16 Phrases Incompetent People Tend To Repeat Daily

Incompetence can show up in many ways, and the way they talk is probably the most obvious.

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They tend to say the same things over and over again — catchphrases they’ve heard other people say or that they think make them sound smarter than they are, so they’ve adopted them as personal mantras. However, interacting with these people for more than five minutes or so tends to reveal the reality: they’re not all that clever.

1. “I don’t have time for that.”

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It sounds like someone’s got their schedule packed, right? But most of the time, this is just an excuse for being bad at managing time. People who are truly organised don’t need to constantly claim they don’t have time. Instead, they figure out how to prioritise and actually make time for what’s important. If you hear this all the time, it probably means the person isn’t planning ahead or, worse, avoiding things they don’t want to deal with.

2. “It’s not my fault.”

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Someone who never takes responsibility for anything usually isn’t as capable as they want you to think. Blaming anyone or anything else for mistakes or setbacks shows that they can’t or won’t own up to their actions. It’s hard to grow if you’re constantly passing the buck. People who are on top of things admit when they mess up, learn from it, and move on. That’s how they improve. But this phrase? It’s just a way to deflect any personal responsibility.

3. “I’ll do it later.”

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We’ve all said this at some point, but it’s pretty much the hallmark of someone who struggles with procrastination. If you hear this too often, it shows they keep pushing things to the side until the pressure builds up. It’s easy to avoid tasks that feel overwhelming or boring, but the longer you put them off, the worse they get. Competent people don’t let that happen. They handle things on the spot, which keeps everything moving smoothly instead of letting work pile up and get chaotic.

4. “I don’t know how to do that.”

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Nobody knows everything, right? But when this becomes a go-to phrase, it’s a big red flag. It suggests that they’re not putting in the effort to figure things out. Competent people don’t just sit around saying they don’t know something; they make it their mission to learn. They Google it, ask questions, or roll up their sleeves and try. The “I don’t know” excuse? It’s just an easy way out. It shows they’re not putting in the work to improve their skills.

5. “I’m too busy to help.”

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Being busy is a reality for pretty much everyone, but using this as a constant excuse shows that someone’s either disorganised or just doesn’t want to help. Competent people can juggle their tasks and still make time to support the team when needed. They don’t hide behind their to-do lists. So, if someone’s always too busy to lend a hand, it’s a sign they’re not managing their time well, or they just don’t want to be bothered.

6. “I don’t need any help.”

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Independence is great, but constantly refusing help can be a sign of insecurity or stubbornness. No one knows everything, and even the most capable people know when to ask for assistance. Refusing help that they clearly need all the time? That’s a sign they’re either too proud or too afraid to admit they don’t have all the answers. But nobody’s an island, and being open to help when needed is a key part of getting things done right.

7. “That’s not part of my job.”

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This is a classic. It’s often said by people who aren’t willing to step out of their narrow focus, or who lack the flexibility to adapt to new tasks. Sure, everyone has their role, but competent people know that sometimes you have to pitch in and help with things that aren’t “your job.” If you’re always turning down tasks because they’re not technically part of your responsibilities, you’re probably missing out on the chance to learn and grow. Plus, teamwork often means doing what’s needed, not just what’s listed on your job description.

8. “I can’t do it.”

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This one is frustrating. When faced with a challenge, the first instinct for someone who lacks competence is often to say, “I can’t do it.” It’s easier to give up than to find a way to push through. But competent people don’t just throw in the towel when something’s hard. They ask themselves, “How can I do this?” and start figuring it out. The difference between “I can’t” and “How can I?” is massive.

9. “I’m not sure, but I think….”

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This is the go-to phrase for someone who’s not confident in their knowledge. It’s totally fine to be unsure about things, but when this phrase becomes a habit, it shows a lack of confidence in decision-making. Competent people might not have all the answers, but they don’t hedge their bets every time they speak. They either get the facts or are confident enough to admit when they don’t know something, instead of sitting on the fence.

10. “I’m just following orders.”

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This one is a classic cop-out. People who use this phrase think it absolves them from taking responsibility for their actions. They act like they’re just doing what they’re told, but competent people know that just following orders doesn’t mean you’re not accountable. They ask questions, take initiative, and make sure their work aligns with the bigger picture. Using this phrase as a shield is a sign they don’t want to take ownership of what they’re doing.

11. “I’m too tired.”


Exhaustion can be real, but using it as a regular excuse is a sign of poor energy management. Competent people know how to pace themselves and take breaks when needed. They don’t use fatigue as an excuse to avoid their responsibilities. If someone is always too tired to do, well, pretty much anything, it might mean they’re not taking care of themselves properly, or they’re just not handling their tasks in a way that doesn’t leave them drained all the time.

12. “I didn’t have a chance to.”

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If you constantly hear this, it’s often a sign of poor time management. Competent people know how to prioritise, even when things get hectic. Claiming that they’ve been so pushed that they didn’t get around to their to-do list means they’re not making time for what’s important. People who get things done know how to juggle their tasks and make sure the necessary work gets finished, no matter what.

13. “I don’t care.”

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This phrase tends to pop up when someone isn’t invested in what’s going on around them. Competent people care about their work and relationships. When someone regularly says, “I don’t care,” it’s usually a sign they’ve checked out or aren’t fully engaged with what they’re supposed to be doing. It shows a lack of commitment or interest in making things better.

14. “That’s good enough.”

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When someone’s satisfied with “good enough,” it shows a lack of ambition or pride in their work. Competent people push themselves to go beyond the bare minimum. Someone who’s more than happy to accept mediocrity in everything they do isn’t usually all that bothered about self-improvement or success. It’s a mindset that keeps them from ever reaching their full potential.

15. “I tried my best.”

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Effort is important, but this phrase can often be a cover for not putting in enough work. People who are truly competent don’t just try their best — they push themselves to get results. Saying “I tried my best” too often is just an easy excuse for not doing what it takes to succeed. Competence means putting in the work, going beyond what’s comfortable, and getting the job done.

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