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Breaking up is hard to do, but with a narcissist? Brace yourself because it’s going to be a wild ride.

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Their massive egos, desperate need for attention, and inability to handle any kind of rejection make for a messy split. Let’s have a look at some outrageous ways a narcissist might try to end a relationship.

1. They blame you for everything that’s ever gone wrong in the history of your relationship.

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Get ready to be the villain of their breakup story. A narcissist will twist and turn the narrative, making sure you take the fall for everything that went wrong. They’ll conveniently forget their own shortcomings and amplify your mistakes, leaving you feeling bewildered and questioning your sanity. It’s their way of protecting their fragile ego and avoiding any accountability. So buckle up for a barrage of accusations, insults, and a one-sided history lesson where you’re the sole culprit.

2. They ghost you out of the blue.

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One day, you’re madly in love, and the next, you’re getting radio silence. A narcissist can disappear without a trace, leaving you wondering what happened. They won’t answer your calls, texts, or smoke signals. It’s as if they vanished into thin air, leaving you with a million unanswered questions and a shattered heart. This tactic allows them to avoid confrontation and maintain control, while you’re left picking up the pieces of your shattered reality.

3. They discard you dramatically.

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Prepare for a dramatic exit that would put a Shakespearean tragedy to shame. A narcissist might orchestrate a public humiliation, airing your dirty laundry for all to see. They’ll create a spectacle, ensuring that you’re left feeling embarrassed, degraded, and questioning your worth. It’s a calculated move designed to inflict maximum pain and leave you in a state of utter devastation.

4. They love-bomb you after dropping you.

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Pexels/VJ Apratama

Just when you think it’s over, a narcissist might reappear with a whirlwind of affection and promises. They’ll shower you with gifts, compliments, and apologies, luring you back into their web of manipulation. It’s a classic tactic to regain control and keep you hooked. But don’t be fooled, this is just a temporary reprieve before they revert to their old ways, leaving you even more broken-hearted than before.

5. They resort to triangulation.


Narcissists thrive on creating drama and jealousy. They might introduce a new love interest into the mix, flaunting their affection and making you feel inadequate. This triangulation tactic is designed to make you fight for their attention, boosting their ego and reinforcing their power over you. It’s a toxic game that leaves you feeling insecure, anxious, and desperate for their validation.

6. They start a smear campaign against you.

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Prepare for a character assassination that would make a tabloid journalist proud. A narcissist will launch a smear campaign, spreading rumours and lies about you to mutual friends, family, and anyone who will listen. They’ll twist the truth, paint you as the crazy one, and try to isolate you from your support network. It’s a ruthless tactic aimed at destroying your reputation and ensuring that you’re the one left looking bad.

7. They put you on an emotional roller coaster.

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Hold on tight because a narcissist will take you on an emotional rollercoaster like no other. One minute they’re hot, the next they’re cold. They’ll switch between love and hate, affection and indifference, leaving you feeling dizzy and confused. This manipulation tactic is designed to keep you off balance, desperately seeking their approval and clinging onto any crumbs of affection they throw your way.

8. They give you the silent treatment.

Communication? Forget about it. A narcissist will weaponise silence, ignoring your calls, texts, and pleas for conversation. They’ll create a wall of silence, leaving you feeling isolated, neglected, and desperate for any form of acknowledgment. This tactic is used to punish you, control your emotions, and make you crave their attention, even if it’s negative.

9. They use money to manipulate you.

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If you shared finances with a narcissist, get ready for some sneaky moves. They might drain joint accounts, max out credit cards in your name, or refuse to contribute to shared expenses. This financial manipulation is a way to control and punish you, leaving you in a precarious situation and making it harder to leave the relationship.

10. They gaslight you (of course).

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Prepare to question your own sanity. A narcissist will deny reality, twist your words, and make you doubt your own memories and perceptions, Psych Central points out. They’ll create a web of confusion and self-doubt, making it harder for you to trust yourself and your instincts. This gaslighting tactic is a powerful tool to maintain control and keep you dependent on their version of reality.

11. They compare you to other people, and not in a good way.

Ihor Pukhnatyy

Narcissists love to compare you to other people, highlighting your flaws and shortcomings while idealising past or potential partners. They’ll make you feel inadequate and unworthy, hoping to boost their own ego and maintain their power over you. This constant comparison tactic is designed to erode your self-esteem and keep you chasing their approval.

12. They start future-faking.

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They’ll paint a picture of a perfect future together, filled with promises they have no intention of keeping. This future faking tactic is a manipulation tool to string you along, keeping you invested in the relationship despite their lack of commitment or follow-through. It’s a way to avoid the present reality and keep you hoping for a better tomorrow that will never come.

13. They move the goalposts.

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They’ll constantly change the rules and expectations, making it impossible for you to ever meet their standards. This moving goalpost tactic is a way to keep you off balance and feeling inadequate. No matter how hard you try or how much you change, it will never be enough, ensuring that you always feel like you’re falling short.

14. They emotionally blackmail you.

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Get ready for guilt trips, threats, and ultimatums. A narcissist will use emotional blackmail to manipulate your feelings and get what they want. They might threaten to hurt themselves, ruin your reputation, or sabotage your life if you don’t comply with their demands. This tactic is a way to control your choices and keep you trapped in the relationship out of fear and obligation.

15. They backtrack on the breakup.

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One minute they’re ending the relationship, the next they’re begging for you back. This sudden reversal tactic is a way to keep you on an emotional rollercoaster, creating confusion and making it harder for you to move on. They enjoy the power of knowing they can pull you back in whenever they want, reinforcing their control and leaving you feeling powerless.