16 Important Things To Say When You Talk To Yourself

How you talk to yourself has a huge effect on how you feel about yourself.

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If you’re constantly pointing out your flaws and talking yourself down, you’re going to end up feeling unworthy of all the good things that you actually deserve in life. You should feel good in your own skin and able to recognise all the amazing qualities you bring to the table. To get there, start by telling yourself these things on a daily basis.

1. “I can handle whatever comes my way.”


Life throws challenges at all of us, but reminding yourself that you’re capable of facing them is a game changer. When you affirm that you’ve got the strength and skills to get through tough situations, it builds resilience. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you’ll start tackling obstacles with more confidence.

2. “It’s okay to feel what I’m feeling.”

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Give yourself permission to have emotions, no matter what they are. Whether you’re angry, sad, or stressed, your feelings are valid. By accepting your emotions instead of brushing them off, you’re allowing yourself to process them in a healthy way. It’s about feeling what you feel without the added guilt.

3. “I’m proud of how far I’ve come.”

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It’s easy to get caught up in what’s still ahead, but don’t forget to give yourself credit for the progress you’ve made. Big or small, those steps forward matter. Take a moment to recognise how much you’ve grown, and let that be the fuel that keeps you moving toward your goals.

4. “I’ll focus on what’s within my control.”

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We all stress over things we can’t change, but shifting your focus to what you can do makes life a lot easier. This way, you’re not wasting energy on things out of your hands. It’s a reminder to put your efforts where they actually count, and trust that you can handle what’s in front of you.

5. “I deserve love and respect.”

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Remind yourself daily that you’re worthy of both love and respect— from other people and yourself. It helps you set healthy boundaries and build relationships that reflect your true value. When you believe in your own worth, you naturally start to demand better treatment from the world around you.

6. “Mistakes are just part of learning.”

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Instead of beating yourself up when things go wrong, see your mistakes as opportunities. Every stumble teaches you something, and with each lesson, you’re growing. Shifting your mindset from failure to growth can help you take more risks and embrace challenges without fear.

7. “I trust myself to make the right choices.”

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Sometimes it’s easy to doubt yourself, especially when decisions feel overwhelming. But reminding yourself that you’re capable of making good choices helps build trust in your own judgment. Even when decisions don’t turn out perfectly, trusting yourself means you’re confident in learning and adapting.

8. “Today is a fresh start.”

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Every new day is a chance to reset. No matter what happened yesterday, today brings fresh opportunities. This mindset shift can help you let go of past frustrations and approach the day with a positive attitude, knowing there’s always room for new beginnings.

9. “I am enough just as I am.”

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It’s easy to feel like you’re not doing enough or being enough, but the truth is, you’re already enough. Your worth isn’t based on achievements or other people’s approval. You deserve to be happy and loved just as you are right now.

10. “I’m letting go of what no longer serves me.”

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Holding on to negative thoughts, habits, or relationships can weigh you down. Telling yourself that it’s okay to let go creates space for better things to come into your life. It’s about making room for what aligns with your values and brings you joy.

11. “I’m grateful for the good things in my life.”


Practising gratitude shifts your focus from what’s missing to what’s already there. Taking time to acknowledge the things you’re thankful for, whether big or small, helps you develop a more positive outlook on life. It’s about appreciating the moments that bring joy, even on tough days.

12. “I can learn from this situation.”

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Rather than feeling defeated by tough situations, remind yourself that there’s always something to learn. When you see challenges as opportunities to grow, they feel less daunting and more like stepping stones toward something better.

13. “My boundaries matter.”

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Your needs and limits are important, and it’s okay to assert them. Telling yourself this daily helps you prioritise self-care and protect your emotional health. It’s about knowing what you need to feel balanced and making sure people respect that.

14. “I choose to be kind to myself.”

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We often give ourselves a much harder time than we’d give anyone else. Remind yourself to treat yourself with compassion, just like you would a good friend. Being kind to yourself helps reduce stress and builds a healthier relationship with who you are.

15. “I’m resilient, and I can bounce back.”

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No matter what life throws your way, you have the strength to get through it. This affirmation helps you remember that even when things are tough, you have the power to recover and come out stronger. It’s about trusting in your own resilience.

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