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No one likes going through a breakup, but sometimes it’s necessary. Other times, not so much. Ever had that sinking feeling that maybe, just maybe, you pulled the plug too soon?

1. You can’t stop comparing everyone to your ex.

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It’s like they’re the gold standard, and everyone else just falls short. You find yourself thinking, “My ex would never do that” or “They always knew how to make me laugh.” You start noticing all the little things that your ex did that made them special, and you can’t help but wonder if anyone else will ever measure up. The fact that you can’t stop comparing everyone else to them means you likely have some unresolved feelings for them (and that you shouldn’t be dating right now!).

2. You find yourself stalking their social media.

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You can’t resist checking their profiles, scrolling through their photos, and seeing what they’re up to. You’re hoping for a sign that they miss you or that they’re miserable without you. Maybe you even find yourself analysing their posts for hidden messages or clues about their feelings. This obsessive behaviour is a clear indication that you’re not over them, and that you’re still holding on to hope for a reconciliation.

3. You’re constantly reminiscing about the good times.

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You find yourself replaying all the happy memories you shared with your ex — the inside jokes, the romantic gestures, the fun times you had together. It’s like you’re watching a highlight reel of your relationship, and you can’t help but feel a pang of sadness and longing for what you lost. This constant reminiscing is a sign that you’re still attached to the positive aspects of the relationship, and that you might be downplaying the reasons why you broke up in the first place.

4. You feel a deep sense of loneliness and emptiness.

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Even if you’re surrounded by friends and family, you feel a void in your life that your ex used to fill. You miss their companionship, their support, their affection. You crave their presence and the comfort and familiarity of your relationship. This feeling of emptiness is a sign that you haven’t fully processed the loss of your ex and that you might be romanticizing the relationship.

5. You find it difficult to move on and date other people.

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You might try to distract yourself with new dates or flings, but you can’t shake the feeling that you’re just not interested. You compare everyone to your ex, and no one seems to measure up. You’re not ready to open your heart to someone new because you’re still holding on to the hope of getting back together with your ex. This difficulty in moving on is a clear indication that you might have made a mistake ending the relationship.

6. You’re constantly reaching out to your ex or trying to stay in touch.

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You send them texts, call them, or find excuses to run into them. You’re hoping to rekindle the spark or at least maintain some kind of connection. Maybe you convince yourself that you’re just being friendly, but deep down, you know you’re still hoping for more. This persistent attempt to stay in contact is a sign that you’re not ready to let go and that you might be harbouring some unresolved feelings.

7. You find yourself justifying their past mistakes or behaviour.

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You start downplaying the reasons why you broke up in the first place. You make excuses for their bad behaviour or convince yourself that things weren’t really that bad. You might even start blaming yourself for the demise of the relationship. This revisionist history is a sign that you’re trying to convince yourself that the breakup was a mistake and that you should give them another chance.

8. You have a gut feeling that you made the wrong decision.

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Call it intuition, a sixth sense, or just a hunch, but you can’t shake the feeling that breaking up was a mistake. You feel a deep sense of regret and wish you could turn back time. This gut feeling is a powerful indicator that your heart and mind are not aligned with your decision. It’s a sign that you should take some time to reflect on your feelings and consider whether reconciliation is a possibility.

9. You feel an inexplicable void that no one else can fill.

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It’s like a piece of you is missing, and no amount of distractions or new connections can quite fill that void. You might try to fill it with work, hobbies, or other relationships, but nothing seems to fit quite right. This feeling of emptiness is a sign that your ex held a special place in your heart and that their absence has left a noticeable gap in your life. It’s a reminder that they were more than just a partner; they were a part of your identity and your happiness.

10. You constantly catch yourself thinking about them, even when you’re trying not to.

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Your ex seems to pop into your head at the most random times. You might be at work, hanging out with friends, or even on a date with someone new, but your thoughts keep drifting back to them. You replay conversations, remember inside jokes, and wonder what they’re doing. This persistent preoccupation with your ex is a sign that you haven’t fully moved on and that they still hold a significant emotional hold over you.

11. You secretly hope they’ll reach out or try to win you back.

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You check your phone constantly, hoping to see a message or a missed call from them. You fantasize about them realizing their mistake and begging for a second chance. You might even find yourself leaving subtle hints on social media, hoping they’ll notice and make a move. This lingering hope for reconciliation is a sign that you haven’t fully accepted the breakup and that you might be clinging to the possibility of getting back together.

12. You find yourself defending your ex to friends and family.

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Even though you broke up with them, you can’t help but defend them when people criticize them or point out their flaws. You downplay their negative traits and emphasize their positive qualities. You might even find yourself arguing with loved ones who don’t approve of your ex or who encourage you to move on. This protective instinct is a sign that you still care deeply for your ex and that you might be overlooking their flaws in the hopes of rekindling the relationship.

13. You find yourself regretting the decision to break up.

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You start second-guessing yourself, wondering if you made a hasty decision or if you overreacted to a minor issue. You might even blame yourself for the demise of the relationship, replaying arguments and disagreements in your head, and wondering if you could have done things differently. This regret is a powerful emotion that can consume you and make it difficult to move on. It’s a sign that you need to take some time to reflect on your feelings and assess whether reconciliation is a possibility.

14. You’re still emotionally invested in their life and happiness.

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You can’t help but care about how they’re doing, even though you’re no longer together. You might find yourself checking up on them through mutual friends or social media, hoping they’re happy and doing well. You might even feel a pang of jealousy if you see them with someone new. This emotional investment is a sign that you’re still attached to them and that you might not be ready to let go completely.

15. You dream about them frequently.

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Your subconscious mind is trying to tell you something. Dreams about your ex can be a way for your unconscious to process unresolved feelings or to revisit unresolved issues from the relationship. These dreams might be comforting or disturbing, depending on the content and context, but they’re a clear indication that your ex is still on your mind, even when you’re asleep. It’s a sign that you need to address those unresolved feelings and find closure before you can truly move on.

16. You feel a strong sense of familiarity and comfort when you’re around them.

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Even though you’re no longer together, you still feel a sense of ease and comfort when you’re in your ex’s presence. It’s like slipping into a familiar pair of shoes – you know them, you understand them, and you feel a sense of belonging with them. This familiarity can be incredibly powerful and can make it difficult to let go of the relationship. It’s a reminder of the deep connection you once shared and the comfort and security that you found in each other. This feeling can make it challenging to move on, as you long for that sense of familiarity and belonging again.