16 Things Deeply Unkind People Don’t Think Twice About Saying

Some people never seem to have a kind word for anyone.

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The old adage “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” seems to have gone right over their heads, and they blurt out insensitive and even rude things just because they can. They don’t hesitate to hurt people’s feelings because they don’t really care if they do, which is why these phrases are so common in their daily vocabulary.

1. “Did you gain weight?”


They don’t think twice about pointing out changes in someone’s appearance, especially weight. It’s as if they believe they’re doing you a favour by mentioning it, without considering how hurtful it might be. Hearing that can really knock your confidence and make you feel self-conscious. It might even affect how you see yourself in the long run. Nobody needs that kind of negativity.

2. “You’re only successful because you got lucky.”

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Instead of acknowledging your hard work, they chalk up your achievements to pure luck or unfair advantages. It’s their way of downplaying what you’ve earned. That can make you feel like your efforts don’t matter, which is incredibly discouraging. It’s as if they can’t stand to see other people succeed. It takes the joy out of your accomplishments and can dampen your motivation.

3. “Can’t you take a joke?”

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They’ll make a snide comment at your expense, and then accuse you of being too sensitive when you don’t laugh. It’s a classic move to shift the blame and avoid taking responsibility for their hurtful words. You end up feeling invalidated and questioning whether you’re overreacting. In reality, they’re just deflecting from their own rudeness. No one should have to put up with that kind of behaviour.

4. “Everyone already knows your secret.”

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They spill your personal business and act like it’s no big deal. Sharing someone’s private matters without consent is a major breach of trust. It can lead to embarrassment and damaged relationships. You might feel exposed and vulnerable, wondering who else they’ve told. Trusting them again becomes really hard after that kind of betrayal.

5. “Just get over it already.”

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When you’re upset, they dismiss your feelings with a curt remark. There’s no empathy or understanding, just a clear message that they don’t want to deal with your emotions. It can make you feel isolated and unheard, like your feelings don’t matter at all. That kind of dismissal can really hurt, especially when you’re already feeling low. Everyone deserves to have their emotions acknowledged and respected.

6. “People like you always…”

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They make sweeping generalisations that stereotype and belittle. It’s a way to put you down while unfairly lumping you into a group, and these comments are offensive and demoralising. It can make you question yourself and feel marginalised. Nobody deserves to be judged based on stereotypes or assumptions.

7. “Actually…”

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They cut you off mid-sentence to correct you or impose their opinions. Listening isn’t on their agenda—they just want to prove they’re right. Conversations become frustrating and one-sided. You might feel disrespected and less inclined to share your thoughts. It’s hard to have a meaningful dialogue when you’re constantly being interrupted.

8. “You look good… for your age.”

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Backhanded compliments are their speciality. What seems like praise is actually a subtle jab. It’s confusing and leaves you questioning the sincerity of any compliment they give. Plus, it can make you self-conscious about something you hadn’t even worried about before. It’s a sneaky way to bring someone down while pretending to be nice.

9. “This is all your fault.”

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When things go wrong, they point the finger at everyone but themselves. Blaming other people is easier than owning up to their own mistakes. It creates a toxic environment where trust erodes. You might start doubting yourself, even when you know you’re not to blame. It’s unfair and damaging to relationships when responsibility isn’t shared.

10. “Should you be eating that?”

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They feel entitled to comment on your food choices, making you feel judged and self-conscious. It’s an unsolicited opinion that crosses personal boundaries and can affect your relationship with food. You might start second-guessing your choices or feel guilty about enjoying a meal. No one has the right to police what you eat or make you feel bad about it.

11. “Wow, that’s an… interesting idea.”

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With a sarcastic tone, they belittle your suggestions without offering constructive feedback. It discourages open communication and can stifle creativity and collaboration. You might feel hesitant to share ideas in the future. It’s demoralising when your contributions aren’t valued or are mocked. Everyone deserves to have their ideas heard and considered respectfully.

12. “You wouldn’t understand; it’s too complicated.”


They assume you’re not smart enough to grasp certain concepts, which is both condescending and dismissive. It shuts down dialogue and can make you feel inferior. It’s frustrating when someone underestimates your abilities without giving you a chance. Everyone deserves the opportunity to engage and learn.

13. “Don’t be so dramatic.”

Liubomyr Vorona

When you express your feelings or set boundaries, they accuse you of overreacting. It’s a tactic to invalidate your emotions and avoid addressing the real issue. You might start questioning your own reactions, wondering if you’re actually being unreasonable. But your feelings are valid, and dismissing them isn’t fair or helpful.

14. “Fine, do whatever you want.”

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Using passive-aggressive remarks, they express their displeasure without directly communicating what’s bothering them. It creates tension and leaves problems unresolved. You’re left guessing what’s really wrong, which is exhausting and unproductive. Clear communication would make things so much easier for everyone involved.

15. “You’re afraid of that? That’s ridiculous.”

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They mock your fears or anxieties, making light of things that genuinely distress you. It can deepen your insecurities and make you feel isolated. It’s hurtful when someone dismisses what genuinely worries you. Everyone has their own fears, and they should be respected, not ridiculed.

16. “You really should settle down/get a real job/have kids already.”


They offer unsolicited advice about your personal life choices, implying that they know what’s best for you. It’s intrusive and can make you feel pressured or inadequate. Your life decisions are yours to make, and you shouldn’t have to justify them to anyone. It’s frustrating when other people can’t respect that and try to impose their own expectations on you.

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