16 Obvious Signs Someone Lacks Class, No Matter How Much Money They Have

Contrary to popular belief, class isn’t about wealth or status—it’s about how you carry yourself and treat other people.

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Someone might have all the money in the world, but still lack the qualities that define true class. After all, if they do these things, they’re missing that sense of grace and respect, regardless of their bank balance. Don’t be like these people — they’re the worst.

1. They treat service staff poorly.

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How someone treats waiters, baristas, or anyone in a service job says a lot about them. Being rude, acting superior, or ignoring people working in these roles is a huge red flag. Real class is about treating everyone with respect, no matter what their job is. After all, we’re all just trying to get by.

2. They constantly brag about their possessions.

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If you’re constantly hearing about someone’s car, house, or their expensive new purchase, it’s usually a sign of insecurity. Classy people don’t feel the need to show off; they let their actions and character speak for themselves. Bragging just comes across as them needing validation, and that’s not impressive.

3. They interrupt conversations to talk about themselves.

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Nothing makes you look more classless than cutting someone off to make everything about you. Good conversations are two-way streets. Classy people listen as much as they talk and appreciate what other people have to say. If you’re always steering things back to your own life, you’re missing the point.

4. They gossip about people relentlessly.

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Gossiping behind someone’s back is not just rude—it shows a lack of integrity. People with class don’t bring others down for entertainment. They know when to keep their opinions to themselves and respect people’s privacy. Plus, gossip always catches up with you, so it’s just a bad look all around.

5. They have poor table manners.

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Basic dining etiquette—like chewing with your mouth closed or not reaching across the table—might seem small, but it says a lot about how refined you are. Ignoring these simple courtesies comes across as thoughtless or disrespectful. Having good manners shows you care about the people you’re eating with, and it’s something that never goes unnoticed.

6. They dominate group settings without considering the people around them.

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Taking over conversations or making all the decisions without letting anyone else have a say? Not classy. True elegance is knowing when to step back and let other people shine. It’s about balancing confidence with humility, and being aware that everyone deserves a voice in social settings.

7. They flaunt their money in inappropriate ways.


Whether it’s flashing cash or dropping hints about how rich they are, showing off wealth is always in bad taste. Class isn’t about making sure everyone knows you’ve got money—it’s about being humble. Flaunting it only makes people uncomfortable and rarely leaves a positive impression.

8. They don’t say thank you or show appreciation.

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Not saying thank you or failing to acknowledge people’s kindness is a huge sign of poor character. A simple “thanks” goes a long way and shows respect. Classy people are quick to express appreciation, no matter how big or small the gesture. It’s just good manners.

9. They constantly name-drop to impress.

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Name-dropping doesn’t make you look important—it makes you look insecure. People who are truly confident don’t need to prove their worth by mentioning who they know. Class isn’t about who you’re connected to; it’s about the strength of your own character.

10. They’re late to everything.

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Being late all the time is a major sign of disrespect. Time is valuable, and arriving late without notice shows you don’t respect other people’s time. Being punctual is a simple but effective way to show you care about those around you. Classy people understand this and make it a point to be on time.

11. They ridicule people to make themselves feel superior.

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Mocking someone’s appearance, abilities, or background shows a lack of empathy and maturity. Classy people build people up rather than tearing them down. Insults, even masked as jokes, reveal insecurity and a lack of character.

12. They brag about breaking rules or cutting corners.

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Bragging about getting away with something shady, like skipping the line or cheating the system, doesn’t make you look clever—it makes you look cheap. Classy people do the right thing even when no one is watching. Integrity is at the heart of true class, and it’s something worth standing by.

13. They don’t know how to handle criticism gracefully.

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If you fly off the handle every time someone gives you constructive criticism, it’s a sign of immaturity. Classy people know how to take feedback, even if it stings a little, and use it to grow. Being able to stay composed when things don’t go your way shows true elegance.

14. They act entitled in every situation.


People who expect special treatment just because they think they deserve it are the worst. Class isn’t about demanding things from people—it’s about respecting everyone around you. If you’re always acting like the world owes you something, you’re missing the humility that’s at the core of true class.

15. They overshare personal details inappropriately.

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Talking about your personal life in public or with acquaintances is a huge misstep. Classy people know what’s appropriate to share in different settings. Oversharing can make people uncomfortable, and it just comes off as a lack of social awareness.

16. They treat kindness as a weakness.

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Looking down on those who are kind or generous shows a cynical attitude. True class values kindness—it’s a strength, not a flaw. People who treat others with respect and care, no matter their status, are the ones who truly embody grace and dignity.