Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Some people have rather… challenging personalities (and that’s putting it nicely).

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They’re loud, annoying, demanding, and just not that great to be around. However, you’re different — you have a wide social circle full of friends from all different walks of life, and you can strike up a conversation with anyone, anywhere. Why is that? You’re easy to get along with — and here’s proof.

1. People often come to you for advice.

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If friends and colleagues always ask for your opinion, it’s a good sign that they value your judgement. That’s because you’re approachable and people feel comfortable opening up to you. It also proves that you’re seen as someone who gives balanced and helpful advice.

2. You’re comfortable with silence.

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Being at ease during quiet moments shows you don’t feel the need to fill every second with chatter. Your ability to enjoy companionable silence makes people feel relaxed around you. It also shows that you’re confident enough in social situations to not rely on constant conversation.

3. You remember small details about people.

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Recalling little things people have told you shows that you’re a good listener. This trait makes everyone around you feel valued and understood. It’s clear that you’re genuinely interested in the people around you, which is a key quality in being easy to get along with.

4. You’re quick to laugh, even at yourself.

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Having a good sense of humour, especially about your own quirks, makes you fun to be around. It shows you don’t take yourself too seriously and can find joy in everyday situations. Taking a more laid-back approach to life can be infectious, and it makes everyone else feel more relaxed and happy in your company.

5. You’re adaptable in different social settings.


Being able to comfortably interact with various groups shows you’re flexible and open-minded. Because you’re so adaptable, it makes you easy to include in different social situations. It also suggests you’re skilled at reading social cues and adjusting your behaviour accordingly.

6. You’re genuinely happy when good things happen to other people.

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Celebrating friends’ achievements without jealousy shows you’re secure in yourself — you’re not a hater. It makes you a supportive and positive presence in other people’s lives. It also proves that you have a generous spirit, which is highly valued in friendships and relationships.

7. You’re open to new experiences.

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Being willing to try new things makes you an exciting person to be around, especially because your openness suggests you’re curious and adventurous, traits that draw people to you. It also shows that you’re not set in your ways, making you more flexible and easier to make plans with.

8. You’re good at keeping secrets.

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Being trustworthy with personal information shows you respect people’s privacy. Your reliability makes people feel safe confiding in you because they know you value your relationships enough to protect the trust people place in you.

9. You don’t talk about people behind their backs.


Not gossiping or talking badly about people shows you’re respectful and kind. This trait makes people feel secure that you won’t badmouth them when they’re not around. It also proves that you prefer to focus on positives rather than negatives, which is a great quality in a friend or colleague.

10. You’re comfortable admitting when you’re wrong.

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Being able to acknowledge your mistakes shows humility and self-awareness, and that makes you approachable and relatable to other people. You’re more interested in learning and growing than in always being right, which makes talking to you a lot more pleasant and less confrontational.

11. You’re a good listener.

man and woman colleagues at tableSource: Unsplash

Giving people your full attention when they speak shows you value their thoughts and feelings. As a result, people feel heard and understood in your presence. This is because you’re genuinely interested in people and what makes them tick, and that’s pretty rare.

12. You’re respectful of other people’s boundaries.

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Understanding and honouring personal boundaries shows emotional intelligence. Such a high level of respect makes people feel comfortable and safe around you because it shows that you’re considerate of other people’s needs and preferences.

13. You’re generous with your time and resources.

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Being willing to help people when you can shows you’re kind and supportive, and this generosity makes you a valued friend and colleague. It also suggests that you understand the importance of give-and-take in relationships, which means you end up in way less one-sided situations.

14. You don’t take yourself too seriously.

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Being able to laugh at yourself and your mistakes shows you’re down-to-earth, and that makes you approachable and relatable. It also indicates that you’re comfortable with your imperfections, which can help people feel more at ease about their own.

15. You’re emotionally stable.

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Maintaining a relatively even mood makes you a calming presence. Your stability means people know what to expect from you, which is comforting. It also proves that you’re able to handle stress and challenges without taking it out on those around you.

16. You show genuine interest in other people’s lives.

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Asking thoughtful questions and remembering details shows you care about other people. This interest makes people feel valued and appreciated in your company. You clearly view relationships as two-way streets, where both people contribute to and benefit from the connection, and that’s a good thing.