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You shouldn’t expect much from a relationship with a narcissist — let’s start there.

However, sometimes you don’t realise what you’re dealing with until it’s too late and you’re already in too deep. Obviously, they may have some redeeming qualities, but there are some pretty serious limitations when it comes to what you should expect from them. Here are some things a narcissist will never, ever do for you, no matter how much you might wish they would.

1. They won’t genuinely apologise.

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Sure, they might utter the words “I’m sorry,” but it’s usually followed by a “but” or a subtle shift of blame back onto you. A narcissist’s apology is rarely sincere or accompanied by a genuine desire to change their behaviour. It’s more of a tactic to appease you temporarily, to keep you hooked, and to avoid any real accountability for their actions.

2. They won’t prioritise your needs or feelings.

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In a narcissist’s world, their needs and desires always come first. They might feign concern or interest in your well-being, but their actions will often reveal their true priorities. They’ll rarely go out of their way to make you happy or to accommodate your needs unless it serves their own agenda. It’s like trying to fill a bottomless pit – your efforts will never be enough to satisfy their insatiable need for attention and validation.

3. They won’t validate your emotions or experiences.

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If you express your feelings, especially those of hurt or anger, a narcissist is likely to dismiss them or invalidate them altogether. They might tell you that you’re being too sensitive, overreacting, or that your feelings are simply wrong. This can leave you feeling confused, gaslighted, and doubting your own reality. It’s like trying to hold water in your hands – their lack of empathy and validation makes your emotions slip through their fingers, leaving you feeling empty and alone.

4. They won’t respect your boundaries.

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Narcissists see boundaries as a challenge, an obstacle to be overcome in their quest for control. They might ignore your requests, push your limits, or even try to manipulate you into doing things you’re not comfortable with. It’s like having a fence around your garden that they constantly try to climb over or break down. They simply don’t respect your personal space or your right to say no.

5. They won’t take responsibility for their actions.

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A narcissist will rarely admit fault or take ownership of their mistakes. They’re masters of deflection and blame-shifting, always finding someone or something else to blame for their shortcomings. It’s like trying to catch a slippery fish – they’ll wriggle out of any accountability, leaving you feeling frustrated and powerless.

6. They won’t put your needs before their own.

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In a relationship with a narcissist, you’ll often find yourself sacrificing your own needs and desires to accommodate theirs. They might expect you to be constantly available, to cater to their whims, or to put their needs above your own. It’s a one-sided dynamic where their needs are always paramount, and yours are often overlooked or dismissed.

7. They won’t celebrate your successes or achievements.

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Narcissists always, always feel threatened by other people’s accomplishments, as it challenges their own sense of superiority. They’ll brush off or downplay your achievements, try to take credit for your success, or even sabotage your efforts. It’s like trying to shine a light in a dark room – they’ll do their best to dim your brilliance and keep the focus on themselves.

8. They won’t offer genuine support or encouragement.

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While they might offer superficial praise or empty compliments, a narcissist is unlikely to provide genuine support or encouragement. They might even try to undermine your confidence or discourage you from pursuing your goals. It’s like trying to build a house on quicksand – their lack of support leaves you feeling unstable and unsure of yourself.

9. They won’t let you have a voice or opinion.


Narcissists crave control and often see themselves as the authority on everything. They might dismiss your opinions, talk over you, or interrupt you constantly. They might even try to gaslight you into believing that your thoughts and feelings are invalid. It’s like trying to speak into a void  — our voice is silenced, and your perspective is ignored.

10. They won’t be genuinely happy for you.

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If something good happens to you, a narcissist might feign happiness, but deep down, they’re likely to feel envious or resentful. They might try to downplay your accomplishments or find ways to make it about them. It’s like trying to share a joyful moment with a black hole — their negativity sucks the happiness out of the room.

11. They won’t compromise or negotiate.

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Narcissists see compromise as a sign of weakness. They want things their way, and they’re not willing to budge. They might try to manipulate or coerce you into giving in to their demands. It’s like playing a game of chess, where they always have to win, even if it means cheating or breaking the rules.

12. They won’t admit when they’re wrong.

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A narcissist’s ego is fragile, and admitting fault is simply not an option. They’ll twist the facts, shift the blame, or even deny reality altogether to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. It’s like trying to reason with a brick wall — their stubbornness and refusal to acknowledge their mistakes can be incredibly frustrating and exhausting.

13. They won’t change for you, no matter how much you love them.

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Narcissists are deeply ingrained in their patterns of behaviour. They might promise to change, but their actions rarely match their words. They might make temporary adjustments to appease you, but they’ll eventually revert to their old ways. It’s like trying to train a cat to fetch — it might happen once or twice, but it’s not in their nature.

14. They won’t love you unconditionally.

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A narcissist’s love is conditional, based on what you can do for them or how you make them feel. They might shower you with affection and attention when you’re meeting their needs, but withdraw or become critical when you’re not. It’s like a rollercoaster of love and rejection, leaving you feeling insecure and constantly seeking their approval.

15. They won’t put your needs above their own, even in a crisis.

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In a crisis, a narcissist’s true colours will shine through. They’ll prioritise their own needs and safety, even if it means leaving you to fend for yourself. They might even use the situation to manipulate or exploit you further. It’s like being on a sinking ship with a captain who only cares about saving themselves.

16. They won’t let go of grudges or forgive easily.

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Narcissists have a long memory for perceived slights and injustices. They hold grudges and rarely forgive, even for minor stuff that is really no big deal. They might use these past problems to justify their current behaviour or to manipulate you into feeling guilty or ashamed. It’s like carrying a heavy backpack full of rocks — they’ll never let go of the weight, even if it’s slowing them down.