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We all want to be our sharpest selves, but sometimes, our daily habits can undermine our cognitive abilities.

You’re not trying to become a genius overnight — you just want to make small changes that can have a big impact on your brainpower. With that in mind, here are some everyday things you might be doing that could be dimming your intellectual light – and how to switch things up for a brighter mind.

1. You rely too heavily on technology for simple tasks.

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Remember phone numbers? Or how to get somewhere without GPS? Our brains are like muscles; they need exercise. When we let technology do all the heavy lifting, we’re essentially letting those mental muscles atrophy. Challenge yourself to memorise a few phone numbers, calculate tips in your head, or navigate using a map once in a while. Your brain will thank you.

2. Your diet is a cognitive catastrophe.

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Those sugary snacks and processed foods might taste delicious in the moment, but they’re doing your brain no favours. A diet high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and processed ingredients can lead to inflammation and impair cognitive function. Fuel your brain with whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. It’s like giving your brain a premium upgrade.

3. You’re not getting enough sleep.

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Think of sleep as your brain’s nightly maintenance crew. It’s when your brain consolidates memories, clears out toxins, and recharges for the next day. Skimping on sleep is like skipping those essential tune-ups. Aim for 7–8 hours of quality sleep each night. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed and mentally sharper.

4. You surround yourself with negativity.

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Negativity is contagious, and it can take a toll on your mental well-being and cognitive function. Whether it’s doomscrolling through bad news or hanging out with people who always complain, negative influences can drag you down. Seek positive people and experiences, read uplifting books, and engage in activities that bring you joy. A positive mindset is a powerful brain booster.

5. You’re a chronic multitasker.

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We often pride ourselves on our ability to juggle multiple tasks at once. But research shows that multitasking actually makes us less efficient and impairs our cognitive function. When you focus on one task at a time, you give it your full attention and perform better. Try single-tasking for a day and see how much more you accomplish.

6. Your social life is MIA.

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Humans are social creatures, and meaningful social connections are vital for our mental health and cognitive function. Isolating yourself can lead to loneliness, depression, and cognitive decline. Make an effort to connect with friends and family, join a club or group, or volunteer your time. Social interaction is like brain food.

7. You never step outside your comfort zone.

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Our brains thrive on novelty and challenge. When we stick to the same routine and avoid new experiences, we’re essentially putting our brains on autopilot. Break out of your comfort zone by trying a new hobby, learning a new language, or travelling to a new place. These experiences stimulate your brain and create new neural pathways.

8. You’re addicted to your screens.

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Whether it’s scrolling through social media, binge-watching shows, or constantly checking emails, excessive screen time can have a negative impact on your brain. It can lead to attention problems, sleep disturbances, and even depression. Set limits on your screen time, take regular breaks, and engage in activities that don’t involve screens. Your brain will thank you for the digital detox.

9. You skip breakfast or eat a sugary one.

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Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day, and for good reason. It kickstarts your metabolism and provides your brain with the fuel it needs to function optimally. Skipping breakfast or opting for sugary cereals and pastries can lead to blood sugar crashes, leaving you feeling foggy and sluggish. Instead, choose a balanced breakfast with protein, fibre, and healthy fats to keep your brain sharp and energised throughout the morning.

10. You’re always stressed out.

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Chronic stress is like a slow poison for your brain. It can impair memory, concentration, and decision-making abilities. When you’re constantly stressed, your brain releases cortisol, a stress hormone that can damage brain cells and disrupt neural connections. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature. Taking care of your mental well-being is crucial for maintaining a sharp mind.

11. You’re not hydrated enough.

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Your brain is about 75% water, so it’s no surprise that dehydration can negatively impact cognitive function. Even mild dehydration can lead to fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and headaches. Make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day. Carry a water bottle with you, set reminders to drink, and choose water over sugary drinks. Your brain will thank you for the hydration boost.

12. You spend too much time indoors.

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Spending too much time cooped up indoors can deprive your brain of essential vitamin D, which plays a crucial role in cognitive function. Lack of vitamin D has been linked to cognitive impairment and an increased risk of dementia. Make an effort to spend time outdoors every day, even if it’s just for a short walk. Soak up the sun (with sunscreen, of course) and let nature work its magic on your brain.

13. You’re not challenging your brain enough.

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Your brain is like a muscle that needs to be exercised regularly to stay strong. If you’re not actively challenging it with new information and complex tasks, it can become stagnant. Engage in activities that stimulate your mind, such as puzzles, brain games, learning a new language, or taking up a musical instrument. The more you challenge your brain, the sharper it will become.

14. You’re constantly distracted.

Photographer: Askolds Berovskis

In today’s fast-paced world, distractions are everywhere. From notifications on our phones to the constant buzz of social media, it’s easy to lose focus and derail our train of thought. These distractions can fragment our attention and make it difficult to think deeply and creatively. Make an effort to create a distraction-free environment when you need to focus. Turn off notifications, put your phone away, and find a quiet space where you can concentrate. Your brain will appreciate the peace and quiet.

15. You’re not taking breaks.

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While it’s important to focus on tasks, it’s equally important to take breaks. Our brains aren’t designed to work continuously for long periods. Trying to power through without breaks can lead to mental fatigue, decreased productivity, and impaired cognitive function. Take short breaks throughout the day to rest your brain and recharge. Go for a walk, listen to music, or simply close your eyes and relax. You’ll return to your tasks feeling refreshed and mentally sharper.

16. You’re not curious enough.

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Curiosity is the spark that ignites learning and fuels intellectual growth. When we stop asking questions and exploring new ideas, our minds become stagnant. Cultivate a sense of curiosity about the world around you. Ask questions, read books, watch documentaries, and engage in conversations with people from different backgrounds. The more you learn, the more your brain will expand and thrive.