Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

You deserve to be treated with courtesy and respect — and sometimes you have to demand it.

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You get the treatment you accept in life, so if you allow people to talk down to you, disrespect you, or just treat you badly, they’ll do it. In other words, if you put up with any of these behaviours from other people in life, it’s time to stop.

1. They shouldn’t ignore your boundaries.

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Your boundaries are there for a reason. If you’ve told someone what you’re comfortable with, they need to respect that. It’s not cool for anyone to push past your limits or try to make you feel bad for having them. Your boundaries are valid, and the right people will understand and honour them.

2. They shouldn’t belittle your achievements.

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When you’ve done something awesome, no one should try to downplay it. Whether it’s a promotion at work or finally mastering that tricky recipe, your achievements deserve to be celebrated. Anyone who tries to make your successes seem small or unimportant isn’t treating you right.

3. They shouldn’t make you feel guilty for having needs.

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Everyone has needs, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you need some alone time, emotional support, or help with something, that’s totally normal. Nobody should make you feel bad for expressing what you need. A good person in your life will listen and try to understand, not guilt-trip you.

4. They shouldn’t constantly criticise you.

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Constructive feedback is one thing, but constant criticism is another. If someone’s always pointing out what you’re doing wrong without acknowledging what you’re doing right, that’s not okay. You shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells or feel like you can’t do anything right around someone.

5. They shouldn’t dismiss your feelings.

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Your feelings are valid, full stop. Nobody has the right to tell you that you shouldn’t feel a certain way. If you’re upset, happy, or anything in between, a decent person will acknowledge your feelings, not brush them off or tell you to “get over it”.

6. They shouldn’t try to control your actions or decisions.

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You’re in charge of your own life. While it’s normal for people to offer advice, it’s not okay for someone to try to control what you do, who you see, or how you live your life. Your choices are yours to make, and anyone who respects you will understand that.

7. They shouldn’t use silent treatment as punishment.

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The silent treatment is a form of emotional manipulation, and it’s not cool. If someone’s upset with you, they should communicate that like an adult, not give you the cold shoulder. Healthy relationships involve talking things out, not shutting down and freezing you out.

8. They shouldn’t make fun of your interests or hobbies.

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The things you’re into are part of what makes you, you. Whether you’re into collecting stamps or skydiving, nobody should mock your interests. A good person will show interest in what you love, or at least respect it, even if it’s not their cup of tea.

9. They shouldn’t lie to you or keep important information from you.

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Honesty is crucial in any relationship. Nobody should be lying to you or hiding important stuff from you. You deserve the truth, even when it’s not easy to hear. Trust is a big deal, and anyone who values you will be upfront and honest.

10. They shouldn’t pressure you into things you’re not comfortable with.

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Pressure is never cool, whether it’s about sex, drugs, or anything else. If you’re not comfortable with something, that should be the end of the discussion. Anyone who keeps pushing after you’ve said no isn’t respecting you or your choices.

11. They shouldn’t use your insecurities against you.

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We all have insecurities, and sharing them takes trust. If someone uses the things you’re self-conscious about to hurt you or win an argument, that’s a low blow. The people who care about you will help you feel more confident, not tear you down.

12. They shouldn’t take you for granted.

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Your time, effort, and presence in someone’s life is valuable. If someone’s always expecting you to be there for them but never returns the favour, that’s not fair. You deserve to be appreciated, not treated like a convenience.

13. They shouldn’t gaslight you.


Gaslighting is when someone makes you question your own reality or memory of events. If someone’s always telling you that you’re remembering things wrong or that something didn’t happen the way you know it did, that’s a big red flag. Trust your gut — you know what you experienced.

14. They shouldn’t invade your privacy.

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Everyone deserves privacy. Whether it’s snooping through your phone, reading your diary, or barging into your room without knocking, invading your privacy is not okay. Respecting personal space and privacy is a basic form of respect that everyone should follow.

15. They shouldn’t make you feel responsible for their happiness.

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While it’s great to make people happy, you’re not responsible for anyone else’s emotions. If someone’s always relying on you to cheer them up or blaming you for their bad moods, that’s not healthy. Each person is in charge of their own happiness, and it’s not fair to put that weight on your shoulders.

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