and connect with the world around you.

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Nature has a remarkable way of grounding us and reminding us of our place in the world. Take a walk in the park, hike in the woods, or simply sit by a lake and observe the beauty around you. Connecting with nature can help to quiet the inner critic, reduce stress, and foster a sense of peace and belonging.

9. Treat yourself like you would treat a loved one.

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Imagine you’re caring for someone you deeply love who is struggling with self-hatred. Would you criticise them, judge them, or tell them they’re not good enough? Of course not! You would shower them with love, compassion, and encouragement. Now, try extending that same level of kindness and understanding to yourself. Treat yourself with the same gentleness and care that you would offer to someone you cherish.

10. Challenge yourself to do something that scares you.

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Stepping outside of your comfort zone and facing your fears can be a powerful way to boost self-confidence and silence self-doubt. It doesn’t have to be anything huge; it could be as simple as trying a new activity, speaking up in a meeting, or sharing your creative work with other people. Overcoming challenges can help you to prove to yourself that you’re capable and resilient.

11. Focus on your strengths and unique qualities.

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Instead of dwelling on your perceived flaws, shift your focus to your strengths and the things that make you unique. Make a list of your positive qualities, talents, and skills. Celebrate your individuality and embrace the things that make you special. This can help to boost your self-esteem and cultivate a more positive self-image.

12. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.

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The people we spend time with can have a significant impact on our self-perception. If you’re surrounded by negative or critical people, it can be difficult to break free from self-hatred. Look for positive and supportive people who uplift you, encourage you, and remind you of your worth. Their positive energy can be contagious and help you to see yourself in a more positive light.

13. Practice mindfulness and self-compassion.


Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It can help you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, and to respond to them with kindness and compassion instead of criticism. Self-compassion involves treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend who is struggling. Practising mindfulness and self-compassion can help to reduce self-criticism and cultivate a more loving and accepting relationship with yourself.

14. Seek professional help if needed.

Ekaterina Pereslavtseva

If self-hatred is significantly impacting your life and well-being, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist can provide you with tools and strategies to manage negative emotions, challenge distorted thinking patterns, and develop a more positive self-image. Therapy can be a valuable resource for overcoming self-hatred and cultivating a healthier relationship with yourself.

15. Remember that you are worthy of love and happiness.

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Self-hatred is often rooted in a deep-seated belief that you are not worthy of love and happiness. But this belief is simply not true. You are a valuable and unique individual, deserving of love, respect, and joy. Remind yourself of this truth every day, and challenge any negative thoughts that tell you otherwise. You are worthy, you are enough, and you deserve to live a life filled with love and happiness.