Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Sometimes it feels like you take one step forward and three steps back in life.

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You might think you’re doing okay at first, but then you see other people’s progress and realise you’re not as far ahead as you thought (at least in your own mind). Of course, comparison is the thief of joy, and it’s far too easy to convince yourself that your life isn’t that great when really, you’re doing incredibly well. Here are some signs you’re on the right path, even when it feels like you’re not.

1. You’ve got a roof over your head.

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Okay, it might not be a mansion, but you’ve got somewhere to call home. Maybe it’s a bit small, or the neighbours are noisy, but it’s yours. That’s huge! Some people don’t even have that. Plus, you’ve probably got a comfy spot to watch your favourite shows, right?

2. You can afford to buy food.

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Even if it’s not caviar and champagne, you’re not going hungry. Maybe you’re living on beans on toast more often than you’d like, but hey, you’re fed. That’s a win in my book. And let’s be honest, sometimes nothing beats a good ol’ beans on toast dinner anyway. Just don’t forget the cheese!

3. You’ve got at least one person who cares about you.

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Whether it’s a friend, family member, or even a pet, someone out there gives a toss about you. That’s pretty special when you think about it. Even if it’s just your cat who tolerates you because you feed it, that still counts! (But come on, you know you’ve got more love in your life than that!)

4. You’re not in crippling debt.

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Sure, you might have a bit of credit card debt or a student loan, but you’re not drowning in it. If you can pay your bills without having a panic attack, you’re doing alright. Remember when you thought you’d never pay off that “essential” PlayStation purchase? Look at you now!

5. You’ve learned from past mistakes.

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We’ve all cocked up at some point, but if you can look back and think “Well, I won’t do that again,” you’re growing. It’s like you’re levelling up in the game of life. That haircut from 2005 taught you a valuable lesson, didn’t it?

6. You can laugh at yourself.

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If you can chuckle at your own blunders, you’re doing great. Life’s too short to take everything seriously. Remember when you walked around all day with your shirt inside out? Classic you!

7. You’ve got goals, even small ones.

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Maybe it’s just to finally clean out that “doom drawer” in the kitchen, but having goals means you’re looking forward. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t cured cancer or climbed Everest. Sometimes just aiming to put on proper trousers is achievement enough.

8. You’re not the same person you were a year ago.

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Change is good, even if it’s just that you’ve finally learned how to cook something other than toast. You’re evolving, and that’s amazing. Maybe you’ve even started to enjoy those veggies you used to hide under your mash as a kid. The point is, you’re making progress rather than treading water, and that’s admirable.

9. You’ve overcome something difficult.

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We’ve all had our battles. If you’ve made it through a tough time, you’re stronger than you think. It could be as simple as finally figuring out how to use the self-checkout without calling for help. That’s growth, that is.

10. You’re trying to be healthy, even a little bit.

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Maybe you’ve swapped one fizzy drink for a water, or you took the stairs instead of the lift once this week. It’s not about being a fitness guru, it’s about making small efforts. Even if your idea of exercise is running to catch the bus, it still counts!

11. You’ve got a hobby or interest you enjoy.

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Whether it’s binge-watching Netflix or collecting bottle caps, having something you like doing is important. It doesn’t have to be productive or impressive. If it makes you happy, it’s worthwhile. Even if your hobby is napping, that’s still a skill!

12. You can admit when you’re wrong.

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It’s not easy to say “I messed up,” but if you can do it, you’re more mature than half the people out there. It’s like being a grown-up, but without the fun of eating ice cream for breakfast (which you can also do because you’re a grown-up).

13. You’ve got clean underwear on.

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Seriously, don’t underestimate the power of clean pants. If you’ve managed to do laundry recently, you’re adulting like a boss. It’s the little things, right? Plus, your mum would be proud.

14. You’ve made someone smile recently.

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Maybe you held the door open for someone or told a terrible dad joke. If you’ve brought a bit of joy to someone else’s day, you’re making the world a bit better. Even if the smile was more of a grimace at your awful pun, it still counts.

15. You’re reading this list.

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The fact that you’re here, trying to find positives, means you’re self-aware and wanting to improve. That’s huge! You’re not just floating through life on autopilot. Give yourself a pat on the back for that. Or better yet, treat yourself to a biscuit. You’ve earned it.

16. You’re still here, keeping on keeping on.

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Life can be tough, but you’re still plugging away. That resilience is something to be proud of. Every day you get up and face the world is a win, even if some days that just means making it from the bed to the sofa. You’re doing great, honestly.