Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

Sure, everyone works differently, but some people are downright lazy, and that doesn’t go over well with those of us who pride ourselves on getting things done.

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People who put their head down and work through their to-do list don’t have a lot of time for those who will do everything but the things they’re supposed to, and the difference in attitude causes a major discord. Here are some of the worst things the workers among us can’t stand about the shirkers out there.

1. They tend to leave things unfinished, creating more work for other people.

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Hard-working people take pride in completing tasks. It’s incredibly frustrating when lazy colleagues consistently leave jobs half-done, forcing everyone else to pick up the slack. This not only creates more work but also disrupts the flow of projects and can lead to missed deadlines.

2. They make excuses instead of taking responsibility.

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Everyone goes through challenges, but hard-working people find ways to overcome them. It’s irritating when lazy people constantly have a litany of excuses for why they couldn’t finish their work, rather than owning up to their lack of effort and finding solutions.

3. They usually arrive late and leave early without making up the time.

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Punctuality and putting in a full day’s work matter to diligent people. It’s frustrating to see other people consistently rolling in late, taking long lunches, and sneaking out early, especially when they don’t make up the time or compensate with increased productivity.

4. They rely heavily on the people around them to cover for their shortcomings. - #1395165

Hard-working people value independence and personal responsibility. It’s annoying when lazy colleagues consistently rely on other people to explain things, finish their work, or cover for their mistakes, rather than putting in the effort to improve their own skills and knowledge.

5. They always complain about work without offering solutions.

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While everyone vents occasionally, constant complaining without any attempt to improve the situation is grating. Hard-working people prefer to focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems, and find it frustrating when people just whinge without contributing constructively.

6. They tend to procrastinate, causing stress for the whole team.

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Hard workers tend to plan ahead and pace themselves. It’s stressful when lazy team members consistently put things off until the last minute, creating a rush and potentially compromising the quality of the work. It can affect the entire team’s performance and morale.

7. They constantly use their phone or social media during work hours.

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While short breaks are normal, it’s irritating to see someone constantly scrolling through their phone or chatting on social media when there’s work to be done. Their lack of focus and commitment can be a major source of frustration for those who take their work seriously.

8. They take credit for work they didn’t do.

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Nothing riles up a hard-working person more than seeing a lazy colleague take credit for someone else’s efforts. This behaviour not only is dishonest but also undermines the contributions of those who actually put in the work.

9. They always ask for help without trying to figure things out themselves.

Source: Unsplash

While teamwork is important, constantly asking for help without first attempting to solve problems independently can be exasperating. Hard-working people value initiative and find it frustrating when people don’t even try to figure things out on their own before asking for help.

10. They usually produce subpar work, expecting other people to fix it.

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Hard workers take pride in producing quality results. It’s infuriating when lazy colleagues consistently submit sloppy or incomplete work, assuming someone else will polish it up. This not only creates more work but also shows a lack of pride and responsibility.

11. They tend to avoid challenging tasks, cherry-picking the easiest jobs.

colleagues standing around in officeSource: Unsplash

Hard-working people embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. It’s frustrating to see people consistently avoiding tough tasks, leaving the more complex or time-consuming jobs for their colleagues. This behaviour can create an unfair distribution of work and resentment within the team.

12. They regularly miss deadlines without communicating or showing concern.

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Punctuality and reliability are important to hard workers. It’s aggravating when lazy people consistently miss deadlines without giving any notice or showing genuine concern about the impact on the team or project. Their lack of consideration can disrupt entire workflows and schedules.

13. They waste so much time during work hours.

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While everyone needs short breaks, it’s frustrating to see colleagues consistently engaged in non-work activities during work hours. Whether it’s extended personal calls, unnecessary meetings, or aimless chatting, these behaviours can be a major source of irritation for those focused on getting things done.

14. They lack initiative and wait around to be told what to do.

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Hard-working people appreciate proactivity and self-motivation. It’s exasperating when lazy colleagues constantly need to be prompted or micromanaged, showing no initiative to start tasks or identify work that needs to be done. Their passive approach can significantly slow down productivity and create extra work for managers and team leaders.

15. They tend to be resistant to change or new processes that might require effort.

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Diligent workers see change as an opportunity for improvement and are willing to put in the effort to adapt. It’s frustrating when lazy people resist new processes or technologies simply because they require learning or extra work, even if these changes could improve efficiency in the long run.

16. They create a negative atmosphere with their lack of enthusiasm.

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Hard-working people usually bring energy and positivity to their work. It’s draining to be around colleagues who consistently display a lack of enthusiasm or commitment. Their bad attitude can be contagious, potentially bringing down the morale and productivity of the entire team.

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