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We all hope to find that special someone who’s genuinely good for us, but sometimes it can be hard to tell.

While every relationship is unique, there are some telltale signs that you’re with a keeper. These signs might be subtle, but they speak volumes about the quality of your connection and the person you’re sharing your life with.

1. They make you feel safe and secure.

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A genuinely good person creates a safe space for you to be yourself, without fear of judgment or ridicule. You feel comfortable expressing your thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities, knowing that they’ll be met with understanding and support. This sense of safety creates trust and deepens your connection.

2. They respect your boundaries.

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Whether it’s physical, emotional, or mental boundaries, a good partner respects them without question. They listen to your needs and preferences, and they never pressure you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. This mutual respect is the foundation of a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

3. They support your dreams and aspirations.

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A good partner is your biggest cheerleader, encouraging you to pursue your passions and goals. They believe in your potential and offer support and guidance along the way. Whether you want to start a business, go back to school, or simply try something new, they’re there to celebrate your successes and offer a shoulder to lean on during challenges.

4. They communicate openly and honestly.

Yuri Arcurs

Healthy communication is the cornerstone of any strong relationship. A good partner listens attentively to your thoughts and feelings, and they express their own openly and honestly. They don’t shy away from difficult conversations or avoid conflict, but instead, work together to find solutions and strengthen your bond.

5. They make you laugh.

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Laughter is the best medicine, and a good partner knows how to bring a smile to your face. They have a sense of humour that aligns with yours, and they enjoy sharing jokes and light-hearted moments. Their laughter is infectious and makes even the toughest days feel a little brighter.

6. They challenge you to grow.

Javier Sánchez Mingorance

A good partner isn’t afraid to challenge you to become the best version of yourself. They encourage you to step outside your comfort zone, try new things, and expand your horizons. They see your potential and push you to reach for it, while always offering support and encouragement along the way.

7. They prioritise quality time together.

Marko Ristic

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to let quality time with your partner slip through the cracks. But a good partner recognises the importance of spending meaningful time together. They make an effort to plan dates, engage in shared activities, and simply enjoy each other’s company. This dedicated time strengthens your connection and keeps the spark alive.

8. They apologise sincerely and take responsibility for their actions.

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Everyone makes mistakes, but a good partner knows how to own up to theirs. They offer sincere apologies when they hurt you, without making excuses or deflecting blame. They take responsibility for their actions and strive to make amends, demonstrating their commitment to your well-being and the health of your relationship.

9. They are consistent in their words and actions.

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A good partner doesn’t just talk the talk; they walk the walk. Their actions align with their words, and they follow through on their promises. They don’t make empty gestures or offer false reassurances. This consistency builds trust and makes you feel secure in their commitment to you.

10. They celebrate your accomplishments, big and small.

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Whether you landed a promotion, finished a marathon, or simply cooked a delicious meal, a good partner is genuinely happy for you. They take pride in your achievements and celebrate your successes, no matter how big or small. This positive reinforcement makes you feel valued and appreciated for who you are.

11. They’re not afraid to be vulnerable with you.

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Vulnerability is a key component of intimacy. A good partner allows you to see their true self, flaws and all. They share their fears, insecurities, and struggles, and they trust you with their heart. This openness creates a deeper connection and allows you to support each other through life’s ups and downs.

12. They make you feel like you can conquer the world together.

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A good partner is your teammate, your confidant, and your partner in crime. They make you feel like you can tackle any challenge together, and they always have your back. Whether you’re facing a personal crisis or simply trying to figure out what to have for dinner, they’re there to offer support and encouragement.

13. They bring out the best in you.

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A good partner inspires you to be a better person. They challenge you to grow, encourage you to pursue your dreams, and support you through difficult times. Their presence in your life elevates you, making you feel more confident, capable, and fulfilled.

14. They accept you for who you are, flaws and all.

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A good partner doesn’t try to change you or mould you into someone you’re not. They love you unconditionally, accepting your quirks, imperfections, and vulnerabilities. They see the beauty in your flaws and appreciate you for the unique individual you are.

15. They make an effort to understand your perspective, even when they disagree.

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Disagreements are inevitable in any relationship, but a good partner strives to understand your point of view, even when they don’t share it. They listen actively, ask thoughtful questions, and try to see things from your perspective. This willingness to understand encourages empathy and strengthens your bond, even during disagreements.

16. They make you feel loved and appreciated every day.

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A good partner doesn’t just say “I love you,” they show it through their actions. They make you feel loved and appreciated through small gestures of kindness, thoughtful surprises, and words of affirmation. Their love is a constant source of warmth and comfort, making you feel cherished and valued every day.