Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Feeling comfortable in a relationship can be a good thing, but if it starts to make you complacent, that’s not okay.

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While you don’t need to be in your partner’s pocket 24/7, if you’re barely giving them any attention or spending quality time together, your relationship is going to suffer as a result. Here are some signs you need to give them a bit more TLC for the sake of your connection.

1. You can’t remember the last time you had a proper conversation.

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When was the last time you sat down and really talked with your partner? If you’re struggling to recall, it might be a sign that you’re not giving them enough attention. Daily check-ins and meaningful conversations play huge roles in keeping your connection strong.

2. You’re always on your phone when you’re together.

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If you’re constantly scrolling through your Instagram feed or responding to messages when you’re with your partner, it’s time to reassess your priorities. Put the phone down and engage with the person in front of you. Your partner deserves your undivided attention.

3. You’ve stopped asking about their day.

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Remember when you used to be genuinely interested in how your partner’s day went? If you’ve stopped asking or listening to their responses, it’s a clear sign that you’re not paying enough attention. Show interest in their daily experiences and feelings, even if they’re not all that exciting.

4. You’ve forgotten important dates.

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Birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates should be remembered. If you’re consistently forgetting these important milestones, it shows a lack of attention and care. Make an effort to mark these dates and celebrate them together.

5. You’re not noticing changes in their appearance.

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Has your partner got a new haircut or outfit that you failed to notice? Paying attention to these small details shows that you’re observant and care about them. Make an effort to compliment your partner and acknowledge the changes they make.

6. You’re making plans without considering them.

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If you’re regularly making plans without consulting your partner or considering their schedule, it’s a sign that you’re not giving them enough attention. Include them in your decision-making process and show that their time and opinions matter to you.

7. You’re not listening when they speak.

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Do you find yourself zoning out when your partner is talking? Active listening is crucial in a relationship. If you’re not fully present during conversations, you’re missing out on important information and showing a lack of respect for your partner’s thoughts and feelings.

8. You’ve stopped doing small acts of kindness.

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Those little gestures of love and affection are important. If you’ve stopped doing things like making their favourite meal or leaving sweet notes, it might be time to rekindle those small acts of kindness. They show your partner that you’re thinking of them.

9. You’re not sharing your own thoughts and feelings.

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Communication is a two-way street. If you’re not opening up about your own experiences and emotions, you’re creating distance in the relationship. Share your thoughts and feelings with your partner to maintain a strong emotional connection.

10. You’re always too busy for them.

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If you constantly find yourself saying “I’m too busy” when your partner wants to spend time with you, it’s a red flag. Make time for your relationship, even if it means rearranging your schedule. Your partner should be a priority.

11. You’re not noticing when they’re upset.

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Being attuned to your partner’s emotions is crucial. If you’re missing signs that they’re upset or stressed, it shows a lack of attention to their emotional state. Pay attention to their mood and offer support when they need it.

12. You’ve stopped planning dates or surprises.

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When was the last time you planned a special date or surprised your partner? If it’s been a while, it might be time to put in some effort. These gestures show that you’re thinking about them and want to make them happy.

13. You’re not supporting their goals and dreams.

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A supportive partner pays attention to their significant other’s aspirations. If you’re not showing interest in or encouraging their goals, it’s a sign that you’re not giving them enough attention. Be their cheerleader and help them work towards their dreams.

14. You’re always distracted during intimate moments.

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Intimacy requires focus and attention. If you find your mind wandering during these moments, it’s a sign that you’re not fully present in the relationship. Make an effort to be mentally and emotionally present during intimate times with your partner.

15. You’ve stopped compromising.

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Relationships involve give and take. If you’ve stopped making compromises and are always insisting on your way, it shows a lack of attention to your partner’s needs and desires. Be willing to meet in the middle and consider their preferences.

16. You’re not expressing gratitude.

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Appreciation goes a long way in a relationship. If you’ve stopped saying “thank you” for the things your partner does, big or small, it’s time to start showing more gratitude. Recognise their efforts and let them know you appreciate them.