Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Everyone has that person in their life who thinks they’re basically Einstein reincarnated, despite lacking even the most basic level of common sense.

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Sure, they think they’re intelligent, but the things they say and do expose them as complete frauds. In fact, their behaviour actually makes them seem a bit dense. No matter how much they protest to the contrary, here are 16 dead giveaways that someone’s not quite as clever as they reckon.

1. They use big words incorrectly.

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They drop yet another fancy word, and you think, “Uh, that’s not what that means, mate.” If they’re always trying to sound posh but mucking up the meaning, they’re definitely putting on airs. It’s like they’ve swallowed a thesaurus but forgot to read the definitions.

2. They can’t admit when they’re wrong.

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We all mess up, but some people just can’t take the L. If they’re digging their heels in even when they’re clearly off the mark, their ego might be writing cheques their brain can’t cash. Watch out for the ones who’d rather die on a hill of nonsense than admit they messed up.

3. They talk more than they listen.

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Know someone who treats every chat like it’s their personal TED talk? If they’re always rabbiting on and never shut up long enough to hear anyone else, they might not be as bright as they think. It’s hard to learn anything new when your gob’s always flapping.

4. They brag about their IQ.

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If someone’s always banging on about their test scores, they’re probably compensating for something. Real smartypants don’t need to advertise — they let their actions do the talking. Plus, how many of us even remember our IQ scores anyway? Sorry, but that 5 question internet test you took doesn’t count.

5. They’re close-minded to new ideas.

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Met anyone who shuts down new concepts faster than you can say “open mind”? If they’re not willing to give fresh ideas a fair shake, they might be scared of having their beliefs challenged. They’ve clearly decided they already know everything worth knowing.

6. They can’t explain more complicated/in depth ideas in simple terms.

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If someone can only talk about stuff using words that sound like they’re from another planet, they might not get it themselves. The real clever clogs can break things down, so even your nan would understand. If they can’t explain it to a 5-year-old, they probably don’t know it well enough.

7. They rely heavily on stereotypes and generalisations.

man and woman colleagues at tableSource: Unsplash

Life’s complicated, but some people like to keep it simple — too simple. If they’re always lumping people into neat little boxes, they might not have the brain power for nuanced thinking. Sorry, but that’s not the mark of an intelligent person; that’s a simpleton.

8. They’re always the expert, no matter the topic.

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Know someone who’s suddenly a pro in whatever you’re chatting about? Whether it’s rocket science or underwater basket weaving, they’ve got an opinion. Real experts know their limits and aren’t afraid to say “I don’t know” when they’re out of their depth.

9. They can’t handle constructive criticism.

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If they throw a wobbly every time someone suggests they might not be perfect, they’re probably not as smart as they think. Clever people usually see feedback as a chance to level up, not a personal attack. They act like admitting room for improvement means they’re thick.

10. They struggle with abstract thinking.

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Some people are about as flexible as a brick when it comes to thinking outside the box. If they can’t wrap their head around hypotheticals or see connections between different ideas, they might be overestimating their grey matter. You have to be able to look beyond surface level.

11. They lack empathy and emotional intelligence.

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Being book smart is all well and good, but if they can’t read a room to save their life, they’re missing a big piece of the puzzle. If they’re constantly putting their foot in it or can’t understand why people are upset, they might not be as clever as they reckon. Emotions aren’t rocket science, but for some, they might as well be.

12. They’re unable to change their mind when presented with new information.

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If they cling to their opinions like a life raft even when the facts say otherwise, they might not be the sharpest tool in the shed. Continuous learning means being open to changing your POV when you see evidence that disproves your previous way of thinking. It’s really not that hard!

13. They have poor problem-solving skills.

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If they’re always stuck when the going gets tough, they might not be as brainy as they believe. Clever people are usually great at finding workarounds and solutions. That’s because they look at every problem from different angles and try different things before settling on an answer.

14. They lack curiosity about the world around them.

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Some people are about as curious as a rock. If they can’t be bothered to learn new things or ask questions, they’re probably not as smart as they think. It’s like their brain’s on autopilot, cruising through life without ever wondering what makes things tick.

15. They regularly misunderstand humour or sarcasm.

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If jokes fly over their head more often than pigeons in Trafalgar Square, their smarts just aren’t there (that, or they’re neurodivergent, which has no mark on their intelligence whatsoever). While not everyone’s a comedy genius, constantly missing the punchline or taking banter seriously is a bit of a red flag.

16. They can never see things from different perspectives.

Giuseppe Lombardo

Some people are about as flexible as a lamppost when it comes to seeing other viewpoints. If they can’t even entertain the idea that someone else might have a point, they’re probably not as clever as they reckon. Their way isn’t always the right way — in fact, it probably very rarely is.