Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

A lot of people idolise athletes and celebrities, but most of them are actually pretty terrible role models.

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The real inspirational people in life are the ones that aren’t always drawing attention to themselves or acting as if they’ve got it all figured out. They’re the ones who do these things totally unprompted — and they’re the kind of people we should look up to and aim to be more like.

1. They admit their mistakes and learn from them.

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Nobody’s perfect, and real role models know this. They’re not afraid to own up when they’ve messed up. Instead of making excuses, they take responsibility and use their mistakes as opportunities to grow and improve. Their honesty and willingness to learn is truly inspiring.

2. They show kindness to everyone, regardless of status.

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They treat everyone with respect, whether it’s the CEO or the cleaning staff. They understand that kindness costs nothing but means everything. Their genuine warmth and consideration for other people, regardless of social status or position, sets a powerful example for those around them.

3. They stand up for what’s right, even when it’s tough.


It’s easy to go with the flow, but these people have the courage to speak up against injustice. They’re not afraid to challenge the status quo or defend those who can’t defend themselves. Their moral integrity, even in the face of opposition, is what makes them truly admirable.

4. They celebrate other people’s successes without jealousy.

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A true role model isn’t threatened by other people’s achievements. Instead, they genuinely celebrate when other people do well. They understand that success isn’t a finite resource and that boosting other people up doesn’t detract from their own light.

5. They stay humble despite their achievements.

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No matter how much they’ve accomplished, they stay grounded. They don’t brag about their achievements or look down on people who aren’t as successful. Instead, they stay humble, acknowledging the role of luck and other people’s support in their achievements.

6. They persevere in the face of setbacks.

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Life isn’t always smooth sailing, and true role models show us how to weather the storms. They don’t give up when things get tough; they demonstrate resilience, picking themselves up after failures and continuing to pursue their goals. They can be knocked down, but never knocked out, and that’s inspiring.

7. They prioritise their personal growth and learning.

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These people are true lifelong learners. They’re always trying to improve themselves, whether it’s through reading, trying new things, or even taking classes or courses. Their commitment to personal growth shows that there’s always room for improvement, no matter how successful you are.

8. They give back to their community.

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They understand the importance of community and actively contribute to making it better. Whether it’s through volunteering, mentoring, or supporting local initiatives, they use their time and resources to help other people. It sets a powerful example for everyone around them — you can’t stop yourself from wanting to chip in yourself!

9. They maintain a healthy work-life balance.

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While role models often achieve great things in their careers, they also understand the importance of life outside work. They make time for family, friends, and personal interests. The fact that they’ve managed to strike a balance shows that success isn’t just about professional achievements, but also about leading a fulfilling life.

10. They show empathy and compassion.

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They have the ability to put themselves in other people’s shoes, and they listen without judgement and offer support when needed. Their empathy and compassion create a ripple effect, inspiring other people to be more understanding and kind in their own interactions.

11. They take care of their physical and mental health.

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They understand that health is wealth, so they prioritise self-care, whether it’s through regular exercise, healthy eating, or practices like meditation. By taking care of themselves, they show everyone around them the importance of wellness, and demonstrate that it’s okay to put yourself first sometimes.

12. They embrace diversity and promote inclusion.

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True role models recognise the value of different perspectives and experiences. They actively work to create inclusive environments where everyone feels welcome and respected. Their commitment to diversity not only broadens their own worldview, but also sets an example for other people to follow.

13. They communicate openly and honestly.

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These people are excellent communicators, and they know how to express themselves clearly and actually listen to other people. They’re not afraid of tough conversations and always strive for honesty, even when it’s uncomfortable. This open communication creates trust and respect in their relationships.

14. They take calculated risks and embrace change.

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While they’re not reckless, they’re also not afraid to step out of their comfort zone. They understand that growth often requires taking risks and adapting to new situations, and their courage in facing change head-on inspires other people to embrace new challenges and opportunities in their own lives.

15. They lead by example, not just words.

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A real role model doesn’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk. They don’t ask other people to do things they wouldn’t do themselves. What’s even more impressive is that the consistency between their words and actions builds trust and respect, making their influence even more powerful.

16. They stay true to their values and principles.

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Perhaps most importantly, true role models have a strong moral compass that guides their actions. They don’t compromise their values for convenience or personal gain. This unwavering integrity, even in really difficult situations, is what truly sets them apart and makes them worthy of admiration.