Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

There aren’t many of them out there, admittedly, but some people just radiate goodness.

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They’re kind, generous, considerate, and they truly see the best in everyone. If this sounds like you, congrats — you’re one of a rare breed with a truly pure heart. Here’s how you know this describes you to a T.

1. You’re genuinely happy for other people’s wins without a hint of jealousy.

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When your friend gets that promotion or your sibling buys their dream house, you’re genuinely thrilled for them. You don’t waste time comparing their achievements to your own or feeling envious. Instead, you’re the first to congratulate them and mean it wholeheartedly.

2. You can put other people’s needs before your own without expecting anything in return.

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You’re the person who gives up your seat on the bus without hesitation, or stays late to help a colleague finish a project. It’s not about being a martyr; you simply find joy in helping people and don’t keep score of your good deeds.

3. You’re quick to forgive and rarely hold grudges.

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When someone wrongs you, you might feel hurt, but you don’t let that pain fester. You understand that people make mistakes, and you’re willing to give second chances. Holding grudges feels unnatural to you; you’d rather clear the air and move on.

4. You see the best in people, even when no one else does.

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You have a knack for spotting the good in people, even when it’s not immediately obvious. You’re often the one defending the underdog or giving someone the benefit of the doubt. This doesn’t mean you’re naive; you just choose to focus on people’s potential rather than their flaws.

5. You’re honest, even when it’s not in your best interest.

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Lying or deceiving people makes you uncomfortable, even if it would make your life easier. You value integrity and would rather face the consequences of the truth than live with the guilt of a lie. This doesn’t mean you’re brutally honest; you still consider other people’s feelings when speaking your truth.

6. You’re drawn to nature and feel a deep connection to living things.

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Whether it’s tending to your garden, caring for animals, or simply enjoying a walk in the park, you find peace in nature. You’re likely to be the person who rescues spiders from the bathtub or goes out of your way to water a neglected plant.

7. You’re genuinely interested in other people’s stories and perspectives.

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When you ask “How are you?” you actually want to hear the answer. You’re curious about people’s lives and viewpoints, even when they differ greatly from your own. You listen without judgement and often find yourself learning from every conversation.

8. You feel people’s pain deeply and are compelled to help.

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You’re highly empathetic, often feeling other people’s emotions as if they were your own. When you see someone suffering, whether it’s a friend going through a breakup or a stranger struggling with heavy shopping bags, you feel an urge to help in any way you can.

9. You find joy in simple pleasures and express gratitude often.

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You don’t need grand gestures or expensive things to be happy. You appreciate the little things — an adorable animal video down your Instagram feed, a delicious meal, or even a rerun of your favourite comfort show. You’re quick to express thanks, not out of obligation, but because you genuinely feel grateful for the good in your life.

10. You’re not afraid to stand up for what’s right, even if you stand alone.

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When you witness injustice or cruelty, you speak up, even if it’s uncomfortable or unpopular. You have a strong moral compass, and you’re willing to defend your values, not out of self-righteousness, but because you believe in doing what’s right.

11. You give people the benefit of the doubt and assume good intentions.

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When someone does something that could be interpreted negatively, you tend to assume the best. You understand that people are complex and that actions can be misinterpreted. This doesn’t mean you’re a pushover; you’re just inclined to believe in people’s goodness until proven otherwise.

12. You’re humble about your achievements and quick to share credit.

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When you succeed, you don’t feel the need to broadcast it. You’re more likely to downplay your role and highlight what other people bring to the table. You understand that most achievements are a team effort, and you’re uncomfortable with taking all the glory.

13. You find it easy to apologise and admit when you’re wrong.

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Nobody’s perfect, and you’re the first to acknowledge your mistakes. You don’t see apologising as a sign of weakness, but as a necessary step in maintaining healthy relationships. When you realise you’re wrong, you own up to it without making excuses.

14. You’re patient with people, especially when they’re learning or struggling.

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Whether you’re teaching a new skill or dealing with someone who’s having a bad day, you’re able to remain calm and understanding. You remember your own struggles and are willing to give other people the time and space they need to grow or overcome challenges.

15. You’re genuinely happy with what you have and don’t constantly crave more.

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While you might have goals and ambitions, you’re not driven by an insatiable desire for more. You find contentment in your current circumstances, appreciating what you have rather than focusing on what you lack. This doesn’t mean you’re complacent, just that your happiness isn’t dependent on external acquisitions.

16. You strive to leave every situation and person better than you found them.

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Whether it’s picking up litter in a park or offering a kind word to a stressed cashier, you try to make a positive impact wherever you go. It’s not about grand gestures; it’s the small, everyday actions that show you care about making the world a little bit better, one interaction at a time.

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