It’s a bit cliché to say we’re our own worst critics, but it’s true, isn’t it?

We judge ourselves more harshly than anyone else, and we never seem to want to cut ourselves any slack in life. However, if you’re beating yourself up over these things, stop — you’re allowed to be human, you know.
1. Forgetting someone’s name immediately after being introduced

Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you’re rude or don’t care. Our brains are just rubbish at remembering names sometimes. Next time it happens, just laugh it off and ask again. Most people will understand because, let’s face it, they’ve probably done it too.
2. Leaving dirty dishes in the sink overnight

So you didn’t have the energy to wash up after dinner. Big deal! Sometimes you’re just too knackered to face a sink full of dishes. They’ll still be there in the morning, and the world won’t end because you chose rest over a spotless kitchen.
3. Binge-watching an entire series in one go

Okay, so maybe spending 12 hours straight watching the new series of ‘Love Is Blind’ isn’t the most productive use of time, but sometimes we need that escape. As long as it’s not interfering with your life in a major way, enjoy your TV marathon guilt-free. Besides, now you can avoid those pesky spoilers!
4. Hitting the snooze button… multiple times

Morning you and evening you often have very different ideas about what time is a good time to wake up. If you need those extra 10 (or 20, or 30) minutes, take them. Just try to set your alarm a bit earlier to account for your snoozing habit. Your body knows what it needs, so listen to it.
5. Forgetting to call your mum back

Life gets busy, and sometimes we forget to return calls, even to the people we love most. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Your mum knows you love her. Just make sure to ring her when you do remember — maybe even set a reminder on your phone if you’re particularly forgetful.
6. Eating the last biscuit in the packet

You opened the biscuit tin, planning to have just one, and somehow they’ve all disappeared. Oops! It happens to the best of us. Food is meant to be enjoyed, and sometimes that means polishing off the whole pack. Tomorrow’s another day — you can always buy more biscuits.
7. Saying the wrong thing in a social situation

We’ve all had those moments where we’ve said something and immediately wished we could stuff the words back in our mouths. It’s awkward, sure, but it’s also incredibly human. Most of the time, people are too wrapped up in their own thoughts to dwell on your faux pas for long.
8. Not finishing that book you started months ago

That book’s been sitting on your night stand for ages, silently judging you. But here’s the thing — you’re allowed to not finish books. If it’s not grabbing you, let it go. Reading should be enjoyable, not a chore. There are too many good books out there to waste time on ones you’re not into.
9. Procrastinating on a task you’ve been dreading

We all have that one task we keep pushing to the bottom of our to-do list. Whether it’s making a doctor’s appointment or tackling a tricky work project, procrastination is a very human trait. Instead of beating yourself up, try breaking the task into smaller, more manageable chunks. You’ll get there eventually!
10. Skipping the gym… again

So your trainers are gathering dust and your gym membership card hasn’t seen the light of day in weeks. It’s okay! Exercise is important, but so is listening to your body. Maybe you need to find a form of movement you actually enjoy, or maybe you just need a break. Your worth isn’t measured by how often you hit the gym.
11. Forgetting important dates

Birthdays, anniversaries, dentist appointments — there’s a lot to remember in life. If you occasionally let one slip through the cracks, don’t panic. It doesn’t make you a bad friend/partner/teeth-owner. Set reminders on your phone if you need to, and remember — a belated card is better than no card at all.
12. Having a messy car/room/desk

A little clutter never hurt anyone. If you’re not naturally tidy, that’s okay. As long as it’s not a health hazard, a bit of mess is just a sign of a life being lived. Some of the most creative people have messy spaces. Who knows, maybe there’s a masterpiece hiding under that pile of laundry!
13. Spending too much time on social media

We all know that feeling of emerging from a social media rabbit hole, wondering where the last hour went. While it’s good to be mindful of screen time, don’t beat yourself up about it. Social media can be a way to stay connected and informed. Just try to balance it with some offline activities too.
14. Not being a ‘morning person’

If you’re more night owl than early bird, embrace it! Not everyone springs out of bed ready to seize the day, and that’s perfectly okay. Find a routine that works for you, even if it means setting your alarm a bit later. The world needs all types, morning people and night owls alike.
15. Saying ‘no’ to social invitations

FOMO is real, but so is the need for alone time. If you’re not up for that party or dinner out, it’s okay to decline. Your friends will understand, and you’ll be better company when you do feel up to socialising. ‘No’ is a complete sentence — you don’t always need to explain yourself.
16. Not having your life completely figured out

Here’s a secret — no one has it all figured out, no matter how much it might seem like they do. Life is a journey, not a destination. It’s okay to be unsure, to change your mind, to take detours. You’re not behind; you’re exactly where you need to be. Keep growing, keep learning, and be kind to yourself along the way.